
Instead of going to court, is Trump taking things directly to the state legislatures.

Invite the delegation to the White House and show all cards, then ask them to use Trump electors or just not appoint any electors. The goal isn't to defeat Biden. It is to get Biden below 270.

AP Politics


President Trump has summoned Michigan’s Republican legislative leaders to the White House for a meeting Friday. The meeting comes amid a longshot GOP push to overturn the certification of Joe Biden’s 153,000-vote victory in the battleground state.
The Georgia recount was a worthless endeavor, as no signatures were allowed to be witnessed, or verified.

Trumps only hope, lies in the SCOTUS,bif it can make it that far. I don't have much faith in that outcome, especially with the sellout Justice Robert's.
So I listened live, and have waded through the recording a couple of times. I think the problem with most everything Rudi had to say was the lack of sufficient mass to make a difference. I have no doubt there were irregularities. But even a few hundred (more likely few dozen) examples won't get them very far in overcoming a certified result. It is one thing to blame Dems for generations of crooked elections at a press conference, but another thing entirely to bring enough clear evidence of enough doctored ballots to achieve a remedy in a court of law in front of a judge - much less nine of them.

The most interesting presentation was Sidney Powell and her allegations w/r to the voting machine software and hardware companies. She implied both managerial groups had headed for the tall grass, though both somehow issued statements immediately following the presser.

One can point to all the statistical anomalies we are all observing and the MSM are ignoring, but unless someone comes forward saying I wrote the algorithm that gave the election to Biden, and someone else comes forward and says I was the one who threw the switch ..... they remain anomalies subject to alternative explanations. They claim to have a witness/whistle blower - but it had better be the software engineer himself and not simply an employee passing along what he or she heard at the watercooler (shades of Vindman anyone?). The fact that it is apparently some third world Venezuelan military officer is somehow not reassuring.

Trump still has to turn this in at least three states and has about four weeks to do it.

In spite of the rhetoric over on Red State, Revolver, Gateway, etc, I personally came away from the press conference believing Trump's case(s) will be less successful than I did previously.

Feel free to convince me that I am wrong.

With what Rudy said I agree 100 %. There is no Judge anywhere that’s going to throw out votes, unless they are’s completely fraudulent. Maybe Rudy has the goods, but suspect not.

Now Sidney Powell on the other hand, she is not known as a political hack, and has a reputation and practice to maintain. I get that lawyers puff, worse than a used car salesman (no offenses to car salesmen), but you don’t make statements like she made without the goods, unless you make them in your lawsuit where you are protected from slander and liable.
So I listened live, and have waded through the recording a couple of times. I think the problem with most everything Rudi had to say was the lack of sufficient mass to make a difference. I have no doubt there were irregularities. But even a few hundred (more likely few dozen) examples won't get them very far in overcoming a certified result. It is one thing to blame Dems for generations of crooked elections at a press conference, but another thing entirely to bring enough clear evidence of enough doctored ballots to achieve a remedy in a court of law in front of a judge - much less nine of them.

The most interesting presentation was Sidney Powell and her allegations w/r to the voting machine software and hardware companies. She implied both managerial groups had headed for the tall grass, though both somehow issued statements immediately following the presser.

One can point to all the statistical anomalies we are all observing and the MSM are ignoring, but unless someone comes forward saying I wrote the algorithm that gave the election to Biden, and someone else comes forward and says I was the one who threw the switch ..... they remain anomalies subject to alternative explanations. They claim to have a witness/whistle blower - but it had better be the software engineer himself and not simply an employee passing along what he or she heard at the watercooler (shades of Vindman anyone?). The fact that it is apparently some third world Venezuelan military officer is somehow not reassuring.

Trump still has to turn this in at least three states and has about four weeks to do it.

In spite of the rhetoric over on Red State, Revolver, Gateway, etc, I personally came away from the press conference believing Trump's case(s) will be less successful than I did previously.

Feel free to convince me that I am wrong.
I kind of agree with Redleg on this, I think Rudi made for great TV but doesn't really move the needle legally and that is what we need now.

From my understanding the real issue is that the Trump administration is running out of time for discovery.

I do think there is something there with the software. But this software seems very clunky and pieced together (see how they are finding ballots in Georgia due to an upload error), usb ports and a chip for processing and the barcodes on ballots, there is almost an infinite amount of things that would need to be secure, across 1000s of machines. I dont know enough on where the tweaks could be made and how wide spread you would have to make them. Code is tough to read through, and if the right audit log settings are not enabled on that server it could be basically worthless. But this fits a logical narrative and aligns to the timeline of the night and elections passed.

Edit: What is written below is pure speculation and not in anyway backup or proven with any facts.

For example, if there was a tweak in the recording/reporting algorithm in 2016 to favor Hillary but there was such a landslide for Trump that the algorithm couldn't make up for it. Or the algorithm wasn't use in enough machines or the calculations were off. Something was off and their was a miscalculation and even with cheating Hillary lost. This is why there was no recount or legal protest from Democrats. The potential to expose the fraud couldnt be jeopardize.

They were on path to lose again, and had to stop the count and make adjustments to the algorithm, the machines, etc and once done they started the count again. Mail in ballots gave them cover to do it and the ability to know the number left to go.

Data Integrity is the biggest issue in cyber security today, if you can't trust what your eyes are seeing it begins harder to believe what they are really seeing.
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A sad thing about the whole thing is the complete lack of any historical observance by the DemonRats. Even the most remedial historian can see the resemblance between the various present-day players and those who were involved with the replacing of the Weimar Republic. The bankers and media figured they could control the National Socialist Party only to find out that they were just a little farther down the line of victims. So too will it be with the billionaires supporting the DemonRat agenda. they will be learning the hard way that China can't be controlled- but as with the Jewish bankers, it will be too late.
I kind of agree with Redleg on this, I think Rudi made for great TV but doesn't really move the needle legally and that is what we need now.

From my understanding the real issue is that the Trump administration is running out of time for discovery.

I do think there is something there with the software. But this software seems very clunky and pieced together (see how they are finding ballots in Georgia due to an upload error), usb ports and a chip for processing and the barcodes on ballots, there is almost an infinite amount of things that would need to be secure, across 1000s of machines. I dont know enough on where the tweaks could be made and how wide spread you would have to make them. Code is tough to read through, and if the right audit log settings are not enabled on that server it could be basically worthless. But this fits a logical narrative and aligns to the timeline of the night and elections passed.

For example, if there was a tweak in the recording/reporting algorithm in 2016 to favor Hillary but there was such a landslide for Trump that the algorithm couldn't make up for it. Or the algorithm wasn't use in enough machines or the calculations were off. Something was off and their was a miscalculation and even with cheating Hillary lost. This is why there was no recount or legal protest from Democrats. The potential to expose the fraud couldnt be jeopardize.

They were on path to lose again, and had to stop the count and make adjustments to the algorithm, the machines, etc and once done they started the count again. Mail in ballots gave them cover to do it and the ability to know the number left to go.

Data Integrity is the biggest issue in cyber security today, if you can't trust what your eyes are seeing it begins harder to believe what they are really seeing.
What I am struggling with is that she essentially alleged the crime of the century. I tend to agree with @wesheltonj that a serious lawyer doesn't do what she did today without some real evidence. However, I also find it difficult to grasp how this conspiracy could work over several states with reaction times fast enough to overcome in real time the unanticipated red wave that she has postulated.

I spent 11 years of my professional life running a software development and systems integration business for a major corporation. I had around 1200 software engineers and systems engineers working for me. Tweaking algorithms on the fly may make for good reading in a spy novel, but in a two-hour period over multiple states using tailored systems?!? My guys and gals were good - some of the best in the industry - but this ................ ?!?

My only point is this had to have been pulled off by more than some sweaty key-board pounder in a secret secure basement. It would be really really hard to keep that quiet. Maybe they couldn't and that is what she has. But I remain skeptical.
What I am struggling with is that she essentially alleged the crime of the century. I tend to agree with @wesheltonj that a serious lawyer doesn't do what she did today without some real evidence. However, I also find it difficult to grasp how this conspiracy could work over several states with reaction times fast enough to overcome in real time the unanticipated red wave that she has postulated.

I spent 11 years of my professional life running a software development and systems integration business for a major corporation. I had around 1200 software engineers and systems engineers working for me. Tweaking algorithms on the fly may make for good reading in a spy novel, but in a two-hour period over multiple states using tailored systems?!? My guys and gals were good - some of the best in the industry - but this ................ ?!?

My only point is this had to have been pulled off by more than some sweaty key-board pounder in a secret secure basement. It would be really really hard to keep that quiet. Maybe they couldn't and that is what she has. But I remain skeptical.
I agree with you. The tip off to me is not necessary the tabulation which goes to a server somewhere. But how the Georgia ballots where found due to a upload error. They are being processed locally and stored locally (this is actually a good thing as it limits outside interference) on each individual machine.

So you could has tested proven code, that would be ready to go and then have someone go to the machines and push the update. I don't know how feasible it is with the time constraints to do a deployment like that but if theory it could be done.
Is he telling fake News ??or isit covid
What I am struggling with is that she essentially alleged the crime of the century. I tend to agree with @wesheltonj that a serious lawyer doesn't do what she did today without some real evidence. However, I also find it difficult to grasp how this conspiracy could work over several states with reaction times fast enough to overcome in real time the unanticipated red wave that she has postulated.

I spent 11 years of my professional life running a software development and systems integration business for a major corporation. I had around 1200 software engineers and systems engineers working for me. Tweaking algorithms on the fly may make for good reading in a spy novel, but in a two-hour period over multiple states using tailored systems?!? My guys and gals were good - some of the best in the industry - but this ................ ?!?

My only point is this had to have been pulled off by more than some sweaty key-board pounder in a secret secure basement. It would be really really hard to keep that quiet. Maybe they couldn't and that is what she has. But I remain skeptical.
Apparently, according to Rush, that Dominion was supposed to testify today before a Pennsylvania Legislative committee for a "fact finding" hearing. They were no shows. I am starting to suspect someone talked.
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Apparently, according to Rush, the either the software company and/or hardware company was supposed to testify today before a Pennsylvania Legislative committee for a "fact finding" hearing. They were no shows. I am starting to suspect someone talked.

Heard the same about Dominion being a no show in PA today.

It is easy for Dominion, Scytl etc to issues a press release after Sydney Powell's press conference yesterday. The companies problem is they will be bankrupt fairly soon if they do not respond publicly in a loud way, and with defamation suits against the President's attorneys. Dominion executives need to be out in front of this.

In all likelihood, Powell would love to be sued by Dominion right now as it would open discovery. Dominion has technical information including manuals on the internet. I have posted some parts earlier in this thread. There is no way Dominion wants to explain in front of an open court all the features built into their machines.

Have Dominion executives been in front of the media? Have their spokesmen or attorney's taken questions in front of the media? Perhaps they have and I have missed it. If not, that may be telling.

Also today, Sydney Powell evidently said on Glenn Beck that "our forces" got the servers in Germany and that "four" foreign countries had access to those servers. Yes, this is all here say, but this story line of the DOD taking servers in Germany doesn't die.
Just unbelievable bullshit....the students need a good slap to knock some reality into them....

If this was a “constant reminder” why did it take 95 years for it to come to light?
Well this is interesting.... I think ? Maybe it's a normal change and I'm just hyper sensitive ?

@wesheltonj ?

There are definitely changes but the only one of substances is the 6th Circuit with Kavanaugh responsible for Michigan instead of Sotomayor.

Timing is real interesting on this. Perhaps it is just a restructuring with Barrett being added but timing would have been better prior to election or after inauguration. Don't know but presume Roberts had final say in this.
I have been concerned that Sydney Powell seemed to be putting a lot of stock in the "Hammer and Scorecard" conspiracy theory which is being peddled by Lt Gen (R) Thomas McInerney. I personally believe McInerney is a certifiable crackpot. Many of you may remember him asserting nightly on Fox that Malaysia Airlines 370 actually had been highjacked to Pakistan or East Africa to be used in a future mass casualty attack. He was also a "birther," etc., etc.

I assume that Powell believes that Dominion and Scytl are the corporate mechanisms for deploying Hammer and Scorecard.

The attached is worth reading. It came off "Revolver" not "Salon" and is written by Jordan Schachtel who isn't exactly a regular at progressive brie and chardonnay parties or ANTIFA riot planning seminars.

His final two paragraphs are worth quoting here for those not wishing to take the time to read the article.

"Powell, for reasons unknown, has used Hammer and Scorecard as one of the focal points for the president’s election fraud challenge. On Tuesday, she appeared on Newsmax again and alleged that the CIA was running a global election fraud machine through Hammer and Scorecard. She has continued to allude to Hammer and Scorecard throughout the week.

The Trump election team may very well have a case for widespread voter fraud, but Hammer and Scorecard is not it. Hammer and Scorecard is a simple information operation that is being used to enrich Mr. Montgomery and his network, through individuals who are either knowingly or unknowingly fueling his operation. It has no basis in reality. There are zero reasons to believe Hammer and Scorecard ever existed. It’s a cheap hoax spawned by a con man."

My suspicion meter goes off the scale whenever someone starts pointing to top secret CIA cabals aimed at domestic targets and/or institutions. The most infuriating in my lifetime was the "Truther" hoax about 911. CIA is always a perfect bogeyman, because of the very nature of its international charter and secrecy.

I have never been a member of Central Intelligence, however, I have worked with both analysts and field operatives off and on through much of my career. That included some fairly extensive training with them in the rural Tidewater and joint efforts in the Middle East. The vast majority with whom I have been associated are the same type of selfless patriot who make up most of our armed forces. I would guess Trump tallied pretty well within the Agency just as he did within DOD.

Politically appointed leadership is a different thing entirely - just like DOD. But political appointees don't carry out field operations.

The above is not to offer some lauditory testimonial, but rather to simply emphasize how difficult it would be to put together such a direct assault on our constitution using the Agency. I just do not believe that is a secret that could be kept.
What I am struggling with is that she essentially alleged the crime of the century. I tend to agree with @wesheltonj that a serious lawyer doesn't do what she did today without some real evidence. However, I also find it difficult to grasp how this conspiracy could work over several states with reaction times fast enough to overcome in real time the unanticipated red wave that she has postulated.

I spent 11 years of my professional life running a software development and systems integration business for a major corporation. I had around 1200 software engineers and systems engineers working for me. Tweaking algorithms on the fly may make for good reading in a spy novel, but in a two-hour period over multiple states using tailored systems?!? My guys and gals were good - some of the best in the industry - but this ................ ?!?

My only point is this had to have been pulled off by more than some sweaty key-board pounder in a secret secure basement. It would be really really hard to keep that quiet. Maybe they couldn't and that is what she has. But I remain skeptical.
Was it the crime of the century when over a million votes were switched in Venezuela, with the same software? It is the same here, our society/students have just been dumbed down enough to have the wool pulled over their eyes. I think we vastly underestimate the power of media. Propaganda is more sophisticated these days.
Not sure if this will post. Video of counting facility in Cobb County with shredding machine. Shredding ballots???

Today, during lunch, CSPAN had rep. Louie Gohmert giving a history of election inference going back to 2010 (and before). He also read some of the sworn testimonies which will be used by the Trump attorneys. He also spent some time on the DESTRUCTION OF BALLOTING EQUIPMENT after the 2018 election. When will we ever learn?

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