
With Kampala Kamala it's a case of literally being a whore;
I really don’t understand your problem with this. I can respect a woman who literally gave a blowie to get ahead, than the legions of men who figuratively do it daily. At least she put some skin in the game.

And let’s face it, politics is all about who can whore themselves out the best.
I really don’t understand your problem with this.
I apologize if I was unclear as to my values in our country's leaders- For one, I was seeking clarification as to whether the person previously mentioned was one of literal or figurative whoreness. I wasn't making a value judgment other than it would be nice if the leaders of the country State of California, County of San Francisco were selected for their qualifications to perform the duties of the job rather than helping their prospective boss achieve orgasm. Unfortunately, as noted, a lot of leaders are selected either on this basis or on the basis of what can be given to someone/company/country at the expense of the USA.
Which raises the question, can the President and VP be impeached simultaneously?
Maybe along with the Liar of the House Pelosi for giving her husband insider information for his stock investments?
Deep throat2.jpg
As part of my Economics degree I studied US slavery quite intensively. I won't bore you with the details, but just to say, it was nothing as presently represented or as dreamed about by that religious fanatic who contributed to the alienation of the various parties and led to the Civil War. If you want an analogy just consider how you treat a car that you are renting and pay by the mile versus one that you own. Which do you take better care of? Excuse the preposition.
I acknowledge what you say sir and agree. But I do not remember a worse storm for the head of our "snake", with him now, and the potential of Harris or Pelosi stepping in, and 3 years left??? I don't think there has ever been a more nightmarish situation to lead the Executive Branch, with no apparent way out. I mean, how many freaking stars would have to align to provide for a pathway by which all three are bypassed? Not gonna happen. We are stuck in this version of "lack of leadership hell" for a while yet, to the demise of everyone.
I believe the president and probably VP since they are a single ballot item can be recalled. I've never heard this mentioned only impeached.
As the Constitution now stands, the President, Vice President and Representatives have no process of recall. The senators status has been changed from the original system but I think they are also exempted. The only means presently available for removal from office are impeachment and unfit for duties.
This from: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/ukraine-a-modern-tragedy-in-seven-acts/

Ukraine – a modern tragedy in seven acts​

ByJohn Ellwood
March 28, 2022

The Comedian, the Clown and the Crackhead: In which the CIA and corrupt Ukrainians provoke a deranged tyrant who embarks on a disastrous military escapade.
Dramatis Personae
Devon Archer (a Criminal)
Joe Biden (a Clown)
Hunter Biden (the Crackhead)
Peter Daszak (Batman)
Jeffrey Epstein (a Paedophile)
Ihor Kolomoisky (an Oligarch)
Victoria Nuland (a Russophobe)
Barack Obama (a living ‘Saint’)
Vladimir Putin (a Deranged Tyrant)
Viktor Shokin (the Persecuted Prosecutor)
Klaus Schwab (the Arch-Villain)
Nathan Wolfe (the Virus Guy)
Mykola Zlochevsky (the Fall Guy)
Volodymyr Zelenskyy (the Comedian)
Sponsored by the WEF, the CIA, Nato, various oligarchs, and the Russian Federation.
Act One: A Benighted Country
Following the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine becomes an independent state. However, corruption is rife. As late as 2008, the combined wealth of Ukraine’s 50 richest oligarchs was equal to 85 per cent of Ukraine’s GDP, and despite the country’s mineral and agricultural wealth the standard of living for most Ukrainians is very low.
Because of its location and natural resources, the political direction of the country immediately becomes the principle point of contention between the US and Russia.
In 1991, the US institutes the Co-operative Threat Reduction Program to help former Soviet Union countries dismantle and safeguard large stockpiles of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. As well as being sited in Ukraine, laboratories are located in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
In 2005, Barack Obama visits Ukraine as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He accompanies Dick Lugar, the committee’s chairman, to agree with the corrupt Ukrainian President Yulia Tymoshenko the siting of new biological research laboratories in Ukraine. Some of the other contentious laboratories elsewhere are upgraded.
In June 2010, a new facility begins operations in Odessa. The Department of Defense document states: ‘The level-3 bio-safety lab, which is the first built under the expanded authority of the Nunn-Lugar Co-operative Threat Reduction program, will be used to study anthrax, tularemia and Q fever as well as other dangerous pathogens.’
The biological laboratories were purportedly amongst the first targets of the Russian military last month.
Act Two: The Oligarch’s Tale
When Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych refuses to sign an agreement with the EU in January 2014, bloody demonstrations erupt in Kiev. The US Government is keen to ensure its preferred candidates are in power. A bugged telephone conversation between Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, shows that they are ready for Vice President Joe Biden to throw his weight behind their chosen candidates.
The presidential election is keenly fought. Anti-Yanukovych demonstrators occupy Kiev’s Independence Square. Victoria Nuland delivers them cakes.
Candidates have to contend with corruption allegations and competing pressures from the EU, the US and Russia. After bloody demonstrations in Kiev, Yanukovych is deposed and a new government headed by President Petro Poroshenko emerges.
Along with the CIA, the oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky acts as the kingmaker via his wealth and control of media outlets.
Poroshenko appoints Ihor Kolomoisky governor of Dnepropetrovsk.
Soon after the election of Poroshenko, Vladimir Putin’s forces invade the Crimea, and Russia foments the outbreak of hostilities in the Donbass.
For the next eight years and despite the growing tensions in Ukraine, the United Nations proves to be as useful as a chocolate teapot.
(Victoria Nuland later progresses to become the third highest ranking member in President Joe Biden’s State Department. She remains fixated on the threat from Russia. In a July 2020 Foreign Affairs article entitled Pinning Down Putin,Nuland claimed that Russia presents a greater threat to ‘the liberal world’ than the Soviet Union posed during the Cold War.)
Act Three: The Boys from Bursima
Through his holdings in the British Virgin Islands and Cyprus, Ihor Kolomoisky is the owner of Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian gas company. He uses his private army to intimidate business rivals and supports the fascist Azov brigade that commits atrocities against Russian sympathisers in the Donbass region.
The CEO of Bursima is Mykola Zlochevsky.
Two months after the coup against former President Yanukovych which is supported by President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden’s crackhead son Hunter is appointed a director of Burisma. Hunter Biden has no previous connection with the country or experience of the industry. His salary is $83,333 per month.
According to Reuters, two former Ukrainian law enforcement officials say that Burisma paid about $3.4million to a US company called Rosemont Seneca Bohai LLC between April 2014 and November 2015. Hunter Biden is a partner in that firm with Devon Archer, a friend of the Bidens, and Christopher Heinz, the stepson of John Kerry.
In 2018 Archer, who was appointed to the board of Bursima at the same time as Biden, is convicted of attempting to defraud a Native American community..He subsequently receives a custodial sentence of one year and one day.
In 2016 PrivatBank, founded and co-owned by Ihor Kolomoisky, is found to have over $5.5billion missing from its accounts. Bursima owner Kolomoisky challenges the privatisation [sic. - presumably 'nationalisation'] in the courts.
Kolomoisky is also in trouble with the Russian courts. He has been accused of embezzling $4billion worth of goods from the Russian oil company Tatneft.
Act Four: The Prosecutor’s Tale
In 2015, the Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin begins to investigate Bursima and its CEO, Mykola Zlochevsky. Joe Biden intervenes and claims that he wants Shokin removed because he was ineffective in dealing with corruption.
It is claimed by Biden’s supporters that the case against Bursima was dormant and that Shokin is seeking bribes from Zlochevsky.
However, in February 2016 Shokin is seizing property from Zlochevsky on the basis of the Bursima CEO’s illicit enrichment. Biden has several contacts with President Poroshenko at this time, and boasts that he refused a billion-dollar loan guarantee to Ukraine unless Shokin is sacked. Shokin’s dismissal is confirmed by the Ukraine Parliament at the end of March.
Ihor Kolomoisky escapes any investigation. It is not until May 2021 that the US imposes sanctions on him.
Perhaps he has served his purpose.
Act Five: Bio-Lab Buddies
In June 2015 Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners invests $30million in Metabiota, a disease tracking company.
Metabiota was founded in 2008 by a World Economic Forum Young Leader, Nathan Wolfe. He is a long-term collaborator of EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak. Wolfe is also an associate of Jeffrey Epstein and has been photographed on several occasions with Ghislaine Maxwell. Wolfe’s book The Viral Storm published in 2011 thanks Jeffrey Epstein for his contribution.
Metabiota has been involved with many of the players in the recent fake pandemic including the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the EcoHealth Alliance, and the US Centers for Disease Control. In 2014, it was heavily criticised by the World Health Organisation for its role in the West African Ebola outbreak.
Documents on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop indicate that Metabiota has been directly funded by the US Department of Defense.
Currently the lead investor in Metabiota is Pilot Growth Management. Pilot Growth’s co-founder and CEO is Neil Callahan who also sits on Metabiota’s Board of Advisers. Callahan is also a former managing director and co-founder of Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners.
In 2014 Metabiota partners with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) and others under the USAID Predict Project to identify emerging viral threats. Some believe USAID to be a CIA front organisation.
In 2014, Metabiota, EHA and the Wuhan Institute of Virology are named in a study on infectious diseases deriving from Chinese bats.
The links between Metabiota and EHA president Peter Daszak continue. In 2016 Metabiota’s chief scientific officer Edward Rubin attended a Rockefeller Foundation forum to discuss the Global Virome Project, which is designed to bring about ‘the beginning of the end of the Pandemic Era’.
The Eco Health Alliance is the conduit for Anthony Fauci’s contributions to gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab after the Obama administration banned such aid in 2014.
EHA’s Peter Daszak’s father was a Ukrainian nationalist with a hatred of Russia who collaborated with the Nazis during World War Two. According to Andrew Huff, the former vice president of EHA turned whistleblower, Peter Daszak began working with the CIA in 2015.
Mykola Zlochevsky, the Bursima CEO who appointed Hunter Biden to the Bursima board and the man Joe Biden did not want investigating, is by coincidence an investor in the allegedly CIA-funded Metabiota, along with Biden’s Rosemont Company.
For no apparent reason, Google has been funding the EcoHealth Alliance for over ten years. It has also funded Wolfe’s Metabiota.
Perhaps a quid pro quo of this type of support is the apparent exemption of Twitter, Facebook, Google etc from the right to freedom of speech enshrined in the First Amendment and their bans on Trump and others. It could explain their cover up and disinformation about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Act Six: The Comedian’s Tale
In April 2019 a new character arrives on the scene in the shape of Volodymyr Zelensky. His is the everyday story of a television comedian who in a short time becomes a billionaire, World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, and President of his country.
Ihor Kolomoisky of Bursima, PrivatBank and supporter of fascist para-militaries, is a patron of Zelensky, a man with an itchy nose.
Zelensky begins his successful television career in 2012. His programmes are aired on Ihor Kolomoisky’s 1+1 television channel.
Kolomoisky has good reason to want a change of president as it was Petro Poroshenko who nationalised Kolomoisky’s PrivatBank following the discovery of the $5.5million fraud.
Zelensky and his colleagues are well rewarded by Kolomoisky. According to the Pandora Papers, some of the PrivatBank funds find their way to companies owned by Zelensky and his associates in the British Virgin Islands, Cyprus and Belize. Kolomoisky also owns companies in those jurisdictions.
Zelensky’s current chief aide, Serhiy Shefir, now the head of the country’s security service, is part of the offshore network of tax avoiding companies, as are others from the President’s inner circle.
In office, Zelensky begins to take limited action against the corrupt oligarchs, although he maintains contact with Kolomoisky. The oligarch most disturbed by Zelensky’s actions is Viktor Medvedchuk, a close ally of Vladimir Putin.
Like other oligarchs, he is a political leader and the owner of television channels. However, Medvedchuk appears to foresee the imminent danger of an extended conflict with Russia and was active in 2020 in trying to revive the so-called Minsk agreement.
In 2021 the Ukraine government places Medvedchuk under house arrest – a red rag to Putin?
Zelensky is clear about his desire to ingratiate himself with his fellow WEF Young Global Leaders.
In March 2021, a letter is published in the Daily Telegraph and Le Monde signed by Zelensky, Johnson, Merkel, Macron, WHO chief Tedros Ghebreyesusand 20 other political leaders (including six WEF Global Leaders) asserting their intention to ‘build a more robust international health architecture that will protect future generations’.
They declare: ‘No single government or multilateral agency can address this threat alone. The question is not if, but when. Together, we must be better prepared to predict, prevent, detect, assess and effectively respond to pandemics in a highly co-ordinated fashion. The Covid-19 pandemic has been a stark and painful reminder that nobody is safe until everyone is safe.’
The WEF and the WHO are clearly working in harmony and the text of the letter echoes the words of Klaus Schwab, who declared in early 2021, ‘As long as not everybody is vaccinated, nobody will be safe.’
A key player in this drive is the Vaccination Credential Initiative, which surprise, surprise, includes Microsoft. The VCI is ‘committed to empowering individuals access to a trustworthy and verifiable copy of their vaccination records in digital or paper form using open, interoperable standards. Individuals can then use those verifiable credentials for medical purposes and to demonstrate their health status to safely return to work, school, travel . . .’
Zelensky is ahead of the game in this respect. Despite the growing tension with Russia, his government introduces a programme that gives the double-jabbed 1,000 hryvnia (£25.60). The social credit scheme operates through their Diia App. The state restricts what this helicopter money can be spent on and who can spend it (Russians are excluded). Additional money is given following the so-called ‘booster’. They are seemingly well on their way to a universal basic income.
Russia invades Ukraine on February 24, 2022.
Zelensky’s fame grows. From afar, his face beams down on the fawning lawmakers of the Western world as he pleads for more money and weapons. The man who combines the talents of Churchill, Lincoln, Thatcher and Benny Hill can do no wrong.
Act Seven (in production)
The Bidens are arrested for various crimes.
New US President Kamala Harris discovers the location of Mexico.
Germany continues to buy Russian gas despite the outbreak of a nuclear war.
President Macron transitions to become a woman and moves to Guadalupe.
A man exchanges his Tesla for a Warburton’s Toastie loaf and a jar of Nescafé.
UK inflation reaches 167 per cent.
There is confusion in the Premier League when every team decides to wear yellow shirts and blue shorts.
Zelensky exits stage left pursued by a Russian bear.
What the critics thought:
The overall reaction from the Press was positive as they saw it as an opportunity to increase their circulation and to bring in more advertising.
However, some thought the story was too far-fetched. ‘Why were no suspicions raised by the US Congress about the location of the Bio-Labs?’, wrote one.
Another wondered if by meddling in Ukraine the US was deliberately trying to provoke Russia.
Given that two of the key characters, Wolfe and Zelensky, and several of the Nato decision makers were WEF Young Global Leaders, a critic asked if there was a direct connection between the Ukrainian conflict and the disastrous reaction to the fake Covid-19 pandemic.
All were shocked by the ease by which the rich could hide their ill-gotten gains in tax-free, loosely regulated havens, and none could understand how Zelensky got so rich so quickly.
On the other hand few could understand why WEF Young Global Leader Vladimir Putin embarked on a campaign that was unpopular at home, difficult to win, and likely to have little or no long-term benefit for the Russian people.
One critic was shocked by the apparent collaboration between the CIA and the Chinese Wuhan Institute of Virology.
All thought that the Ukrainian extras had been harshly dealt with for many decades.
The critics were united in deploring the violence, incompetence and greed displayed by the leading characters. They all agreed that if the play is to be revived all the current characters need to be disposed of.
This from 'The Spectator':

Mark Galeotti

Even Putin’s Praetorian Guard is turning against him​

You’d think a ruthless autocrat who believes he faces a West that wants to unseat him with people power would make damn sure he keeps his Praetorian Guard on side. You’d think. After all, it has long been one of the Kremlin's tenets that the West is committed to first isolating and then reshaping Russia using a 'colour revolution' or 'Trojan Horse' strategy. The idea is that popular revolutions and street protests are mobilised and weaponised by the dark arts of Western 'political technologists', with military force only deployed as a last resort.
Rising against post-Soviet authoritarians? The protests against rigged elections in Russia and Putin's return to the presidency in 2011-13? The Syrian Civil War? The Ukrainian 'EuroMaidan' revolution of 2014? The mass demonstrations against Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko in 2021?
None of these, of course, could be natural, organic responses to corrupt and unresponsive regimes. Instead, they were made in Langley, CIA operations in every case (although the Kremlin will generously single out MI6 for a supporting role).
Putin's wildly-unrealistic assumption was that the Ukrainian government would collapse at the first push.
In that context, no wonder Putin has been preparing for a fight against 'fifth columnists' for years. One of the main expressions of this was the creation of the Rosgvardiya, or National Guard, in 2016. What this meant was that some 180,000 security personnel (and as many private security guards) were transferred from an Interior Ministry that was beginning to show some discomfort at being expected to be the Kremlin's stormtroopers into a new force under General Viktor Zolotov, a man who could be counted on to show none.
Zolotov, after all, was a former chief bodyguard of Putin's, and a man notorious for his thuggish ways. When opposition activist Alexei Navalny had the temerity to expose corruption in the National Guard, Zolotov even recorded a video challenging him to a duel and threatening to 'pound him into mincemeat'. Zolotov has no power base outside the National Guard, no allies (beyond Ramzan Kadyrov, Chechnya's even more thuggish warlord), no political career without Putin.
The National Guard includes the SOBR specialist armed response teams, the parallel army of the Interior Troops and the OMON riot police. They are the regime's thick blue line in the face of popular protest, and no wonder that until recently they were feted and pampered. Pay rises, special perks, generous budgets, whatever Zolotov wanted, they got.
The invasion of Ukraine, though, has begun to put even this symbiosis under pressure. Putin's wildly-unrealistic assumption was that the Ukrainian government would collapse at the first push, and a puppet regime appointed in its place. Most Ukrainians, he felt, would meekly accept this fait accompli. Nonetheless, there would be some who would protest, and so substantial numbers of National Guard drawn from all across Russia were included in the invasion force to handle the public order side of the operation.
Of course, it didn’t work out like that, and the National Guardsmen found themselves in the front line of a war they were neither trained nor equipped to fight. Their casualties have been as dramatic as those of the regular military and their social media channels have featured litanies of complaints about their being used as 'cannon-fodder.'
This has burst into the public gaze as 12 National Guardsmen from Krasnodar have refused to be sent to Ukraine. They have opened a legal case on the grounds that their contracts do not allow them to be sent outside Russia's borders without their consent.
Perhaps most striking has been the reported arrest of General Roman Gavrilov, Zolotov's deputy, on charges of leaking classified information and embezzling fuel. Zolotov apparently sought an immediate audience with the president to challenge this and Putin – who has a track record of ducking tough meetings – refused to see him.
Although it is still very premature to be talking about palace coups or the like, as the security apparatus begins to consume itself with the hunt for scapegoats and 'traitors' then this raises an inevitable challenge for a regime which increasingly depends solely on repression.
The National Guard would be at the fore in defending the Kremlin against elite manoeuvres and popular protest alike. Letting them fight and die in Ukraine, watching them becoming increasingly disillusioned and angry, and hollowing out their command structure, would look like a rather self-destructive strategy.
As the Constitution now stands, the President, Vice President and Representatives have no process of recall. The senators status has been changed from the original system but I think they are also exempted. The only means presently available for removal from office are impeachment and unfit for duties.
Thank you.
Maybe you fellers have seen this. Maybe I am late to the party. Maybe I could have put this in the lighter note category. But it has its genesis in rebutting woke companies, so I share it here. I found it funny. I do shave my head weekly; they'll be getting my business.

Maybe you fellers have seen this. Maybe I am late to the party. Maybe I could have put this in the lighter note category. But it has its genesis in rebutting woke companies, so I share it here. I found it funny. I do shave my head weekly; they'll be getting my business.

I saw it the other day. I want to watch it again just because it's so good.
FJB is still a nice/funny sentiment. But much more accurate (though more cumbersome) would be something like FTPPUJB - Eff the people propping up Joe Biden.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!