@CoElkHunter while what you say is substantially correct I don't know that things would be different in the governments policies if the vote was limited to producers. Clearly some of the farthest left wingers are not only producers but are quite rich. the problem with the "entitlements" is that they originated by people who had no perception of the decline in moral values that the programs incentivized. If the original goal of the programs was to provide a "safety net" it would have worked much better if there was no disincentives in it. the problem was that some people, for whatever reason were without funds to purchase basic necessities. So the most direct answer to the problem would have been to give them money. but to do so without disincentives- so basically every US citizen (no non-citizens) over 18 years of age would receive a monthly payment. the payment would be in amount that allowed survival but no frills. A husband would get that amount and the wife would get that amount. All of their kids would get the amount, prorated from 0 - 17. so to toss a number, say the monthly payment was $1,000 and this family had 3 kids ages 5, 7, 10. the prorated amount is $55 per year of age. Our family would receive So our family would receive $3,210 per month. These payments would go out to every person regardless of marital status or other income, based on the number in the household. How can the government afford to send all of this money out? Easy. there would be no Social Security, Welfare, Public/ subsidized housing, Food Stamps, Obamacare. Everyone would get their money in addition to whatever jobs and income they had and from those jobs they would pay income tax. If a 20% income tax rate was used when the parent in the above family earned $16,000 per month, he would be at net 0 govt pmt/tax. But the real savings is that the workforce would be multiplied due to the significant increase in labor that was previously used administering all of those government programs which now do not exist.
I do not see any way that this plan could be implemented at this point because there are too many bureaucrats that would lose their position and employment. It's just too bad that when FDR started all of the dogooder stuff he didn't realize how it and its disincentives would change things.