I'm not an American (though my wife and kids are). So no dog in this hunt. But perhaps an outsider's perspective might add something to the debate?
I would be way more worried about this election result if I were a Democrat than if I were a Republican. While it's pretty clear that the Republicans lost the White House, it doesn't seem that their policies lost. It looks like the Republicans will keep the Senate and the Democrats have a reduced majority in the House. This is hardly a victory for Democratic policies.
As well, it's important to note that more Blacks, hispanics and visible minorities voted for Trump this time than in 2016. That should send a pretty sobering message to Democrats on the two coasts.
What seems to have happened, admittedly from afar, is that many people didn't like Trump for a whole bunch of reasons, but mostly personal ones. But many disliked Democrat policies more than they disliked Trump, and thus held their noses and voted for Trump. In effect, Trump's personality, likely with the COVID issues and his reaction to them, cost him the election. So it's less a case of Biden winning than of Trump losing. If I were a Democrat, my greatest fear would be a more likeable version of Trump with the same or similar policies. And given Trump's very strong showing, it's likely that whoever is the nominee in 2024 will take that to heart. Less Twitter ranting and more fundamental change.
On a more important issue, it's the Democrats who are threatening to destroy the American political system, not the Republicans. Yes, Trump refusing to concede and not providing evidence of voter fraud on a scale substantial enough to change the outcome is not helpful, but that's him, not the system. A focus on this should help the Republicans going forward. The Founding Fathers were incredibly prescient - they knew that pure representation by population would inevitably fracture the country and lead to its demise. So they created a senate which added half the states plus one to the majority needed to pass legislation (and an electoral college). So while the Democrats can go on all they want about Biden winning with the largest number of votes for a challenger in history, those votes principally came from New York and California (and states to which Californians are moving). If residents of those states believe (as they seem to) that any rational person, wherever they are, should think and vote like them, then Democrats are in fact doomed to defeat in what really matters - the ability to enact their policies into law. A president can do a lot by executive order, but he can't fundamentally change the laws of the country, and the next president can reverse executive orders. Laws are (often much) more difficult to change.
So while it would have been wonderful to win the White House again, that's a battle, not the war (contrary to what many seem to think). The war is, in reality, one for the heart and soul fo the country, and that's a long term affair. And in that war, from where I sit, it looks like the Republicans are pretty well positioned, if they play their cards right.
To paraphrase Winston Churchill, there are still broad sunlit uplands ahead for Republicans.