AH enthusiast
yep but then the Gov will step in and bail out the banks and loan companies again ,like they do, how long can this stuff go on.If Harris is able to give away $25k of printed or borrowed money for people that can not repay the mortgage. It will eventually lead to another real estate collapse.
Just as Biden is currently doing. She will ignore the Supreme Court and forgive college loans and give mortgage loans to unqualified people.
If you have more real estate than necessary. As soon as she is elected it may be a good time to sell real estate. Then when it craters. A good time to buy.
When Barney Frank badgered Bill Clinton into a similar idea that Harris is pushing. It did take more than one 4 year term to show the damage. Lenders were able to fend off the impending collapse by bundling the loans as junk. But the inevitable happened almost 8-10 yrs later. Dems have tried to rewrite history and blame the lenders. The federal government forced lenders to loan Money to people they knew coild never pay it back.
Hey, Barney Frank: The Government Did Cause the Housing Crisis
On December 9, The Atlantic published online an interview with Congressman Barney Frank. In it, he called me a “real extremist.” This name-calling was not only false but also inappropriate to the seriousness of the issue — which is whether government housing policy, and not the banks or