You mean the same ex astronaut from AZ that was caught trying to buy guns that he and his wife were campaigning to ban at the same time?A quick search shows VW and BMW were far outselling Tesla in Germany before Trump was even elected. Let alone DOGE and the Musk hatred.
I just watched one of our Ex astronauts from AZ brag about selling his Tesla and showed off his new ICE GM Yukon suv.
He is such a virtuous person.
And that's how the others should be.Key word: should.
Review nearly any SCOTUS case and it divides along party lines with Robert’s stuck somewhere in the middle.
As to the price of eggs…. no mystery that killing a couple hundred million chickens will cause a shortage of eggs and increase price. Stopping “bird brain” flu spread by killing chickens demonstrates stupidity and a denial of best science. Yet sheeple will continue to accept that “science” by gov, their new God. Watch, as the next attempt for power and control is currently underway using another beta test … “measles outbreak”.
I haven’t recently calculated the TOTAL COST of raising your own chickens for egg production but I believe $7 per dozen would be cheapHere are some of mine. And, don’t overlook ducks either. But this is 9000 miles away, so won’t apply to US.
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although those actions might actually educate the electorate, the truth is, we as a nation were/are at the brink financially.So a year from now, Trump will be facing a huge DOGE backlash from the left and the right.
Whatever time period It takes for the masses to revolt from the DOGE cuts. After that time.
Trump should reverse course completely and raise taxes on everyone to demonstrate the bloat of government. It would sacrifice his legacy, but help the next regime demonstrate the need for cuts.
I remember in 1969, a coach/history teacher saying to our class that our generation (hippies, I suppose) were the worst generation in the history of our country. That has probably been said by every group of oldsters in the history of man...I’m not sure all Gen Y or Z falls into the categories you have espoused. I do know that Boomers and Xers had an easy time paying for college with a minimum wage, part time job and paying for a home on one salary. By polling data, older generations love to vote for entitlement programs. Of course, younger generations have not voted to push for those reductions.
My example is anecdotal. I grew up on a farm. I only went to college due to an academic scholarship. If I was not able to secure that funding, I would’ve been enlisting the day after high school graduation. My first job was a farm hand, second a fork lift driver, third manager in the same facility, fourth director at a different company, now VP of my department.
Just be careful labeling all of the younger generations as lazy and entitled. I’m sure many in older generations had it tough. It was only 2 years ago before I could afford to have my wife stay home full time. Not due to lack of budgeting, my daily commuter is a 2016 Cruze.
Appreciate your opinion though. It does help cement my perspective.
Back in my highschool days in the mid 80s the teachers were talking about the national debt. And everybody said "we must do something about it" There was very few who had creditcards or businesscards but everybody else paid cash or used checks. Now everybody just about has a creditcard and apparently creditcard dept to go along with it. Close to 50% struggle with creditdebt. More than 59% has less than $1000 in emergency fond. One paycheck away they go bust. Yes america has a spending problem, but also have a structual problem that goes deeper.although those actions might actually educate the electorate, the truth is, we as a nation were/are at the brink financially.
the national debt is truly a real time bomb. how long could you or i have a income of $100K and a credit card debt of $600K+ (even with a pretty low interest rate) AND continue to put-on additional 30K+ on the card every year?
at some point in the very near future, we would not even be able to pay the interest, nobody would want to invest or offer us another credit card, etc.
i just don't know if we could last long enough as a country to teach the citizens the reality of the lesson that you are going for above. and then of course, have the guts to ACTUALLY fix the problem. we don't have a income or taxing problem, we have fraud, waste and a SPENDING problem.
It’s an older story than most think.I remember in 1969, a coach/history teacher saying to our class that our generation (hippies, I suppose) were the worst generation in the history of our country. That has probably been said by every group of oldsters in the history of man...
Biden as terrible he was never mentioned impeachment of federal judges.Did Roberts come out against Biden when he criticized the Roe V Wade decision made by the USSC? If he did I don’t remember it.
Correct but he never let an opportunity get lost to criticize some of their rulings. Even ignoring some rulings.Biden as terrible he was never mentioned impeachment of federal judges.
Depending on your political views, same can be said for the other side as well.True.
If you've ever read some of the decisions handed down by the SCOTUS, you know how ignorant some leftist judges are. Sotomayor can't seem to express a coherent logical argument to save her life. Her ramblings remind me of a 5th grader trying to bluster their way through a book report.
The mental gymnastics required to come up with their arguments never cease to amaze me.
Perhaps not is the answer.Trump is certainly hiding his talents as a 4 D chess master well
He is cunningly pretending that Putin is playing him like a fiddle
No doubt he will suddenly pull out a master stroke
Or perhaps not …
I am very biased but yes it is.That is fantastic country! Let me know if you guys need a tag along!
Trump wrote the book on criticizing the judges.Correct but he never let an opportunity get lost to criticize some of their rulings. Even ignoring some rulings.
Democrats are no better. AOC’s attempted impeachment of Alito was purely political.Biden as terrible he was never mentioned impeachment of federal judges.