
I'm new at this mail in ballot stuff. Should I mail all 10 in at once or spread them out over a few days?

Asking for a friend.
I'm new at this mail in ballot stuff. Should I mail all 10 in at once or spread them out over a few days?

Asking for a friend.

Interesting Mitt (never a baseball glove) Romney (definitely not George's son) that he would make a decision based on HER qualifications. I guess he has inside information on whom will be the choice.
Trump said last Friday it would be a woman.
On this 'vote by mail' stuff, does anyone actually have a citation to support this widely bandied about statement of elevated levels of voter fraud?

Not asking to be confrontational, I'm just surprised how anti this you all seem to be.

For my part in the UK, I've only ever voted by mail. It's simpler, it's easier, I don't have to take time off work, I don't have to pay parking or queue for a booth... there are advantages. I'd expect it does improve voter turn out too and I can't imagine that the actual, real world ability to submit multiple votes is much higher here than it would be in person in reality.

So Americans, what gives?

In 2016, Trump ran on replacing Scalia.

If Trump has a 6/3 SCOTUS prior to the election, he can run on the possibility of replacing Breyer, who at 82 is ten years older than the next oldest justice.

A 7/2 court basically makes the weird decisions by Roberts moot.

Rumor in DC is that Alito is tired of work. Would he retire and give Trump the opportunity to replace him with a jurist 20 years his junior.

It is fun to think about the possibilities.

If Hillary had won and was making these decisions, I would be depressed the rest of my life.:A Vomit:
On this 'vote by mail' stuff, does anyone actually have a citation to support this widely bandied about statement of elevated levels of voter fraud?

Not asking to be confrontational, I'm just surprised how anti this you all seem to be.

For my part in the UK, I've only ever voted by mail. It's simpler, it's easier, I don't have to take time off work, I don't have to pay parking or queue for a booth... there are advantages. I'd expect it does improve voter turn out too and I can't imagine that the actual, real world ability to submit multiple votes is much higher here than it would be in person in reality.

So Americans, what gives?


In America you can vote by mail, and have been able to for as long as I remember. You request a ballot, they send it to you. You feel it out and mail it in. You fill out information that has to match what you have previously given when you register to vote. No problem.

The vote by mail you are hearing about is the election commissions mailing out ballots to everyone on the election rolls. In many areas, primarily large cities that are run by democrats, the voter rolls have not been cleaned up in decades. There have been reports of people receiving ballots at their homes for individuals that have not lived in that house since the 1960's. There are ballots that have gone to pets. There are examples of as many as ten ballots showing up at a house that has two people living in that house.

Some states, mostly Democrat dominated states, but not all, are mailing out ballots to everyone. Evidently 80-100 million ballots will go out to people who have never done mail in ballots before and many don't want to vote by mail.

Lets say a ballot goes out to me at an old address and the person living there fills it out and mails it in. I turn around and show up at the election booth on election day and they say I can't vote because I already voted.

What happens when a ballot is mailed out to me, I fill it out and mail it in. There have been some states that have had duplicate ballots mailed out. Did I just fill out the wrong one? Does my vote count? This is happening at this very moment.

Here is the main problem. The Democrats can't win this election. They know it. The mail in ballots are to cause confusion and to try to cheat. This has never happened before in American history. All the rules are being made up in the last 3-6 months. No good controls have been developed as every decision is being made on the fly. It is all about stealing the election with the main stream medias help and American's know it. If you are not American, it is easy to see how you do not see the intricacies of what is going on.

Hope this helps.

There are many examples of problems. Here are a couple just to let you see potential problems.



So Americans, what gives?


It isn't that the concept of vote by mail is bad- it's that it is much easier for unscrupulous people to commit fraud via mail than in person. Add to that, the list of people that would receive ballots are larger than the actual living population, a lot of ballots are sent to former addresses as well as people that are now dead.

In order to have a vote-by-mail system that actually represents the electorate it would need to be implemented over a year or two, where actual people registered to vote, showed ID and proof of residence. then a ballot would be mailed to them and it could be completed and returned or dropped off at a ballot receptacle. This is much the way it is done in Washington State. There is still the possibility of fraud, but it is minimized from the system that is currently being considered.
On this 'vote by mail' stuff, does anyone actually have a citation to support this widely bandied about statement of elevated levels of voter fraud?

Not asking to be confrontational, I'm just surprised how anti this you all seem to be.

For my part in the UK, I've only ever voted by mail. It's simpler, it's easier, I don't have to take time off work, I don't have to pay parking or queue for a booth... there are advantages. I'd expect it does improve voter turn out too and I can't imagine that the actual, real world ability to submit multiple votes is much higher here than it would be in person in reality.

So Americans, what gives?


Mail in balloting just opens the door for more dead people to vote Democrat.
Here in Colorado in the US we have been a vote by mail state now for several years. Or you can go down and vote in person.

On your outside envelope you must sign your name and when it is received by the county clerk they will verify the signature against the one on the voter roles. If there is a problem with it they will contact you to verify that it was the correct person that voted. On the ballot you can either mail it in or jump in your vehicle and go down to a ballot box and deposit your ballot inside of the sealed envelope into it. These ballot boxes are monitored 24/7 from the time that you can drop your ballot off to the end of the election. You ballot must be received by election day, I'm not sure if there is a time or just on that day. Postmarks do not count if you decided to mail it in. The ballot needs to be in on election day. Then I can go into the states voter system and see if my ballot has been accepted or not a couple of days later if I dropped it off at a box location or if I mailed it in.

Granted this does not solve the problem of me getting someones ballot that has lived where I do or me being able to send in his ballot if I receive it but we do have checks in the system to try and prevent this.

But then when they passed the vote by mail legislation they had time to get it set up, not just a mater of months but a year or two from what I remember.

The problems that I see this year is that some areas are allowing postmarks to be the deciding factor if a ballot can be cast. I can see in larger areas where if the post office is slow that the actual ballot might not be received for several days after the election has closed.

Then there are those who want to deliver your ballot for you which could cause all kinds of questions to be asked.

Something tells me that it could be a very long month of November.
I'm new at this mail in ballot stuff. Should I mail all 10 in at once or spread them out over a few days?

Asking for a friend.

You only got ten?
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The uncle of a friend of mine from college had a job on election day. He drove a 9 passenger van to eight voting sites. In the van were 8 guys, each with 8 separate IDs. The IDs were for people that were registered to vote but were no longer able to cast a ballot, the most common reason was that they had died (but their name was still on the registry). The uncle didn't participate in the voting because he would double-park the van while the guys went in, cut to the front of any line, voted and returned to the van. That amounts to 64 votes so when looked at from the perspective of the hundreds of thousands of voters in Chicago, it wouldn't seem to make much difference, but then there have been elections where the margin of victory/defeat has been less- and this was just one group of men and God knows how many other groups roamed the voting precincts of the city, state and country.

Now take out the limiting factor of traveling to the polls and the number becomes unlimited- those guys that voted voted exclusively for demonRats (back in the day of Richard J Daley) where precincts boasted of 100% demonRat votes. It is easy to see why the demonRats want vote by mail.
Didn't American's deal with a British Royal telling them what to do 244 years ago?

Perhaps it's time for Harry to loose his visa.

Harry and Meghan criticised after video urging Americans to vote
"California Governor Gavin Newsom announced Wednesday that the state will ban sales of gas-powered vehicles, effective in 2035. Newsom said that the “audacious” goal was necessary to achieve the state’s goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045.

Newsom said that his new executive order would “eliminate” the sales of “internal combustion engines” and move to electric vehicles — a move that he said would create jobs and allow California to “dominate” the market, and address climate change. Those who currently own gas-powered vehicles would still be allowed to operate them and to sell them on the used market."

This should work out really well.
yeah... we'll see how well that holds up lol...
"California Governor Gavin Newsom announced Wednesday that the state will ban sales of gas-powered vehicles, effective in 2035. Newsom said that the “audacious” goal was necessary to achieve the state’s goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045.

Newsom said that his new executive order would “eliminate” the sales of “internal combustion engines” and move to electric vehicles — a move that he said would create jobs and allow California to “dominate” the market, and address climate change. Those who currently own gas-powered vehicles would still be allowed to operate them and to sell them on the used market.

This should work out really well.
I now know what the Prime Minister here in Canada will be announcing tonight.....
For better or worse, odds are I will be checked out by then!

I now know what the Prime Minister here in Canada will be announcing tonight.....
Guaranteed Trudeau and his buddy Gerald Butts wants to eliminate the oil industry and ban gas/diesel vehicles in the near future.

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