All of the federal employees that I know and have known were employed by several agencies, including F&W, Social Services, Housing, USPS, Law Enforcement, VA, parks. Most were "workers" as opposed to management, but a few were supervisors. With the exception of one doctor in the VA, all were providing quality service for their salary. the one doctor did give quality, but his 2 year residency was in Seattle (rain-cold) and he let everyone know that he was from Texas (dry-hot) and his 2 year sentence would soon be up and he'd be gone.
The problem that I see with any agency is the methods of evaluation and ambitions of managers. A systemic problem with most government agencies is the method of evaluation. A police officer may be evaluated by the number of citations he/she writes (this is a quota and that term is avoided but the number that the supervisor reviews is still there). So if an officer is ambitious and there is insufficient crime for him to catch, he needs to invent some. The very first traffic ticket that I got was by such an officer. So the crime inventing officer gets promotion while the honest one is passed over.
I saw politicians that had a program to please a certain sector of the population (gain votes) but didn't want to have the appearance that the program would cost anybody anything. So they would pick on some agency that had the appearance of similarity and have duties involved with the new program added to that agency- with no increase in staff or funding. Generally the directors of the agency involved welcomed such additions because it built their empire. So a bureaucracy grows and gets to be inefficient as it loses focus on doing a few things well in the effort to do several things which end up being done poorly.
On top of all this then you have the corrupt officials, of which we have seen too many to mention. The phrase is to defund the police. It should be redefine the duties of not only the police but of all government agencies- allow the agencies to focus on a very few things that they do very well and eliminate those activities from their duties that could be best handled by other agencies or private companies. If any employees are to be "fired" at the top of the list should be the corrupt officials and the politicians that installed the enabling system.