I would take issue with that.
That is what the liberals are saying, but exactly what was he supposed to be doing? Passing out water bottles and food for a photo op? Did he do anything illegal? Did he do anything immoral or unethical?
We have a sitting president who was paid by two foreign governments (that we know of); a sitting vice president who not only encouraged rioting last summer, but helped organize bail money for the ones who were arrested; and a congressman on the intelligence committee who had a long term relationship with a Chinese spy. And I'm only getting warmed up. Bill Clinton subverted the integrity of the court system by perjuring himself. Hillary left people to die in Libya, and enriched herself with Russian money for fissionable material. A "socialist" senator who drives (or did drive) an Audi R8 and owns 3 residences on a Senator's salary. I can't afford what that cocksucker owns, and I make about 50% more than he does. A former community organizer and junior senator and president, who has NEVER held an honest FT job, who owns a house on The Cape in MA.
No offense,
@Hogpatrol, we almost always see eye to eye on things, but you're marching to the beat of the leftist drummers on this one. Don't play their game. They won't ditch their people for committing actual crimes. In fact, they reward them. And we're supposed to ditch, or at least censure, one of the strongest conservative voices in the senate maybe since Barry Goldwater? For going to Cancun?