Don’t forget the noise canceling headphones.
My bet is there is a heavy influence to this statistic: Suicide and homicide due to mental damages caused by isolation and absurd policies preventing "normal" life. But you'll never hear the current administration or MSM report it, because it goes against their narrative."Health departments in several states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they are looking into a steep surge in the mortality rate for people aged 18 to 49 in 2021—a majority of which are not linked to COVID-19.
Deaths among people aged 18 to 49 increased more than 40 percent in the 12 states..."
One of the finest politicians that I ever met was Mark Hatfield, former governor of Oregon then Senator for several terms. He was talking one day about the corrosive climate in Washington DC and how it corrupts EVERYONE that comes into contact with it. He did not go into specifics but one could tell that he included himself as someone who had felt the taint. I guess someone tries to do good by their voters and country so justifies making concessions in the name of the good that it will do, but then there are those that are in it for themselves and it is difficult to tell the difference between the two.Fortunately, there are at least two honest demonrats left in this country.
I so hope you are right. But this is no time for complacency, the Republicans must now fight, every single day with no letup to ensure a landslide. Do not underestimate the sneaky dems, they will try every trick in the book. Remember this old fool won from a basement. The win will come from proposing winning formulas and plans that nobody can ignore, not a slanging match that impresses nobody.
Oh my gosh! I think you are right.My conclusion regarding the demonRats presidential strategy. Having learned that Horrible Harris is neither qualified nor electable for the presidency the string pullers will scrap planA which consisted of Bidet resigning and HH promoting to president. It will be replaced with planB: prior to Bidet resigning, HH will be removed from office and Bidets last action as president will be to appoint Hilary Klinton as Vice Pres, followed shortly by his resignation. This will put Hilary as an incumbent president for the 2024 election, which with collusion from the media and vote counters would secure her in the presidency until at least 2028.