
Good article justifying why Thomas and Alito will want to take the Texas case. The question will be where do the three new justices stand.

Too bad SCOTUS doesn't decide only on constitutional grounds without regard to the consequences. I guess now any and all states can do elections however they want--take in ballots till Dec.--whatever, since the constitution no longer spells things out in a way that must be applied.

I expected no less from the spineless SCOTUS. They are now just as worthless as the DOJ, AND FBI.

No doubt, the Democrat underground, along with big tech, and George Soros, have bribed, or blackmailed, all the right people to pull this off.

I'll tell you how this will play out. The Dems will steal the Georgia Senate seats, the Supreme Court gets packed with activists. D.C, and Puerto Rico become states, with more Democrat Senators.

Kiss the republic goodbye.......forever.

I hope anybody that voted for Biden, gets exactly what they deserve.
Don't forget amnesty for millions of new voters. The caravans are underway as we speak.
Is there never an end to the people, public institutions woven into the conspiracy to get rid of Trump?! Honestly, the DOJ (even Barr hid the Biden laptop controversy from the public until after the election), FBI (scary), media, lower courts, election officials, even scotus, not to mention bribery from Billionaires, Big Tech coverup, maybe even the postal service, and the sheriff's dept. letting in workers with thumb drives, truckloads of ballots at 4 am, foreign nations doing the tabulations, non-election workers allowed in the counting rooms, including at least two democratic candidates, administrative people announcing a phony water main break, Governors, Secretaries of State, WHERE DOES IT END? How can we trust in the FBI--maybe we should defund them, not the police. Mad as hell!

BTW, the FBI cannot get documents about Hillarygate, or investigate a laptop they have possessed for almost a year, but they have time to harass a whistleblower and his family, or make up some new cockamamy investigation of AG Paxton in punishment for doing the right thing! Would any of these characters be willing to lord it over us as a police state?
Very sad state of affairs. If ever a case screamed for judicial intervention, this was it. The idea that somehow TX didnt have standing? Thats ludicrous! 74 million Trump voters had standing! WTH??

But, I suppose its all over but the screaming now, soon Harris will take office,, yes I said Harris. Biden is just a temporary place holder for Harris. If it werent for all the media covering for him and not asking questions of him, allowing him to get away with non answers to non questions for the whole campaign, then social media not allowing anything to be talked about that wasnt anti Trump and on and on... it was pre ordained that Trump would lose.
I think considering the odds that Biden would overtake Trumps lead late on election night were astronomical, and how the vote counting stopped in certain states and all the rest. They had no idea they would have to come up with so many new found votes to get Biden over the edge, they had to work pretty hard to find them. Something like 94 percent of the late counted votes overnight went to Biden.
That should tell us something. SCROTUS has no balls!! It does not bode well for the future.
Very sad state of affairs. If ever a case screamed for judicial intervention, this was it. The idea that somehow TX didnt have standing? Thats ludicrous! 74 million Trump voters had standing! WTH??

But, I suppose its all over but the screaming now, soon Harris will take office,, yes I said Harris. Biden is just a temporary place holder for Harris. If it werent for all the media covering for him and not asking questions of him, allowing him to get away with non answers to non questions for the whole campaign, then social media not allowing anything to be talked about that wasnt anti Trump and on and on... it was pre ordained that Trump would lose.
I think considering the odds that Biden would overtake Trumps lead late on election night were astronomical, and how the vote counting stopped in certain states and all the rest. They had no idea they would have to come up with so many new found votes to get Biden over the edge, they had to work pretty hard to find them. Something like 94 percent of the late counted votes overnight went to Biden.
That should tell us something. SCROTUS has no balls!! It does not bode well for the future.
agree, and xF%!$#!&*^$st
As I've said previously, if the Over/Under on the amount of time Bidet would actually be president before he is replaced by Ms Horrible was set at 90 days, I'd confidently take Under.

I expected no less from the spineless SCOTUS. They are now just as worthless as the DOJ, AND FBI.

No doubt, the Democrat underground, along with big tech, and George Soros, have bribed, or blackmailed, all the right people to pull this off.

I'll tell you how this will play out. The Dems will steal the Georgia Senate seats, the Supreme Court gets packed with activists. D.C, and Puerto Rico become states, with more Democrat Senators.

Kiss the republic goodbye.......forever.

I hope anybody that voted for Biden, gets exactly what they deserve.
Trump has no one to blame but himself. He says the he only recruits the best, but he is probably the worsed recruiter in the world. It is a bit of irony that his the SCOTUS picks will be those that sends him back to Florida.
No doubt these Spineless SCOTUS judges are only worried about what will happen to them, from the ensuing media backlash, and possible retaliation from an incoming Biden administration.

Self serving, and self proclaimed constitutionalists, that refuse to follow the rule of law for the greater good of a nation.

Welcome to the USA. A country that no longer has a backbone or moral compass.
I dont think SCOTUS turned down the case due to bribes, deep state or spinless. It came down to setting the precedence that in any national election that a state can sue a state if they don't like the results. I think the Supreme Court is trying to keep out of elections at all costs. Now I disagree with the decision and believe this is the exact case that the Supreme Court should have at least heard.

Thinking further down the road when Kristi Noem wins 45 states in 2024, Liberals can just cry.

Joe Bidens appointments are disasters (which some on here predicted). Anyone here who owns a gun or imports trophies and voted for Biden, do not come here and complain when new rules or procedures are implemented. @Ray B I have Biden at 180 days but given the new scandals (which the media buried) and now they are running with, I think your 90 days might be too long. Pelosi wanting to revise the 25th amendment was not for Trump. Biden is either a puppet or a useful pawn.

I still say Republicans can fix alot of this shit at the state level they just need to get off their ass and do it, there will be outrage in the media for a week and people will move on. But that is where we need to be applying pressure.
I dont think SCOTUS turned down the case due to bribes, deep state or spinless. It came down to setting the precedence that in any national election that a state can sue a state if they don't like the results. I think the Supreme Court is trying to keep out of elections at all costs. Now I disagree with the decision and believe this is the exact case that the Supreme Court should have at least heard.

Thinking further down the road when Kristi Noem wins 45 states in 2024, Liberals can just cry.

Joe Bidens appointments are disasters (which some on here predicted). Anyone here who owns a gun or imports trophies and voted for Biden, do not come here and complain when new rules or procedures are implemented. @Ray B I have Biden at 180 days but given the new scandals (which the media buried) and now they are running with, I think your 90 days might be too long. Pelosi wanting to revise the 25th amendment was not for Trump. Biden is either a puppet or a useful pawn.

I still say Republicans can fix alot of this shit at the state level they just need to get off their ass and do it, there will be outrage in the media for a week and people will move on. But that is where we need to be applying pressure.

I agree with you on SCOTUS. None of us want California suing Texas in 2024 because they disagree with who Texas voted for. This doesn't mean I am not extremely disappointed in the SCOTUS decision.

The leak regarding the Biden investigations didn't come from DOJ. Barr didn't want a repeat of 2016,(Hillary emails) to affect the election, so by not letting America know there was a Biden investigation he affected the election. :A Bonk:

My guess is the leak to CNN regarding the Biden's can be traced back to Valerie Jarrett. Look for Obama to have a surrogate for his third term.
SCOTUS elected to not take the case of Texas, that is suing over voter fraud. The reason being, that the states being sued should solve the fraud at a local level, which for dubious reasons from various people, is being swept under the rug, by the very people who are responsible for it in the first place.

If I commit a crime, do I investigate myself? Sure would be nice, wouldn't it?

SCOTUS should have taken a serious look at this. Plain & simple.
It is constitutional for one state to sue another at SCROTUS. These black robes chicken****s, dont want to touch anything that might be deemed controversial these days. They have punted on many pro gun cases in the last few years and here we are with a 6-3 majority, supposedly of conservative judges and only two offered any kind of dissent, Thomas and Alito. What happened to Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett?!?! We know about Roberts!
This idea that TX has no right to sue those states is pure BS. Them saying TX didnt have standing is just being cowardly. They are afraid of the consequences of their actions here. They took the easy way out as usual. I have lost confidence in the court to do anything that requires balls!
The lies have already started regarding Ms Horrible (Finnish translation). She is being referred to as the first AFRICAN AMERICAN Vice President/President. Last I knew her parents were immigrants, not from Africa but one from India and one from Jamaica. Oh well, the lying media continues its brain washing of the low information class.
I agree with you on SCOTUS. None of us want California suing Texas in 2024 because they disagree with who Texas voted for. This doesn't mean I am not extremely disappointed in the SCOTUS decision.

The leak regarding the Biden investigations didn't come from DOJ. Barr didn't want a repeat of 2016,(Hillary emails) to affect the election, so by not letting America know there was a Biden investigation he affected the election. :A Bonk:

My guess is the leak to CNN regarding the Biden's can be traced back to Valerie Jarrett. Look for Obama to have a surrogate for his third term.
Thank you both. That is a logical and I believe correct assessment of the SCOTUS action. In fact, assuming for the moment the court would have decided against Texas in any case (a 99.99999% certainty), they at least did not establish a precedent.

The Biden story broke now because the Biden transition team released a statement that Hunter had been subpoenaed in a federal money laundering and tax evasion investigation. Hard for even the MSM to totally ignore that source. To date, like any AG, Barr has refrained from commenting meaningfully on any active investigation (unlike a former FBI Director).

The timing of the subpoena is probably worth mulling over.

I am a conservative, then a Republican, and then Trump supporter. The true believer right demanding Trump or nothing better wake up about Georgia. Lose the senate, and we will not recognize our country in two years, and it likely won’t matter who is on the ticket in 24.

I’ll take a small herd of RINO’s over a Schumer with a majority of one.
One problem Republican voters have is that many Republican politicians (including Republican appointees) do not want Trump to succeed. They are just happy to get rid of him.

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