
I believe at this point I will be voting for the loser of the POTUS election.

I stopped even contemplating this. My wife and I decided we will go, vote, and call it a day. At this point, with 2 young kids, a business I own, and seeing the world crumble around us, I can't afford anymore anxiety in my life. That's why I won't watch anymore debates, either. It just makes me anxious and angry, and like I said...I'm not "obsessed" with Trump either. He's my candidate. I own it, and we are backing our guy. He's not perfect, but he's what this country and the world needs.
This is a purely subjective observation, but there is relatively little public display of Harris support in deepest bluest Austin. When Hillary ran, every other house, car, or boutique seemed to have one of her signs or stickers. I doubt the anti-Trump bias is any less, but enthusiasm for Harris seems somewhat muted.
Thanks for these observations! Gives me more hope that we may have a 2016 type presidential election, and I'm even holding some hope that Republicans really do have a Red Wave this time.

I avoid Austin as much as possible and have so far succeeded in never getting off the freeway anywhere near it;)
I was wondering where Trump got the idea that pushing migrants eating pets was a good idea when there were many more examples of issues with migrants like draining of resources, crime etc.
She helped him with debate prep and is part of his entourage now. Even MTG thinks she is a far right loon. Trump is really working hard to lose this election.

I was wondering where Trump got the idea that pushing migrants eating pets was a good idea when there were many more examples of issues with migrants like draining of resources, crime etc.
She helped him with debate prep and is part of his entourage now. Even MTG thinks she is a far right loon. Trump is really working hard to lose this election.

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Where are you getting information that Lara Loomer was part of debate prep?

Everything I read and have seen is he pulled in Matt Geatz, Tulsi Gabbard, and Phillipe Reines (he played Harris in all practice debates).. and that those 3 people were who were leaned on.. No one else played any material role to speak of..

Trump was very public about saying he actually didnt need to do a whole lot of prep and didnt intend on it...

Chris Christie, who helped Trump prep for debates in 2016 after he dropped out, and in 2020, volunteered his services to Trump for this debate.. Trump politely declined.. and Christie has gone on the record saying that Trump advised him that he didnt need to prep much for the debate or need many people involved, because he had already gone through the process during the previous 2 cycles..

She did arrive, on his plane, in Philly prior to the debate along with a couple of dozen other supporters.. most of whom were there to support him, and had nothing to do with debate prep..

On the 11th (2 days ago) she was directly asked by a reporter if she was part of the campaign or on Trump payroll, and she definitively stated she was not.. she was simply invited to the event and chose to attend...

Naturally the Washington Post, CNN, etc are trying to have a field day with her appearing at the same place at the same time as Trump... but who on this forum actually trusts the MSM and thinks they arent intentionally trying to forward an agenda that is left leaning?

I think Loomer is a loony tune myself... and I personally wouldnt want her leaching onto my presence if I were running for public office...

But.. If people on the lunatic fringes are a concern.. why isnt the MSM talking about Harris relationships with countless members of the extreme far left?

is it because she was deemed the most liberal person in congress when she was a sitting senator? and its just expected that all of her friends are extremists?

wouldnt the same apply to Trump and the MAGA camp? (a known hard right wing leader hanging around extreme hard right people is a problem? but an extreme leftist hanging out with extreme leftists isnt?)..

its pretty clear that this is much ado about nothing, and the MSM trying whatever they can to continue to play the Orange Man Bad game.. while they conveniently ignore the exact same behaviors and activities on the other side of the aisle..

I guess that sells clicks and viewership... so.. thats what they'll continue to do..
its pretty clear that this is much ado about nothing, and the MSM trying whatever they can to continue to play the Orange Man Bad game.. while they conveniently ignore the exact same behaviors and activities on the other side of the aisle..
There is not much time left until the election. So, no reason to give MSM more ammo to focus on trivial stuff. I wonder how many news cycles have been wasted on frivolous stuff like cat ladies, migrants eating pets etc., etc..

Of course, the biggest time sink of all, the "stolen" 2020 election.
There is not much time left until the election. So, no reason to give MSM more ammo to focus on trivial stuff. I wonder how many news cycles have been wasted on frivolous stuff like cat ladies, migrants eating pets etc., etc..

Of course, the biggest time sink of all, the "stolen" 2020 election.

I dont disagree...

Im just saying theyre going to make ammunition out of anything... Trump being Trump is all they need...

Its people responding to the MSM's BS rather than recognizing it for the BS it is that is the problem...

Harris could spend a weekend smoking weed with Bill Ayers and Bernie Sanders.. then sign a decree the next morning saying she is going to make possession of a single pot seed a felony.. and you couldnt get MSNBC to talk about it..

But Laura Loomer shows up at the debate.. and thats what MSNBC thinks is the most important story to run for the day?
There is not much time left until the election. So, no reason to give MSM more ammo to focus on trivial stuff. I wonder how many news cycles have been wasted on frivolous stuff like cat ladies, migrants eating pets etc., etc..

Of course, the biggest time sink of all, the "stolen" 2020 election.
It really doesn't matter a whole lot.

Trump was heavily criticized early in 2020 just for wanting to block air traffic from China. Then he was heavily criticized for not shutting stuff down when it looked like the epidemic was going to be way worse than it turned out to be.

Same with the vaccine. It was terrible until the dems took control, then all of a sudden it was going to be mandatory.

Trump does X...he gets criticized for doing. But when dems do X, they're roundly praised.

Trump does !X...he gets criticized for not doing. But when dems do !X, they're praised.
There is not much time left until the election. So, no reason to give MSM more ammo to focus on trivial stuff. I wonder how many news cycles have been wasted on frivolous stuff like cat ladies, migrants eating pets etc., etc..

Of course, the biggest time sink of all, the "stolen" 2020 election.

If it’s trivial (which it of course is) then stop talking about it. Not all clickbait is on the borders of the webpage.
I usually don’t chime in on this tread, but this election scares the hell out of me. I’m not a Trump fan but thought he did a decent job during his first term and would be a heck of a lot better than Cackling Kamala.
During the debate, Trump made a lot of mistakes but IMO his biggest was on the first question to Harris: Are people better off now than they were 4 yrs ago?”. She spouted some memorized plan. I also noticed some nervousness in her voice. When Trump rebutted, he said things that were true, but he didn’t nail her to the wall.
He should have said something to the effect of: You didn’t answer the question. Why? Because you can’t answer in the affirmative. Grocery prices are up over 20%. Fuel over 30%. Housing, insurance and everything else thru the roof. Interest rates are high. Credit card debt is at an all time high. Our number one ally in the Middle East was attacked and one of our top adversaries invaded Ukraine. We have a President, whom you and your party said is up to the job, obviously isn’t. You say your administration has everything under control, yet you state you need to change things. You and Joe have screwed things up and I’m going to fix them.
That would have slammed the door on her for the rest of the night.

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