First, I was completely wrong regarding a Trump landslide of 330 electoral votes. Feel free to take the verbal kiboko to me if you wish.
Some general thoughts. Most information is off the top of my head so if I misspeak, feel free to call me out.
Six states had some interesting things happen last night. Five have Democrats as governors. In the state with the Republican governor, a city with a Democrat mayor raises some questions.
Pennsylvania - With Trump having a 600k+ lead, Philadelphia sends counters home at 11pm. The governor printed return mail postage on all mail in ballots so they will not have to go through Post Office machines to have stamps canceled. Pennsylvania Democrats have three days to add as many votes as they need. Pennsylvania will be settled in the courts.
Georgia - With Trump having a 200k lead, Atlanta slows down and won't finish counting available votes. Georgia officials say Trump has won but none of the media will give it to Trump. Republican governor will make it harder for Biden to pull this out.
Arizona - Is called for Biden. Biden has a 200k lead with a 75% of vote in. 10% of vote is counted overnight and Trump cuts lead to 93k. 15% of vote left. Trump may win this. It will be close.
North Carolina - Trump has 80k lead. Probably hard for Biden to overcome, but don't make any bets.
Nevada - Biden has lead. Trump narrows lead to 8k with 65% reporting. Election board shuts down and says they will have final information Thursday at noon!?
Michigan - Trump has a big lead and all at once, Biden gets massive vertical vote dump. It is almost like Someone needed to know how many votes were needed and poof they appear.
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Wisconsin - See Michigan. Trump comfortably leading and in middle of night Biden gets vertical vote dump.
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Fox calls Virginia and Arizona early. Fox didn't call Florida until Trump had more votes than there were ballots left. Apx 1.5 hours late. Also didn't call Texas until very late.
Trump will fight. There will have recounts and then more recounts. This election will be settled in the courts. Half of the country will think the election was stolen from them. If Trump wins there will be significant civil unrest.
Over the next few days the country and the world will see how the sausage is made.