
Imho the problem with society, is political correctness, and everyone has to be a winner. Losing builds character and provides learning opportunities, to understand where you need to improve. What is wrong with letting someone know that they did something stupid/wrong and someone else noticed. This indoctrinated need to have everything painless and free is what is killing society. A couple of my favourite sayings were, your feet aren’t nailed to the floor, and they will never fire you for doing it the hard way. I had many jobs as a young man always looking to improve myself. I also was given a lot of opportunities because I worked hard and people noticed that as well. Journeymen would let you do things to see what you were made of, then show you an easier way, if there was one. I also learned to listen to everyone, sometimes experience from somewhere else, other trade, will make your life easier in ways you never thought of.
Maybe. She’s excellent on several issues and I hope she finds a place in a future Trump administration, but if you voted for Obamacare (she did) and have an F- rating from the NRA (she does), I don’t have much use for you on the top of the ticket.
I think the point was that by picking a VP who appeals to the same base of voters, a candidate does not improve their chances of being elected. However if they had gone outside their own base and choose a VP who appeals to a subset of voters the candidate does not appeal to, such a move could greatly improve the odds of that candidate being elected President. His/her base may not like that choice, but they are secured votes anyway.

Trump will do us nor the Country any good if he doesn't win the election.

I do suspect Gabbard has moved a bit more right and could be a great advocate fighting the Deep State after her airport experiences;)
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Yea I think the Vance pick was a poor choice with Biden running but with Kamala running it’s gone from a poor choice to a terrible, awful, horrible choice. Very short sighted and unimaginative. How could they not have foreseen Biden dropping out? Even entertaining that thought should’ve led to a different VP pick. Not that it should’ve been a woman as I think either P or VP is a man’s job
As to price fixing to prevent gouging, it can work both ways and often does with negative results. Gray-out Davis learned that lesson the hard way in California when he froze energy prices at a certain level only to find out within a short time costs started to fall and the state had to continue buying energy at the much higher, locked-in contract price. Simple economics really. Or increasing the minimum wage tends to hurt the people most who the politicians most pander to for votes. Higher dictated absolutes of minimum wages will result in more businesses going out of business, reluctance to start or expand business, lay-offs, fewer workers and higher costs for everyone.
There is no such thing as "price gouging." It is literally a made-up concept by marxists and you would do well to extirpate it from your vocabulary. Left free to do its thing, the market will bring prices to a balance point between supply and demand.
There is no such thing as "price gouging." It is literally a made-up concept by marxists and you would do well to extirpate it from your vocabulary. Left free to do its thing, the market will bring prices to a balance point between supply and demand.
An area in which “price gouging” can hurt is through state-granted monopolies, such as utilities, but that supports your overall point about deleterious market interventions.
Yea I think the Vance pick was a poor choice with Biden running but with Kamala running it’s gone from a poor choice to a terrible, awful, horrible choice. Very short sighted and unimaginative. How could they not have foreseen Biden dropping out? Even entertaining that thought should’ve led to a different VP pick. Not that it should’ve been a woman as I think either P or VP is a man’s job
Also, I may be misremembering here, didn’t they say Don Jr. and possibly others convinced him to pick Vance at the last minute? If so that’s an even dumber decision and decision making process. Trump probably ignored a myriad of competent advisors to make that bad decision.

I hope I’m proven wrong in all this.
Not that it should’ve been a woman as I think either P or VP is a man’s job
May I ask why? I have worked with many women who are vastly more competent than just about any politician you care to name. At this point, I just crave competence from our leaders.
Only in the Russian way of command :rolleyes: ....... Apparently the little despot cowering behind the walls of the Kremlin is looking for people to blame for a now estimated quarter of a million civilian Russian refugees fleeing Kursk, and as many as a thousand Russian troops taken prisoner.

It would seem Gerasimov (overall in charge of the SMO) has been relieved of his duties for the defense of Kursk, and those have been given to one Aleksey Dyumin who is a former trusted Bodyguard and enforcer for Putin (same career path as the late unlamented Prigozhin).

I have my doubts about his military leadership acumen, but I suspect he has great familiarity with the employment of fourth-story windows. Truly a medieval government.

Yea I think the Vance pick was a poor choice with Biden running but with Kamala running it’s gone from a poor choice to a terrible, awful, horrible choice. Very short sighted and unimaginative. How could they not have foreseen Biden dropping out? Even entertaining that thought should’ve led to a different VP pick. Not that it should’ve been a woman as I think either P or VP is a man’s job
The only author for which I stood in a lengthy line to have an autobiography signed was named Margaret Thatcher. I also wanted to tell her thank you. I would vote for someone like her in an instant. I should also note, I supported Nikki Haley, and am convinced she would be a far superior campaigner and president than Donald Trump.
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The only author for which I stood in a lengthy line to have an autobiography signed was named Margaret Thatcher. I also wanted to tell her thank you. I would vote for someone like her in an instant. I should also note, I supported Nikki Haley, and am convinced she would be a far superior president than Donald Trump.

100%..it is beyond me that Nikki Haley did not prevail better..
Tim Scott would have been a better V.P running mate. The Trump team makes too many costly mistakes.

Trump pissed off the Auto workers union during his X interview with Musk. They are now up in arms.

The man doesn't know how to control his pie hole.
An area in which “price gouging” can hurt is through state-granted monopolies, such as utilities, but that supports your overall point about deleterious market interventions.
Precisely. Government involvement in any market distorts price signals.

Look no further than obtaining a cab medallion in NYC. Nominally, they're only $10K. In reality, NYC's livery department won't issue any more than they've already issued. The actual price to get a cab medallion is in the millions.

Every cab company charges the exact same price as dictated by NYC gov't diktat. If the cab companies did this without gov't sanction, we'd call it anti-competitive price-fixing. That's illegal pretty much everywhere in the US. Except when the government, at whatever level, authorizes it.
The only author for which I stood in a lengthy line to have an autobiography signed was named Margaret Thatcher. I also wanted to tell her thank you. I would vote for someone like her in an instant. I should also note, I supported Nikki Haley, and am convinced she would be a far superior campaigner and president than Donald Trump.

I totally agree. The world was a better place with Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan calling the shots. Just ask Argentina about the Iron Maiden!!!
Russia is now deploying troops from the Kaliningrad enclave to the Kursk area according to western sources..also from occupied southern Ukraine..

Perhaps the Bundeswehr should start digging out those old maps of Konigsberg. :cool:
I believe she has been red-pilled on the 2A. I'm not sure what the NRA would rate her today, but she isn't the same person on that issue that she was when she was in congress.

I don’t. She will be back to anti 2nd the day after the election win or lose.

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