
@sgt_zim, you are absolutely correct on that statement. Unfortunately a lot of that is going around. Very sad. I see no loyalty to the country that opened the doors for them. As an immigrant it breaks my heart to see this.
I would guess that Ft. Leavenworth, and other .mil posts do have a lot of military spouses that work in the entry level positions around town.. that makes sense..

I agree on seeing more HS kids in the fast food joints, retail stores in the malls, etc.. I think thats probably a good thing.. I threw a paper route from the age of 12-16.. then as soon as I was old enough to have a "real" job, I went to work in Fast Food... that lasted for about 3 months until I convinced a big retailer in the mall to hire me.. and I did that until I graduated high school and went off to college (and continued to work in a variety of jobs the entire time in school)..

As an employer these days, I am seeing less and less young people with developed work ethic, professionalism, pride in work, etc.. frankly, while there are some very notable exceptions, the vast majority of people Ive seen come through the hiring pipeline between the ages of 18-30 suck.. they are entitled, spolied, and are only interested in what you can do for them.. they have no interest in the actual mission, being part of a team that is doing something important or valuable, or any understanding that hard work and commitment = promotions and pay raises.. they want it all now.. and dont want to contribute anything to get it..

A couple of years as a teen slinging burgers behind a hot grill will go a long way toward teaching them the lessons lost on the past couple of generations..
What I'm saying (won't speak for anyone else) is our system must be based on morals. Taking my money via coercion or directly at gunpoint, to be given to people who've produced nothing, is immoral. It is literally theft (morally and ethically) to take my money in that manner. But when the government does it, we call it "paying our fair share" or some other such meaningless nonsense that the blank-outs just swoon over.

Man should only stand to be dispossessed of money/property or liberty because he has injured someone else, either physically or financially. It is no injury to a poor person for me to not give him any money.

The one thing too many seem to utterly fail to grasp is the nature of wealth and of poverty. The latter has no cause...if you produce nothing, you will literally have nothing. That's poverty.

What is a wealthy person? In most cases, it is someone who has learned to be very productive, and who only consumes a small portion of what he produces. For those of us who aren't c-levels or entrepreneurs, this takes years and years.

10 years ago, I was so broke that my diet was peanut butter and crackers and ramen noodles because that's all I could afford. I struggled and struggled and pulled myself back up. For this year, I will have an income tax bill north of $50K. The missus and I have struggled to get where we are, and now to own a few rent houses in addition to our income. I didn't take a penny from anybody, least of all from tax payers.

I resent the AF out of anybody who thinks that money shouldn't belong to me and my wife, to buy things *we* think we should be buying. At the very least, I could help my son finish paying for med school, or could have helped my daughter pay for law school. But no, it is better they should incur massive debt so some non-productive brood mare can squeeze out a few more kids.

I am not saying there should be no charity. But each man should be the final arbiter of how much he actually gives to charity, and even to what type of charity he donates. The welfare state ain't charity.

Actual charity involves a single person, deciding based upon his current fiscal circumstance, how much to donate, and to what he should donate. He donates THE maximum he believes he can afford. Do note that 2 people in an identical fiscal circumstance may have different notions about what each can afford.

Welfare-as-charity is just idiotic and doesn't survive as such past a scratch of the surface. We all pay the least amount in taxes that we can legally get away with paying.

Charity is about giving one's best, welfare is about giving the least. Charity's translation from old Latin is "dear"; since the ascendancy of Christianity, it has come to mean "love." When we love a person or people, we tend to give them our very best, not the very least we can get away with "giving."

No, I want a civilized system, a system where no man may initiate force against any other man, no matter how "noble" the purposes for. Frankly, I'd rather deal with a highwayman than an ominpotent moral busybody. I don't have to sit around listening to the highwayman's vacuous platitudes. He steals what he steals and moves on. From the omnipotent moral busybody, I get lectured non-stop, even after my pound of flesh has been taken from me.
The bible says give 10%, a tithe. In our church, which is very small, that amount is used to buy hampers for the old aged pensioners whose pension was utterly wiped out in the massive devaluation. That is legitimate and noble giving. In Zimbabwe the formal unemployment rate is around 90%, but few if any starve because they work informally making things, trading back and forth. Then there is the diaspora, those who went mostly to South Africa where they work very hard and send home funds. If someone tries to free load on his family here he will be kicked out, I think there is a name for it, I will find out.
Imho the only peoples being discriminated against in the world today are heterosexual Caucasians. Less than 20% of the world’s population, yet 100% responsible for all the worlds real or perceived woes!
As Chairman Mao said: "to straighten, you need to overbend":) The Western world (not only the United States) now serves as a source of memes for the whole world. And the purpose of all this is completely incomprehensible. In general, the Anglo-Saxons rarely voice the real motives of their behavior; in the case of the Democrats, this is especially well felt. Surely madness cannot be contagious and uniform?
I would guess that Ft. Leavenworth, and other .mil posts do have a lot of military spouses that work in the entry level positions around town.. that makes sense..

I agree on seeing more HS kids in the fast food joints, retail stores in the malls, etc.. I think thats probably a good thing.. I threw a paper route from the age of 12-16.. then as soon as I was old enough to have a "real" job, I went to work in Fast Food... that lasted for about 3 months until I convinced a big retailer in the mall to hire me.. and I did that until I graduated high school and went off to college (and continued to work in a variety of jobs the entire time in school)..

As an employer these days, I am seeing less and less young people with developed work ethic, professionalism, pride in work, etc.. frankly, while there are some very notable exceptions, the vast majority of people Ive seen come through the hiring pipeline between the ages of 18-30 suck.. they are entitled, spolied, and are only interested in what you can do for them.. they have no interest in the actual mission, being part of a team that is doing something important or valuable, or any understanding that hard work and commitment = promotions and pay raises.. they want it all now.. and dont want to contribute anything to get it..

A couple of years as a teen slinging burgers behind a hot grill will go a long way toward teaching them the lessons lost on the past couple of generations..
I think the decline in work ethic can also be attributed to these kids seeing their fathers and mothers in their 50's getting tossed out from jobs they thought were careers and one from which they'd retire. When companies have no loyalty to their employees, the feeling is usually mutual. I know. I worked for a company that employed tens of thousands and our bosses main goal was to see how many of us they could either not replace or get rid of wholesale. This with no reduction in the work load.
The bible says give 10%, a tithe. In our church, which is very small, that amount is used to buy hampers for the old aged pensioners whose pension was utterly wiped out in the massive devaluation. That is legitimate and noble giving. In Zimbabwe the formal unemployment rate is around 90%, but few if any starve because they work informally making things, trading back and forth. Then there is the diaspora, those who went mostly to South Africa where they work very hard and send home funds. If someone tries to free load on his family here he will be kicked out, I think there is a name for it, I will find out.
Kevin, Here in the U.S. if someone is a freeloader, he's usually worshiped as someone who's beaten and gamed the system. We have inner city males who father 10, 20, 30 children, everyone with no future and supported by someone else (a working taxpayer). At some point there will be an implosion. I just hope I'm not around when it occurs.
I think the world is a bleaker place after the demographic change. Too many people move here (from south of the border, from some rathole in Asia) and do not recognize that it was their native culture which produced the politics they decided to leave by coming here. They come here, and do not "become American," they just continue on as they were before, believing they can just vote for a better form of turd here and expecting different results.
Call me anything you want but when we started taking in people that were not from Western civilization, the problems started.
Call me anything you want but when we started taking in people that were not from Western civilization, the problems started.
Exactly. Their immigrating here is analogous to the failed policy of "nation building," and they both fail for the same reason.
I think the decline in work ethic can also be attributed to these kids seeing their fathers and mothers in their 50's getting tossed out from jobs they thought were careers and one from which they'd retire. When companies have no loyalty to their employees, the feeling is usually mutual. I know. I worked for a company that employed tens of thousands and our bosses main goal was to see how many of us they could either not replace or get rid of wholesale. This with no reduction in the work load.
All for the bottom line. Companies reduced American employees and moved overseas to beat high taxes and get cheap labor. That was a killing blow to American pride and skill and the inferior garbage flooding the country bears witness to it. Another tenet of democrat tax and waste philosophy.
All for the bottom line. Companies reduced American employees and moved overseas to beat high taxes and get cheap labor. That was a killing blow to American pride and skill and the inferior garbage flooding the country bears witness to it. Another tenet of democrat tax and waste philosophy.

a shorter way of saying that.

"government policy via taxes and regulation drove employers to move operations overseas."
I am so grateful for this thread because people are having a very honest discussion, whether you agree or disagree with points made, it is the understanding that makes some sense out of it all. From out here, especially on forums like Instagram I am seeing an increasing swell of non-white conservatism. There is real sense being talked, especially in the push back against CRT. Honestly I see hope in that the majority of the non-whites seem to be getting thoroughly disenchanted with the nonsense too. I like to think they also want a good future and the accelerated decline under the current government may push that along. The cure is to get more and more people into employment and as they see the wasters eating up their taxes the chorus of reason will grow.
From my experiences and perspective, immigrants, especially those from Mexico and South Korea, have better work ethic and family values than just about anyone else, including most Americans. It helps that I also love their food.
I am so grateful for this thread because people are having a very honest discussion, whether you agree or disagree with points made, it is the understanding that makes some sense out of it all. From out here, especially on forums like Instagram I am seeing an increasing swell of non-white conservatism. There is real sense being talked, especially in the push back against CRT. Honestly I see hope in that the majority of the non-whites seem to be getting thoroughly disenchanted with the nonsense too. I like to think they also want a good future and the accelerated decline under the current government may push that along. The cure is to get more and more people into employment and as they see the wasters eating up their taxes the chorus of reason will grow.
From your lips to God's ears...
especially those from Mexico and South Korea, have better work ethic and family values than just about anyone else, including most Americans. It helps that I also love their food.

I LOVE that we have several Korean families in our neighborhood... Hard workers, that keep impeccable homes and yards.. super friendly.. most of them own more firearms than I do (and know very well how to use them).. and the smell of red pepper paste and kimchi is one of my all time favorites! :)
From my experiences and perspective, immigrants, especially those from Mexico and South Korea, have better work ethic and family values than just about anyone else, including most Americans. It helps that I also love their food.

I do not doubt their work ethic. I have lived in Texas for 30 years.

What I have great reason to doubt is their commitment to be "American," to adopt our culture. There's one day a year we see White, Orange, and Green in this country. The only time I ever see St. Andrew's Cross is when I'm watching a golf tournament in Scotland. I never see the Union Jack, nor the flags of any of our Germanic ancestors.

You can't drive on a freeway 5 minutes in Houston or San Antonio without seeing the Mexican flag.

All of those people (Russians, Sicilians, Jews, et al) who immigrated to the US in the late 19th and early 20th centuries formed their own little enclaves, much like what we see with the big Latin and Asian migrations in our own time.

It took the great depression and then WWII to get everybody to give up their ethnic tribalism and become members of the Big Tribe, Americans. Shared hardship produces close bonds. We have no hardship in this country at present, but I'm sure they're coming. The evidence of this clannishness is still abundant in NYC, though less so after a century or so: little Italy, Brighton Beach, Sheepshead Bay, Hell's Kitchen...

There are too many people here with divided loyalties, who do not see themselves as Americans, for this to happen again. Lightning won't strike twice.
I do not doubt their work ethic. I have lived in Texas for 30 years.

What I have great reason to doubt is their commitment to be "American," to adopt our culture. There's one day a year we see White, Orange, and Green in this country. The only time I ever see St. Andrew's Cross is when I'm watching a golf tournament in Scotland. I never see the Union Jack, nor the flags of any of our Germanic ancestors.

You can't drive on a freeway 5 minutes in Houston or San Antonio without seeing the Mexican flag.

All of those people (Russians, Sicilians, Jews, et al) who immigrated to the US in the late 19th and early 20th centuries formed their own little enclaves, much like what we see with the big Latin and Asian migrations in our own time.

It took the great depression and then WWII to get everybody to give up their ethnic tribalism and become members of the Big Tribe, Americans. Shared hardship produces close bonds. We have no hardship in this country at present, but I'm sure they're coming. The evidence of this clannishness is still abundant in NYC, though less so after a century or so: little Italy, Brighton Beach, Sheepshead Bay, Hell's Kitchen...

There are too many people here with divided loyalties, who do not see themselves as Americans, for this to happen again. Lightning won't strike twice.
Spend some time in a city like Chicago with large German, Italian, and Polish populations and you will still see people showing pride in their ancestral homes. I have no problems with them doing so, Variety is the spice of life after all. However, I do have a problem with immigrant groups, usually those from Muslim nations and China, who hold views antithetical to basic freedoms and civil rights.
I retired in 2016. Even at that time, we had difficulty hiring people and especially good people. These were positions mostly for unskilled and semi-skilled labor. There weren’t heavy labor jobs. Most were primarily production line workers and forklift drivers. There we’re also some skilled labor positions we had difficulty filling.
As for unskilled and semi-skilled, these were career jobs. A majority of our existing workforce had been there in excess of 15 years. We raised our starting rate and that didn’t change the situation. When we did hire people a high percentage of them left in a short period of time. These were primarily younger, under 30, people. Also, a number of the people we hired had no work ethic:. Call offs, abuse of FMLA, unauthorized breaks, smoking dope…
I’ve kept in touch with a number of people and the situation continues today.
This was a long winded way of saying that the work ethic has changed. A lot of people just don’t want to work.
All for the bottom line. Companies reduced American employees and moved overseas to beat high taxes and get cheap labor. That was a killing blow to American pride and skill and the inferior garbage flooding the country bears witness to it. Another tenet of democrat tax and waste philosophy.
Its not high taxes it is corporate greed and the consumerist American ethos-where everyone wants to buy a bunch of cheap useless shit that will be thrown out in a week. China has mastered catering to this niche. Corporations are owned by shareholders and their responsibility to their shareholders is profit maximization. Enter China. Now originally American corps thought they could control China if they set up shop or manufacturing there. But in reality that is what fueled China's rise to superpower status.
Spend some time in a city like Chicago with large German, Italian, and Polish populations and you will still see people showing pride in their ancestral homes. I have no problems with them doing so, Variety is the spice of life after all. However, I do have a problem with immigrant groups, usually those from Muslim nations and China, who hold views antithetical to basic freedoms and civil rights.
Chicago is a dumpster fire. You're making my point for me.

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID