
No one is arguing that goal. Simply do it like adults.

I don't love how he does things all the time. With that being said, how long have we been trying the "adult way" and gotten no where?

It becomes just a bunch of dawdling back and forth and nothing gets done.
Foreign aide will resume at a more responsible level once all the fluff and nonsense is weeded out.
An example of that is Bidens $50 million dollars in "Condom aide" to the Gaza.
I’m going to ask the 50 million dollar question. What person sitting in their cubicle in DC comes up with “we need to send $50 million worth of condoms to a war zone”?
And if someone can come up with something that stupid there’s no telling what other crap they can come up with.
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Some light reading for anyone interested.


And an article about USAID:
I’m going to ask the 50 million dollar question. What person sitting in their cubicle in DC comes up with “we need to send $50 million to a war zone”?
And if someone can come up with something that stupid there’s no telling what other crap they can come up with.

Combination of partisan politics and potential delusion. That's the real answer. Part because they're a democrat, part because they think (actually, believe) it's useful.

Now if it was $50mm in antibiotics, children's medicine, etc....I wouldn't have an issue as long as it made it where it was needed most.

This is the same thing with the disaster relief to California. Is it going to actual help the residents? Or is Lucifer Newsom going to send it to DEI training programs for the state?
I don't participate much on social media......a few hunting sites is about it. I usually expect a little more wisdom from hunters, and that is usually the case. But hearing the war mongers on this site advocate more and more fighting reminds me that I live in a parallel universe. Advocating a war with China? Crazy. But people wiser than me are now coming to the forefront.....
"We haven't won a war in the last 40 years".....JD Vance
"Nobody wants these endless wars except a few retired generals and colonels that beat their chests"....RFK, jr
And berating people that disagree with you? Or have the courage to talk with both sides? (Tucker, Tulsi) at the risk of their job, freedom or even their life? Do you think Americans have a right to hear both sides of a conflict that they are paying for? Or do you just want to continue with the Rachel Maddow line of thought? We is good....they is bad.
The USA backed the Muslim terrorists in Afghanistan in 1979......and we got the Mujahideen out of it....gave them $6 billion in weapons and money.....spun off Al-Qaeda and many others.
We backed the Muslim terrorists in Chechyna........look up the Beslan School Massacre (worst travesty in my lifetime)
And we backed the terrorists in Syria.
Are you wise enough to even know that Pakistan.....lowly Pakistan, will have 200 nuclear warheads by the end of this year, and could probably start a conflict that would end civilization? Kill your kids and grandkids? Listen to both sides of an issue, and stop swallowing ALL the CIA BS
Time to stop advocating wars, and look for solutions. The World has changed.
As to the 1938 Czech crisis? Good parallel........I think our adversary was Germany, and Russia and the USA joined forces to defeat them. That's right. Russia made a better ally than enemy......FWB
After the USSR fell apart under Gorbachev and the pressure applied by Reagan, Russia had the chance to join the West and become a democracy and follow the rule of law. Putin stopped the progress being made and turned Russia into a mafia kleptocracy unlike anything we had seen before. He is arguably the richest man in the world now while millions of people there live with a mean income of $1000 per year. But go ahead and believe Putin’s BS and that he only has good intentions and wants to protect Russia from an aggressive West. In all my life I have never head a western politician ever say that we want to take over Russia. If the countries bordering Russia would like to move towards the West, who are we and who is Putin to stand in their way?
Combination of partisan politics and potential delusion. That's the real answer. Part because they're a democrat, part because they think (actually, believe) it's useful.

Now if it was $50mm in antibiotics, children's medicine, etc....I wouldn't have an issue as long as it made it where it was needed most.

This is the same thing with the disaster relief to California. Is it going to actual help the residents? Or is Lucifer Newsom going to send it to DEI training programs for the state?
Yep on the disaster relief, after the deep water horizon oil spill in 2010 we lost the use of our bay beach property. We could still go down there but couldn’t stay long due to the stench of oil. We tried to get a little something in relief but we’re denied. Meanwhile tattoo artist in Tampa were getting relief along with gas stations that had direct routes to the Gulf even if hundreds of miles away. The beaches of St. Pete, Longboat Key and south had no oil that I could tell when we spent most of July on Longboat Key. It was no different than any of the other times we went there from the mid 80’s to 2015.
My question remains which is basically where do we start? If $70B is a rounding error, $50M for condoms is unrecognizable. But it's a ridiculous expenditure. How many of these smaller ridiculous expenditures do we have? What would they add up to? I haven't a clue. But if it's not that much, then back to what I said previously, do we then turn to SS, Medicare, DOD?

It doesn't seem that long ago we had a Dem POTUS and a Rep Speaker of the House that figured out how to balance the budget even if for a short period of time. I for one would like to get back there for the sake of my kids and theirs when they have them. I'd prefer to do this by cutting spending, but I'm pragmatic to realize it will likely require a give/take by both sides on spending/taxes.

So where do you propose we start on the spending cuts?
Nothing matters significantly, to include cutting defense, until an administration has the courage to address social security and Medicare.

Trump has announced very clearly he isn't touching either of them.

My guess is he intends, fueled by oil and natural gas, to grow the economy out of pending insolvency. The long term ratios of debt to budget to GDP look far different if balanced against 5% GDP growth. I should note, GDP growth is essentially what we have been relying upon with respect to deficit spending and debt ever since second half of the 20th century.
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Yep on the disaster relief, after the deep water horizon oil spill in 2010 we lost the use of our bay beach property. We could still go down there but couldn’t stay long due to the stench of oil. We tried to get a little something in relief but we’re denied. Meanwhile tattoo artist in Tampa were getting relief along with gas stations that had direct routes to the Gulf even if hundreds of miles away. The beaches of St. Pete, Longboat Key and south had no oil that I could tell when we spent most of July on Longboat Key. It was no different than any of the other times we went there from the mid 80’s to 2015.

That's disgusting. That is classic government waste. Likely, also, crony politics as well.
Nothing matters significantly, to include cutting defense, until an administration has the courage to address social security and Medicare.

Trump has announced very clearly he isn't touching that.

My guess is he intends, fueled by oil and natural gas, to grow the economy out of pending insolvency. The long term ratios of debt to budget to GSP look far differently if balanced against 5% GDP growth.
I wish we could use a time machine and figure out what shape social security would be in now had Congress gone along with George Bush. If I recall correctly he wanted people under a certain age to take the money they would pay into SS and have it invested in the stock market.
Nothing matters significantly, to include cutting defense, until an administration has the courage to address social security and Medicare.

Trump has announced very clearly he isn't touching either of them.

My guess is he intends, fueled by oil and natural gas, to grow the economy out of pending insolvency. The long term ratios of debt to budget to GDP look far different if balanced against 5% GDP growth. I should note, GDP growth is essentially what we have been relying upon with respect to deficit spending and debt ever since second half of the 20th century.
But couldn't we begin by denying SS and medicaid benefits to non-citizens? I assure you that is not the case now. There was a billboard at I30 and Jim Miller rd for years that read in Spanish--your child may qualify for braces through Medicaid.
Well, we could eliminate welfare programs that cost the federal government about $1.1 trillion per year. Or at a bare minimum, scale them back to the people who really need them and not those who just seek to have the government act as their baby daddy.

We could make drastic changes to health care in America. I have had numerous doctors say, “Well, he’s got great insurance, so let’s do. . .”. Healthcare expenditures by the Federal government run about $2.2 trillion per year and are expected to surge to $3.8 trillion by 2032. Cut each of those by 30% and you’ve saved a trillion dollars per year. Medicaid could also be revamped. Our son had to visit the emergency room last year. He has excellent insurance and is paying over $3,800 for a visit for what turned out to be Bell’s Palsy. He waited six hours to be seen while all of the indigent patients, who won’t pay a dime, were treated first. There is a free health clinic directly across the street from the emergency room that is staffed by doctors who volunteer their time. If you don’t have insurance you should be directed to the free clinic so patients with insurance aren’t required to subsidize your treatment.
But couldn't we begin by denying SS and medicaid benefits to non-citizens? I assure you that is not the case now. There was a billboard at I30 and Jim Miller rd for years that read in Spanish--your child may qualify for braces through Medicaid.
I don’t know how much stress the illegals put on the system but I believe if we made it so difficult to function in society they would self deport. Make it impossible to get car insurance, at least in Alabama they only have to show proof of insurance not a valid drivers license to get a car tag. Stop the check cashing places that don’t ask for legitimate ID and more that just don’t come to mind right now. This is harsh but if the Government is serious about it harsh actions must be taken.
But couldn't we begin by denying SS and medicaid benefits to non-citizens? I assure you that is not the case now. There was a billboard at I30 and Jim Miller rd for years that read in Spanish--your child may qualify for braces through Medicaid.
Thanks to the current interpretation of the 14th amendment, that child, if born here, is a citizen of the United States, and along with being subject to its laws, is also eligible for any and all rights and privileges including potentially medicaid provided braces.

Birth right is a ridiculous position to support now that we have completed that manifest destiny thing, and I am praying SCOTUS rules in favor of the original intent.
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I seldom post in the politics area. I mainly read it from time to time when a topic is called to my attention by other members or I am bored and need entertainment. :LOL:

I am here in Colombia now and the deportations is a hot topic. Listening to the local radio station the past few days when they are taking "call ins" on the topic, it it surprisingly positive from my point of view. I have yet to hear a single person expressing any empathy towards "illegals" and "criminals". The overall feeling is they belatedly got what they deserved and their actions cause more problems for those that want a legal visa. They also use it as an opportunity to bash President Petro. He is a socialist and former guerilla (admin side). Now that he is showing to be what you would expect if Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris had a love child, nobody will admit to voting for him. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: We have 2 more years of this a$$ monkey.

And of course Colombians never miss an opportunity for jokes and sarcasm. The number one is that if Trump really wanted to harass and abuse the deportees, he would have sent them on an Avianca or Spirit flight. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Many of the Governors were up in arms immediately and were ready to fly to Bogota for a big protest before things were resolved. The productive parts of Colombia are very dependent on revenue from exports to the US.

Safe travels
My question remains which is basically where do we start? If $70B is a rounding error, $50M for condoms is unrecognizable. But it's a ridiculous expenditure. ...

Actually, it is money well spent on condoms. There is a huge population explosion at Gaza and West Bank and anything to curtail it is well worth it. There is nowhere to go for the excess population as no country accepts them.
Actually, it is money well spent on condoms. There is a huge population explosion at Gaza and West Bank and anything to curtail it is well worth it. There is nowhere to go for the excess population as no country accepts them.
Sure, if they would use them....but my impression is that they want a population increase. Sort of a population jihad to outnumber infidels.
Actually, it is money well spent on condoms. There is a huge population explosion at Gaza and West Bank and anything to curtail it is well worth it. There is nowhere to go for the excess population as no country accepts them.

Considering that USAID, the World Bank, DFID, and a number of other agencies have been distributing birth control (specifically condoms) around the globe for the better part of 40 years.. and study after study after study proves that the rubber programs are completely and totally ineffective.. I'd argue the money is a) not well spent... and b) controlling Gazan population really isn't our business or responsibility... but c) if we think its our responsibility, we should seriously consider the above point that rubber programs simply have been proven over and over and over again to not work.. because our monkeys at USAID (and other agencies) tend to just drop things off, give each other high fives, pat each other on the back, tell the world they did a wonderful service.. and then walk away..

without proper education (specific to the local culture, religion, etc..etc..) and believe it or not, without proper training... you might as well give them 4" piece of panty hose... it has the same value...

and USAID has proven over and over and over again, its not really interested in educating people why unprotected sex is undesirable (whether the reason is population control, disease control, or anything else)..

and.... FWIW big families are seen as a HUGE positive in most middle eastern cultures.. just because we tell them they don't want 25 kids doesn't mean they buy into it.. even if we did offer education and training..

Something similar.. but to continue to prove the disconnect between MANY USAID programs and what is NEEDED vs what LOOKS GOOD..

I was in Burkina many years ago.. WAY out in the bush.. there was a tribe we were visiting that had a horrible HIV problem.. USAID had been distributing condoms to them for years and ZERO improvement was being seen...

An NGO figured out the problem... the tribe was big into scarification.. while yes, they were indeed having unprotected sex (you weren't going to get them to use a condom), that actually had very little to do with their HIV problem.. generally speaking this tribe was marrying off its girls young, and they were staying married and only having sex with their husbands.. they didn't have a big infidelity problem... HIV was spreading because they were sharing razor blades across the tribe during their scaring rituals..

so the NGO brought in a centrifuge and other equipment and started sterlizing the razor blades and started training and educating the locals about not sharing blades...

Within a matter of a few years HIV was still present, but under control..

USAID was still bringing in rubbers.. which were largely being used as temporary vessels for water or just being thrown away..

and USAID was still patting themselves on the backs, telling the US tax payers they had solved AIDS/HIV in Burkina...
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It is all about cost vs gains. I simply will say again, 70 billion is spit in the ocean compared to 6 trillion bleeding dollars. The only reason this is being done in this way is because the average ignorant voter thinks we spend hundreds of billions of dollars on foreign aid and Trump will fix it. Pure political theater.

A few years ago, Kaiser foundation did a survey asking respondents what percentage of the budget goes to foreign aid. The average response was 31%

70 billion is roughly 1.1% of 6 trillion.
70 billion is about 7000 times bigger than the largest project I ever managed but I think I'm up for it. Send the 70B my way and I think I'd spend it more wisely. After I subtracted my management fee of course.:cool:
Border patrol has already been fired on by the Cartel from across the border as migrants are trying to cross
What I would do, is have some Apache gunships on standby, and zip across the border and turn those cartel guman into ugly stains on the Mexican soil.
Border patrol has already been fired on by the Cartel from across the border as migrants are trying to cross
What I would do, is have some Apache gunships on standby, and zip across the border and turn those cartel guman into ugly stains on the Mexican soil.
I like the way you think! I said the exact thing to to my wife a couple of days ago.

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Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)
Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!
mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell