Thanks! I needed that. Hilarious how many times that line has been used.Dozens of great lines, and of course what made this one so funny was that it was originally a line from Bogart's "Treasure of the Sierra Madre."
Naturally this movie couldn't be made today, and our woke and so easily offended children's and grandchildren's generation couldn't bear to watch it without racing to a safe place.
It can't be good...LOL, I don’t even know what all those big letters mean!
I played "Treasure of the Sierra Madre" for two of my grandchildren awhile back and they were enthralled. A movie that actually tells a story. No super heroes or FX.
I saw a video that stated the International Monetary Fund, is calling for tying peoples credit files to internet search history.
The Borg Collective- resistance is futile.
Straight from the IMF.Whoever started that rumor doesn’t understand what the IMF does.. or how it works...
Similar to all of the banking rumors people start about the world bank.. not understanding that it is nothing at all like a commercial or consumer banking institution...
I have no love for any of the Breton Woods organizations...
But... don’t believe 50-75% of what you read about them... it’s generally unfounded conspiracy theory BS... and often generated by extreme left and right groups ranging from Code Pink to Greenpeace to militia groups...
IMF may not be calling it yet, but 4 researchers at IMF are the ones broaching the idea.That’s a blog post about banking industry trends.
That is hardly the IMF calling for action of any type.
Fintech is already in use by several retailers of services, such as AT&T... the IMF, via their blog, is telling you what’s already being used by the private sector...