
Learn something every day- I always thought her name was Japanese Pee Sake, the result of a serviceman on R&R having to go after too much sake. Little did I know it was Russian.
And maybe some of he NZ members can put some opinions about this...seems their far left wing leader and her cohorts are bending over so China can do what they want.....

She is despised by us thinking New Zealanders the same way the "woke" in the US are despised by all on the right.
She has been involved in the communist agenda since she was teenager and now is pushing the UN dictats in firearms controll and china apeasment in all areas. She is brown nosing the gangs here or at least the moari ones to the detriment of the population and is pushing the maorification of the country. The same stupid thought process is in place here in that regardless of the lack of any meaningfull moari blood the govt and all institutions bend over backward to allow them to be called moari and reap the benefits of being so.
Our founding doccument was the ceding of authority by the moari to the crown and the request of the tribal elder to teach the children english so they could interact with the business world but now they are claiming they never ceded authority and own the water and the beaches and the mountains etc etc etc. They even tried to claim ownership of the air at one stage and wanted royalties for any and all signal transmitions. The moari language is increasingly being used over english in and on all radio and tv presentations so many of us no longer listen or watch the destruction of our language with one that is understood by very few but being foisted on all with cimpulsery teaching of in in schools being on the table where it has no use outside of the narrow confines of this country and very little inside it.
This was posted on our (New Zealanders tribe) FB page where we have as many minorities and imigrants (proportionally) as your minorities are involved in the Trump and other conservative conversations.


The Right Watchman

28 January ·
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern confirmed on Tuesday a deal to upgrade the existing terms in the free trade pact between New Zealand and China. The newly revised agreement would ensure its modernised purpose for the oncoming decade and additionally provide economic stimulus in the midst of a global economic crisis. But the cost of such an agreement is one that no one’s discussing.
While the pact has been discussed for years and was solely a blueprint until China’s own signing, the diplomatic approach played by Ardern’s administration to appease China appears to have played a role in the superpower’s willingness to permit the modernised pact.
Ardern’s shocking refusal to accept, let alone investigate the threat of foreign interference on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, which from 2017-2020 donated tens of thousands to the Labour Party, proves that the Prime Minister was set to appease China from the very beginning.
Her administration’s ‘soft-on-China’ stance has also given way to abandoning key allies - notably the US and the UK. Whereas the US, the UK, Canada and Australia moved swiftly to condemn China’s actions in Hong Kong, in addition to numerous human rights atrocities, Ardern’s administration distanced itself from the Five Eyes Alliance in favour of releasing its own statement on the matter - a statement hardly worthy of mention.
Ardern’s diplomatic complacency and refusal to retaliate has deliberately avoided the Chinese Communist Party’s wrath, her own administration even willing to throw our neighbour, Australia under the bus as Ardern delayed her support for an inquiry into the origins of COVID-19.
Could the agreement be merely China’s reward for Ardern staying out of their way?
Note: China is also now New Zealand’s largest trading partner, with annual two-way trade of over NZ$32 billion ($21.58 billion).
The Right Watchman prides itself in excelling as the fastest growing alternative for conservatives and free-thinkers - positioning New Zealand front-and-centre in news coverage and defying the mainstream.
#nz #newzealand #ccp #ccpvirus #china #nzpol #news #rightwatchman

Then there is this

Chinese police officers set for training and information sharing in New Zealand

The Chinese police force is coming to New Zealand but its officers will not be patrolling a street near you.

Despite fears about the arrival of Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei entering western democracies, New Zealand police have opened their arms to a notably political police force, saying there is nothing to fear.

Police confirmed the move, saying the friendly arrival of the Chinese officers was only a learning and information sharing exercise, and they would not be doing any operational policing.
Revelations of a partnership between the Guangzhou and Auckland police forces, who would be doing "police exchanges and police training" with New Zealand officers, was made by state-owned Chinese media.
The cops are not worried about the officers gaining access to classified information but it follows concerns from world-leading China academic Anne-Marie Brady who sounded a warning call that NZ needs an anti-corruption commission and a suite of new laws to deal with foreign interference.

We know that our election was not without its cheating and while not on the scale that the US was it was an anomoly that results did not stand up with the rural populations voting history especially here in the south
She is despised by us thinking New Zealanders the same way the "woke" in the US are despised by all on the right.
She has been involved in the communist agenda since she was teenager and now is pushing the UN dictats in firearms controll and china apeasment in all areas. She is brown nosing the gangs here or at least the moari ones to the detriment of the population and is pushing the maorification of the country. The same stupid thought process is in place here in that regardless of the lack of any meaningfull moari blood the govt and all institutions bend over backward to allow them to be called moari and reap the benefits of being so.
Our founding doccument was the ceding of authority by the moari to the crown and the request of the tribal elder to teach the children english so they could interact with the business world but now they are claiming they never ceded authority and own the water and the beaches and the mountains etc etc etc. They even tried to claim ownership of the air at one stage and wanted royalties for any and all signal transmitions. The moari language is increasingly being used over english in and on all radio and tv presentations so many of us no longer listen or watch the destruction of our language with one that is understood by very few but being foisted on all with cimpulsery teaching of in in schools being on the table where it has no use outside of the narrow confines of this country and very little inside it.
This was posted on our (New Zealanders tribe) FB page where we have as many minorities and imigrants (proportionally) as your minorities are involved in the Trump and other conservative conversations.

View attachment 396097

The Right Watchman

28 January ·
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern confirmed on Tuesday a deal to upgrade the existing terms in the free trade pact between New Zealand and China. The newly revised agreement would ensure its modernised purpose for the oncoming decade and additionally provide economic stimulus in the midst of a global economic crisis. But the cost of such an agreement is one that no one’s discussing.
While the pact has been discussed for years and was solely a blueprint until China’s own signing, the diplomatic approach played by Ardern’s administration to appease China appears to have played a role in the superpower’s willingness to permit the modernised pact.
Ardern’s shocking refusal to accept, let alone investigate the threat of foreign interference on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, which from 2017-2020 donated tens of thousands to the Labour Party, proves that the Prime Minister was set to appease China from the very beginning.
Her administration’s ‘soft-on-China’ stance has also given way to abandoning key allies - notably the US and the UK. Whereas the US, the UK, Canada and Australia moved swiftly to condemn China’s actions in Hong Kong, in addition to numerous human rights atrocities, Ardern’s administration distanced itself from the Five Eyes Alliance in favour of releasing its own statement on the matter - a statement hardly worthy of mention.
Ardern’s diplomatic complacency and refusal to retaliate has deliberately avoided the Chinese Communist Party’s wrath, her own administration even willing to throw our neighbour, Australia under the bus as Ardern delayed her support for an inquiry into the origins of COVID-19.
Could the agreement be merely China’s reward for Ardern staying out of their way?
Note: China is also now New Zealand’s largest trading partner, with annual two-way trade of over NZ$32 billion ($21.58 billion).
The Right Watchman prides itself in excelling as the fastest growing alternative for conservatives and free-thinkers - positioning New Zealand front-and-centre in news coverage and defying the mainstream.
#nz #newzealand #ccp #ccpvirus #china #nzpol #news #rightwatchman

Then there is this

Chinese police officers set for training and information sharing in New Zealand

The Chinese police force is coming to New Zealand but its officers will not be patrolling a street near you.

Despite fears about the arrival of Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei entering western democracies, New Zealand police have opened their arms to a notably political police force, saying there is nothing to fear.

Police confirmed the move, saying the friendly arrival of the Chinese officers was only a learning and information sharing exercise, and they would not be doing any operational policing.
Revelations of a partnership between the Guangzhou and Auckland police forces, who would be doing "police exchanges and police training" with New Zealand officers, was made by state-owned Chinese media.
The cops are not worried about the officers gaining access to classified information but it follows concerns from world-leading China academic Anne-Marie Brady who sounded a warning call that NZ needs an anti-corruption commission and a suite of new laws to deal with foreign interference.

We know that our election was not without its cheating and while not on the scale that the US was it was an anomoly that results did not stand up with the rural populations voting history especially here in the south

Bloody hell....Chinese police coming there...sounds like here...but that idea caused an uproar and was shelved....didn't realise she was so bad till I saw that TV report and now reading your stuff...fkn hell doesn't look good ...
Climate Emergency is an Oxymoron and believed by morons.

This was posted elsewhere on Facebook by a Tahnia May-Lee. Well worth a read...
"Jamie MacDonald
“Boy is this going to bum out Greta and Gore:
Ian Rutherford Plimer is an Australian geologist, professor emeritus of earth sciences at the University of Melbourne, professor of mining geology at the University of Adelaide, and the director of multiple mineral exploration and mining companies.
He has published 130 scientific papers, six books and edited the Encyclopedia of Geology”.
Born 12 February 1946
Residence Australia
Nationality Australian
Fields Earth Science , Geology, Mining Engineering
Institutions University of New England ,University of Newcastle, University of Melbourne, University of Adelaide
Alma mater
University of New South Wales ,Macquarie University
The pipe deposits of tungsten-molybdenum-bismuth in eastern Australia (1976)
Notable awards Eureka Prize (1995, 2002),Centenary Medal (2003), Clarke Medal
Source. Wikipedia
Where Does the Carbon Dioxide Really Come From?
Professor Ian Plimer could not have said it better!
If you've read his book you will agree; this is a good summary.
PLIMER: "Okay, here's the bombshell. The volcanic eruption in Iceland. Since its first spewing of volcanic ash has, in just FOUR DAYS, NEGATED EVERY SINGLE EFFORT you have made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet - all of you.
Of course, you know about this evil carbon dioxide that we are trying to suppress - its that vital chemical compound that every plant requires to live and grow and to synthesize into oxygen for us humans and all animal life.
I know....it's very disheartening to realize that all of the carbon emission savings you have accomplished while suffering the inconvenience and expense of driving Prius hybrids, buying fabric grocery bags, sitting up till midnight to finish your kids "The Green Revolution" science project, throwing out all of your non-green cleaning supplies, using only two squares of toilet paper, putting a brick in your toilet tank reservoir, selling your SUV and speedboat, vacationing at home instead of abroad, nearly getting hit every day on your bicycle, replacing all of your 50 cent light bulbs with $10.00 light bulbs..... well, all of those things you have done have all gone down the tubes in just four days.
The volcanic ash emitted into the Earth's atmosphere in just four days - yes, FOUR DAYS - by that volcano in Iceland which has totally erased every single effort you have made to reduce the evil beast, carbon. And there are around 200 active volcanoes on the planet spewing out this crud at any one time - EVERY DAY.
I don't really want to rain on your parade too much, but I should mention that when the volcano Mt. Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it spewed out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race had emitted in all its years on earth.
Yes, folks, Mt. Pinatubo was active for over one year - think about it.
Of course, I shouldn't spoil this 'touchy-feely tree-hugging' moment and mention the effect of solar and cosmic activity and the well-recognized 800-year global heating and cooling cycle, which keeps happening despite our completely insignificant efforts to affect climate change.
And I do wish I had a silver lining to this volcanic ash cloud, but the fact of the matter is that the bush fire season across the western USA and Australia this year alone will negate your efforts to reduce carbon in our world for the next two to three years. And it happens every year. Just remember that your government just tried to impose a whopping carbon tax on you, on the basis of the bogus 'human-caused' climate-change scenario.
Hey, isn't it interesting how they don't mention 'Global Warming' anymore, but just "Climate Change" - you know why?
It's because the planet has COOLED by 0.7 degrees in the past century and these global warming bull**** artists got caught with their pants down. And, just keep in mind that you might yet be stuck with an Emissions Trading Scheme - that whopping new tax - imposed on you that will achieve absolutely nothing except make you poorer.
It won't stop any volcanoes from erupting, that's for sure".
Bloody hell....Chinese police coming there...sounds like here...but that idea caused an uproar and was shelved....didn't realise she was so bad till I saw that TV report and now reading your stuff...fkn hell doesn't look good ...
It certainly is not and with gerrymandering and "other methods" it may be a while (or never) before we can right this ship
When I was young(er) and dissatisfied with the way things were going in the US I considered emigrating to Canada. Then Canada started being run by Ottawa, the Four western provinces considered seceding but that got squelched so then I considered Australia. A review of policies showed they weren't far behind Canada and in some things were ahead, So a couple decades ago i thought seriously about moving to New Zealand- even visiting and reviewing local real estate and policies. I was "that close" to purchasing a home- now it appears that NZ has gone the route of the other Anglo countries. So now there's no where to go. Fortunately for me I don't have that many years left- someone else will be the one to get the train back on the track.
When I was young(er) and dissatisfied with the way things were going in the US I considered emigrating to Canada. Then Canada started being run by Ottawa, the Four western provinces considered seceding but that got squelched so then I considered Australia. A review of policies showed they weren't far behind Canada and in some things were ahead, So a couple decades ago i thought seriously about moving to New Zealand- even visiting and reviewing local real estate and policies. I was "that close" to purchasing a home- now it appears that NZ has gone the route of the other Anglo countries. So now there's no where to go. Fortunately for me I don't have that many years left- someone else will be the one to get the train back on the track.
God reigns and the Son shines Ray so wherever we are there are good times ahead.
There ought to be a law about their crappy seats. They ought to be boycotted .
I have often wondered what other kind fees they will be able to think of. Maybe a weight surcharge on the individual themself? Motivation to get thin?

It really is pathetic what they've done with all the help they've received. A reasonably priced ticket gets out of control if you want to take a carry on or choose your seat. One person doesn't seem so bad but fly with two or god forbid a family with young ones and you might reconsider your trip. Then once you get on the plane you see that tiny hard seat with no leg room that is your personal torture device for the next few hours.

The volcanic ash emitted into the Earth's atmosphere in just four days - yes, FOUR DAYS - by that volcano in Iceland which has totally erased every single effort you have made to reduce the evil beast, carbon. And there are around 200 active volcanoes on the planet spewing out this crud at any one time - EVERY DAY.
i was living in washington state when mount st. helens exploded. it threw ash everywhere, etc, one can look it up if you want specifics. about a year afterward, i read a article in a paper down there that a scientist had done the calculations and in that ONE event, he claimed that there were more greenhouse gasses shot into the atmosphere than all of mankind had released in the last 100 years! now there have been many more eruptions and as noted above, all kinds of volcanoes are going all the time. not too much is made of that BUT cow's farting, now thats a big deal!!

surrounded by a buncha dumbasses.
I say this to all who write and read: we live among monsters. Come to terms with it.
Some quotes are by those that are INspired, others ar from those that have PERsoired, while lately the quotes are from someone that unknowing to us seems to have EXspired.
Looks like Biden is announcing his first gun control executive orders tomorrow. The clip below is pretty funny.


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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!