
What are we going to see tomorrow?

A.) A Trump landslide
B.) A narrow Trump Victory
C.) A Joe Biden Win
D.) Waiting 2 weeks to get the results because of Democrat late ballot b.s
E.) Biden not conceding to a Trump win, and an ensuing court fiasco, while Dems stomp their feet in tantrums, and try to get Pelosi in as interim POTUS.

I hope that Trump has the necessary Federal plan in place to crush the idiotic uprising of those that can't handle the result of an election thst doesn't go in their favor.

Probably the most important election we will see in our lifetime.

God bless Donald Trump.
I may just go fishing all day tomorrow
I may just go fishing all day tomorrow

Sounds like a good plan. I have to set up a couple feeders and cameras. If the wind dies enough, the crossbow and I will be in a tree stand until dark. The rut is just starting to get hot.
Sounds like a good plan. I have to set up a couple feeders and cameras. If the wind dies enough, the crossbow and I will be in a tree stand until dark. The rut is just starting to get hot.
Good plan. I have good buck on camera as well.
I saw today on the local news that Oklahoma has added 166,000 new registered voters to the polls this year. The last time that many were added was over 20 years ago. AND Oklahoma now has actually 50.9% REPUBLICAN registered voters. That hasn't happened in my lifetime. Oklahoma is kind of an enigma where we have traditionally been a democratic state but vote very conservative in elections. Lots of Democratic governors but have voted Republican for presidential since Reagan. I hope other states out there have seen the same shift in new voters. Tomorrow will tell (or two weeks from tomorrow)
Sounds like a good plan. I have to set up a couple feeders and cameras. If the wind dies enough, the crossbow and I will be in a tree stand until dark. The rut is just starting to get hot.
I thought about going hunting but the next elk season doesn't open up until this coming Saturday.

But there is always rabbits, geese, ducks, and a few other critters to go after.
I’ve been sitting in my County’s Auxiliary Court since March. I have three Deputies assigned to me in that court. My chief deputy informed me today that he will not be in court tomorrow because he’s been pulled for the expected riots tomorrow. Their intelligence has said that they are expecting bused in protesters in Austin, Dallas, Houston, El Paso and San Antonio.

Goes along with what I heard from one of the Biden folks at one of the polls saying they were going to get some guns and shoot some people.

I never thought I would see that type of day. But am I prepared.

Be safe.
Been following this thread for some time now,
The hunting industry amongst others need a Trump re-election.

Well all I can say is ....good luck for your elections and be safe all the way from South Africa.

Let's hope for the best..

I may just go fishing all day tomorrow
My wife and I are sitting in a lodge on the upper Zambezi. Tho other couple in camp are liberals, going to be an interesting breakfast tomorrow as we whoop in delight as they savour their grapefruit!
I already voted. Hand delivered my early ballot. Signature verified and accepted, per the recorders office ballot tracking.

Jonathan Pie.. an extreme liberal brit.. that accurately called the 2016 election for all of the right reasons (Hillary is unelectable, unlikeable, the D party got arrogant, etc..etc..)..

His rant about how things look in the US in 2020 is pretty accurate..

And he is calling 2020 for Trump..

Be aware before you click the link.. extreme language..
@mdwest I was sitting in a hotel room in London about 8 or 10 days before the 2016 election. I had the TV on as I was writing a report for AH on my computer about the high end gun shops I had been visiting the previous 3-4 days. The news was on and a British reporter had been covering the Hilary campaign. She was making a speech and made the comment that Trump supporters were a "basket of deplorables". It got my attention and I thought "I don't think she should have said that". Prior to that day I didn't think there was any way Hilary could lose the election. Well we all know what happened. I still can't stand Trump, but I despised Hilary then and still do. And I voted for Trump again this time only because I believe he is the lesser of two evils as compared to liberal ideology.
My wife and I are sitting in a lodge on the upper Zambezi. Tho other couple in camp are liberals, going to be an interesting breakfast tomorrow as we whoop in delight as they savour their grapefruit!
Now now Mr. Peacocke, Zambezi flat dogs only enjoy fresh produce, keep them camp mates away from the waters edge...

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John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
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500 and 425 magaizne.jpg
cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's
ghay wrote on professor's profile.
Would you consider selling just the Barnes 235's and 250g TTSX's?
Hunt27 wrote on Tra3's profile.
Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.