
It is interesting to note that when there are disagreements people resort to class warfare on both sides of the aisle. “Out of touch with the common man”, “elitist”, “country club crowd”, for a second there I thought I was reading comments by Bernie Sanders.

BTW, Trump lives at a country club he owns. :unsure:
It is interesting to note that when there are disagreements people resort to class warfare on both sides of the aisle. “Out of touch with the common man”, “elitist”, “country club crowd”, for a second there I thought I was reading comments by Bernie Sanders.

BTW, Trump lives at a country club he owns. :unsure:

Oh good grief, now you’re resorting to facts!
Yah. well just tell your hard-hat buddies how it's ok to spend $80/lb for rib-eyes because your stocks are doing so great and see if THEY think you're a bit out of touch.
Better stick to hunting and fishing.
"Gee boss, tell us again how you spent 2/3 of my yearly salary to go shoot an elephant you didn't eat a bite of but it's OK because you gave it to the black-fellas".
They think you're an ass-hat.
Unfortunately....I believe executive orders accelerated on both sides as Congress relinquished their responsibility to make decisions and pass laws.


I may be overdoing it but it seems to me people are starting to view the president's position as that of a monarchy. Like the other branches of government don't matter.
Worse, too many people EXPECT the government (and seemingly the president) to solve their issues for them and protect them and run their lives generally.

The irony of a nation that fought to get rid of being under the thumb of a monarchy seemingly stumbling blindly back to its chains.

I hate the state of the union speeches. It's like a monarchy addressing their subjects.
Angry old white guys.. You sound like CNN. I should think that a comment like that would be beneath a person of your stature. I would imagine you would likely call someone out over a comment like that if it were targeted at you but it’s perfectly reasonable for you to do the same since there’s an easy target involved? I’ve noticed over time that you’ve got quite the habit of that.

You’re an old white guy yourself and there are plenty of other demographics that are unhappy but not necessarily calling for the burning down of anything. That said, sometimes I think you’d be perfectly content with letting it burn down so you can stand over the ashes and say “What a shame.” Your derisive and dismissive attitude

It may be age related repetition but your bringing up your parents on occasion doesn’t really do you any favors. Talk about breeding? There’s some truth to it but minus elaboration it just comes off as elitist. Your dad was an academic, your mom said the above, you were a college educated officer for decades followed by an executive position in the defense industry then you retired to a “gentleman’s ranch” in the Texas Hill Country. Add all that up and you get someone who is out of touch with the majority of Americans.

The more time that goes on the more I think that you don’t have any more in common with the common man than @Tanks does because no matter what you say in your defense, your posts speak for themselves and they tell a different tale.
I was trying to type on my phone and you deserve a more complete response. If you have already blocked my texts, then no harm no foul.

Yes, I am an older white guy - 72 as of yesterday. If nothing else I can recognize another one when I see or read one. The majority of the angry comments about the world is ending, communists are taking over the government, everyone in congress is a criminal swamp monster, or whatever are indeed from what Rush would have called the angry seasoned citizens class. If I have mischaracterized someone then please raise your demographic hand.

I made a comment in jest about my mother and breeding. Though, I would admit, she was a tenth generation proud South Carolinian and would have meant it. If that offended or "triggered" anyone, I would suggest you will find a sympathetic shoulder over on MSNBC. My father was indeed an academic (and a poorly paid one in those days) and counted among his friends and colleagues the aforementioned Steve Ambrose, Shelby Foote, and T. Harry Williams. He and they gave me a lifelong appreciation of history. I only mention them because it is often useful, perhaps even imperative, that we take the time to reflect on almost everything through the prism of history. That is, in my humble opinion, rather rare here. I feel motivated to provide it from time to time. If you don't like it, don't read it.

I don't think I am particularly moved by your perception of my understanding of the "majority" of Americans. I am indeed educated, and have been successful in two careers that provided me with a broad perspective of a number of national and international issues. I was also a pretty good duck guide for four years. I served with soldiers from every economic and social condition in this country. Over 1200 employees reported to me in corporate America. I suspect I have a better feel for the working class across a broad political spectrum than many here.

With respect to that, I would urge you to reflect on the fact that the people you refer to as the "majority" of Americans, about whom you assume I know nothing and about which you seem to believe you have a perfect understanding, make up only roughly 50% of the electorate - of all classes. In other words, half the country absolutely rejects everything about which you and most others here are complaining. I would suggest we would all benefit by thinking on that for a bit.

Contributors regularly post nonfactual information in this thread on issues about which I have some actual experience. I am sure it is annoying when I throw a BS flag on such assertions. But someone should. On other issues, I have opinions which I am careful to identify as such and am happy to defend. Often that seems to put me at odds with the mutual cheering community here. I am happy to live with that.

It is I think representative of the conservative movement today, that many here are more concerned about the purity of someone else who considers themself both a republican and a conservative, than our opponents in the other party.
It is interesting to note that when there are disagreements people resort to class warfare on both sides of the aisle. “Out of touch with the common man”, “elitist”, “country club crowd”, for a second there I thought I was reading comments by Bernie Sanders.

BTW, Trump lives at a country club he owns. :unsure:
I find it rather difficult to discern anti-elitism from anti-intellectualism.
Western North Carolina sure looks to be hurting with no real help yet from the Governor or Federal Government. Wonder if the response would be better if 20,000 Haitians had been relocated there.
I find it rather difficult to discern anti-elitism from anti-intellectualism.
"Pointy headed intellectuals" George Wallace, 1972
Western VA is in rough shape in a few places as well…
Western VA is in rough shape in a few places as well…

Yep. So are parts of western SC and eastern TN.

Asheville is a bright blue spot in a sea of red. If they are ignored too long by a blue governor it might be a sore spot come November.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?