I'm Angry because people who are willing to work are not making a sustainable income from one employer to provide for their family.
But this isn't new. Back in the day when a couple got married, as single people they worked to pay their expenses, when they got married, 2 can live as cheap as one concept, couples learned they could work, pay their bills and have money left over to put into their savings accounts and be able to spend some on money for things they wanted but not necessarily needed.
Ever since Big business discovered two family incomes ( husband and wife both working) now meant the working class could afford to pay more for necessities. Big business took advantage of this. Big business inflated their prices on all goods. Basically demanding/forcing both husband and wife to work just so it would take their (husband and wife) total income to maintain a reasonable quality of life for their family. Which lead to the shrinking middle class.
Politicians also took notes on what Big business was doing, and to further the demise of the middle working class continues to raise taxes on the middle class, lessen the taxes on both those considered to be in the poor and those with higher incomes.
All this resulting in the ever decreasing middle class to pay the nations debts. We are now basically in a two class society held together by a very thin and thinning buffer sector of middle working class, which the demoncrats are now pouncing on, to get rid of the middle working class that separates the haves from the have nots so they the demoncrats can force America into becoming a communist/ dictatorship form of government. A government corrupted by the monies paid to it by the rich and powerful Big business.