
Fifties are the new Twenties. Many restaurants in our small towns charge extra for using credit cards because of the fees. Seriously, when going out to eat fifties seem to spend like twenties did just 4 years ago.
I'm from rural Kansas, and still prefer to spend my time in small towns whenever possible. I'm a dinosaur in my generation, as there is always cash in my wallet. As you say, it is much preferred in small towns, but also just a concept in my relic mind that a person should always have "just in case" cash on hand.
If past is prologue. And I have no reason to believe our empire will end any differently than the dozens of others that collapsed in the past.

“While external threats like invasions certainly played a role in the fall of great empires, most historians agree that internal political-instability and economic issues were usually the primary factors that weakened empires from within, making them more vulnerable to external forces;
therefore, the answer is largely "internal politics."

Key points to consider:

Power struggles, corruption within the ruling class, and civil wars often eroded central authority, leaving an empire weak and unable to respond effectively to
external threats.

Example: The fall of the Western Roman Empire is often attributed to a combination of internal political turmoil, economic problems, and military weakness, which allowed barbarian tribes to successfully invade and dismantle the empire.”

So in the long run. We will crumble internally not from an external threat as is the usual concern of politicians. The political class has also used distraction as a way to humble and quiet the peasants.

Today they use division (racial, ethnic, economic class, and the newest, sexual orientation) instead of the Roman Circus.

But the results will be the same. Internal, self inflicted wounds will be the end of our empire. Not Russia. Not China, no one but ourselves.
I went through my Amazon purchases for the last 8 years. 24 3oz can of cat food was $35.76 on Jan. 2017, $35.76 on Jan. 2021 and $37.99 today. Price on a lot of items have not changed much over the yeyears.
I did a similar Amazon purchase audit and found Iams dog food was purchased price of $28.96 for 30# in March 2018. In August 2021 it was $31.64.

Today it's $46.98! Price on most items have skyrocketed over the past 3.5 years.
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If you haven’t seen the first solo Harris interview.
It exposes exactly what many of us fear.

This video is very hard to find. Social media has all but scrubbed it completely.

You will need to get to 3/4 of the way through the Jesse Waters video to watch her explaining her plan to lower prices. “People are proud of their lawns”

I picture our enemies watching this. Or her in negotiations with Iran, North Korea, Russia, the Taliban. Hamas

I grew up in a community of hard-working people, you know, construction workers and nurses and teachers. And I try to explain to some people who may not have had the same experience. You know, a lot of people will relate to this.

Kamala Harris talks with Philadelphia anchor

Vice President Kamala Harris and her response to a question about how she'd bring down prices in an interview

"You know, I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn," she continued. "And I was raised to believe and to know that all people deserve dignity, and that we as Americans have a beautiful character. You know, we have ambitions and aspirations and dreams, but not everyone necessarily has access to the resources that can help them fuel those dreams and ambitions.
No one I know in Texas is planning to leave the Union.
There are T Shirts that say something to the effect of "I'm a Patriotic American, until Texas seceeds from the Union. "

But it will not happen. And Texas is not the Red stronghold I would like it to be. Places like Oklahoma, Wyoming and the Dakota's are much more firmly Conservative.
There are T Shirts that say something to the effect of "I'm a Patriotic American, until Texas seceeds from the Union. "

But it will not happen. And Texas is not the Red stronghold I would like it to be. Places like Oklahoma, Wyoming and the Dakota's are much more firmly Conservative.
Remove Austin, Houston, and Dallas to find an extremely red state. But those huge population hubs swing it to maroon and working on purple.

Kinda like this:
Unfortunately Texas is similar to many previously Red states. It attracts businesses and citizens with them. Transplants. Transplanted cultures and political beliefs.

If I had to bet. At the speed Texas urban areas are growing. You can’t extrapolate today’s growth numbers 10 years out. It’s more like exponential in political growth.

The more liberals in Austin pitching free stuff begets more internal Texas born liberals.

I would wager Texas will be firmly Blue in 10 years. I hope I’m wrong.

I’m betting Wyoming and North Dakota will be the last holdouts. The Teton Region is chiefly non residents and vacation homes.
I used to carry a $100 bill folded in an obscure corner of my billfold for "just-in-case".
Now I carry 3.
a former teacher of mine gave every boy in our class a money clip upon graduation. I have always liked having cash at hand.
Remove Austin, Houston, and Dallas to find an extremely red state. But those huge population hubs swing it to maroon and working on purple.

Kinda like this:
View attachment 634080
Well yes. But that is the problem with this whole separation nonsense. States, even red ones, don't have pure voter rolls or results - blue or red. They are a mixture of urban, suburban, and rural voters. From a population perspective, most voters are geographically concentrated regardless of party affiliation.

This is the typical red/blue map that republicans like to point to when talking about the left and right coasts and "red America." However it gives a really false impression from an actual population perspective.


This is red and blue America based upon population. It is important to remember that land does not vote - people do. This map still only shows winning vote totals. Were this map further divided by a purple color, the blending would be even more dramatic.

There are T Shirts that say something to the effect of "I'm a Patriotic American, until Texas seceeds from the Union. "

But it will not happen. And Texas is not the Red stronghold I would like it to be. Places like Oklahoma, Wyoming and the Dakota's are much more firmly Conservative.
I’m going to make the unpleasant prediction that Oklahoma will be purple in 5-10 years. Emigration of blue state refugees that are fiscally conservative but liberal on social issues, along with all the marijuana related emigration since it’s legalization for “medicinal” purposes a while back have changed things pretty drastically.

I’d also say that Oklahoma has been much more libertarian than strictly conservative. I imagine pot will be made legal for recreational use in the next 4-5 years. This will only serve to exacerbate the breakdown in society and speed the march to purple-hood.

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