During the late '30s and early 40's, in response to Japanese aggression the FDR administration put the economic squeeze on Japan. The Japanese response was military action. History shows this didn't turn out well for Japan in the short run. I doubt that the Russian leaders see any parallel to their actions and possible reactions by the "free" world. I heard one consultant on TV say that the US $ is the dominant payment system for commerce and that the US could exclude Russia from participating- the result would be a collapse of the Russian economy, which the consultant saw as an effective tool against Russian aggression. Again I point to 1940 Japan for a lesson in what happens when one country limits the options of another, particularly when self-pride is challenged.
It is clear that the current problem has been building for several years. O'bama allowed it to build, particularly with Hillary's "reset button", they were stalled a bit while Trump was in, but now with Bidet things have mobilized. It may well be past the point of no return and my observations lead me to conclude that the present administration, the military-industrial complex, and the woke is better than fierce military will not be able to determine a path that minimizes the damage. I'm not sure what the other side of the conflict will look like.