I do not comprehend how merry Christmas can be offensive to anyone. I’m an atheist and do not follow any religion. When someone wishes me Merry Christmas, they are being friendly and polite, not offensive. What’s next? When you wish someone happy birthday will those around born on a different date feel “not included” and offended? Or when someone tells a non-religious person, such as myself, they will keep me in their prayers should I get offended and treat it as them pushing their views on me or rather understand it is them wishing me well and be thankful for their thoughts? This whole “all inclusive” thing promotes stupidity, unless we are talking about package holidays deals, in which case it promotes drunkenness. Different people celebrate different things on different dates, it’s not wrong and it’s not offensive. Should Persians get offended by happy New Year wishes? They celebrate in during spring equinox. What about Chinese, they celebrate it at a different date too. There are many cultures and religions, in an era when languages and cultures disappear forever, we should focus on this diversity and promote it, not pretend it doesn’t exist.