
I live in a place where 50 yds is a long way in the brush.
You guys have convinced me. As long as it's legal, it's ethical. Nancy Pelosi can make millions trading stocks based on legislation that hasn't happened yet.
Abortions til birth are cool as long as your state (like mine) hasn't restricted them.
Minnesota says there is no obligation to aid a newborn if the mother doesn't want it.
I get it.
I'm done.
You ain't goin' nowhere--you're an AH Elite...and we still love you, just disagree and don't want to be judged because we use a feeder to help grandson get a first deer, or to fill the freezer, or for fun. Lighten up, Francis.
DEI is just a moronic lie. It assumes that we're all just replaceable widgets, that we all have the same skills, desires, and motivations, where "lived experience" is a substitute for actual experience in a given endeavor.

Here’s what I find incredibly odd about DEI…

I attended a week long program at The Wharton School a few years ago…

Long and the short of it, the course of study was tied to board of directors level decision making, BoD selection processes, and BoD leadership…

All I heard for a week was DEI nonsense…

And with the exception of 2 of the instructors (there were roughly a dozen people involved in the teaching process).. they were all middle aged, white, straight, males… with at least a decade or more BoD experience at the fortune 50 level.. and with advanced degrees from various Ivy schools…

So… in a nutshell.. they spent the week telling us that we should never consider them for hire… instead we should look for women, minority, LGBTQ+, etc.. and worry less about experience and education… and not even worry about contacts or networks… because diversity brings more value…

This from what many consider the best freaking business school on the planet…

Don’t hire white men regardless of skill sets or past performance.. hire black lesbians.. even if they have lessor track records.. because that will help your company perform better…

Total nonsense..

To the point that the then COO of Grindr, the LGBTQ+ dating app, even started calling them out on their BS (he was also in the student group)…
Here’s what I find incredibly odd about DEI…

I attended a week long program at The Wharton School a few years ago…

Long and the short of it, the course of study was tied to board of directors level decision making, BoD selection processes, and BoD leadership…

All I heard for a week was DEI nonsense…

And with the exception of 2 of the instructors (there were roughly a dozen people involved in the teaching process).. they were all middle aged, white, straight, males… with at least a decade or more BoD experience at the fortune 50 level.. and with advanced degrees from various Ivy schools…

So… in a nutshell.. they spent the week telling us that we should never consider them for hire… instead we should look for women, minority, LGBTQ+, etc.. and worry less about experience and education… and not even worry about contacts or networks… because diversity brings more value…

This from what many consider the best freaking business school on the planet…

Don’t hire white men regardless of skill sets or past performance.. hire black lesbians.. even if they have lessor track records.. because that will help your company perform better…

Total nonsense..

To the point that the then COO of Grindr, the LGBTQ+ dating app, even started calling them out on their BS (he was also in the student group)…
CLASSIC! "they spent the week telling us that we should never consider them for hire" LOL. I wish someone could actually have said that to them, and recorded the looks on their faces....
CLASSIC! "they spent the week telling us that we should never consider them for hire" LOL. I wish someone could actually have said that to them, and recorded the looks on their faces....
Try sitting through a graduation ceremony that has a lot of foreign graduates. My daughter graduated from a well known and respected school in Atlanta. She graduated in international public health, all of the speakers were foreign and each and every one talked about how oppressive and unfair the United States are. They took full advantage of what this country offers and trashed it as much as they could probably on scholarship paid by the school (my daughters tuition money) or by their government. It was infuriating. I told my wife I was done with it and leaving, she said she wanted to as well but we stayed to support our daughter. This was in May of 2022.
So… in a nutshell.. they spent the week telling us that we should never consider them for hire… instead we should look for women, minority, LGBTQ+, etc.. and worry less about experience and education… and not even worry about contacts or networks… because diversity brings more value…

And I'm certain they couldn't tell you even remotely what that value proposition was. Intrinsicism is just one more in a litany of idiotic beliefs of that crowd. The only arena I know of where everything is relative is value systems.
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Try sitting through a graduation ceremony that has a lot of foreign graduates. My daughter graduated from a well known and respected school in Atlanta. She graduated in international public health, all of the speakers were foreign and each and every one talked about how oppressive and unfair the United States are. They took full advantage of what this country offers and trashed it as much as they could probably on scholarship paid by the school (my daughters tuition money) or by their government. It was infuriating. I told my wife I was done with it and leaving, she said she wanted to as well but we stayed to support our daughter. This was in May of 2022.
We went through the same thing except for the speeches in 2006 when our daughter graduated with a hard science degree from Texas A&M. An Anglo Saxon face on that stage was a very rare thing. But unless we want DEI applied to our children, the problem does not rest with foreign or minority Asian students. The issues are test scores and high school resumes of the typical white highschool student today.
We went through the same thing except for the speeches in 2006 when our daughter graduated with a hard science degree from Texas A&M. An Anglo Saxon face on that stage was a very rare thing. But unless we want DEI applied to our children, the problem does not rest with foreign or minority Asian students. The issues are test scores and high school resumes of the typical white highschool student today.
I agree, my daughter graduated high school with an I.B. Degree then went on to UAB and graduated in 3 years with a double major in public health and Spanish never making anything but A’s. She then went on to Emory and received her masters in International Public Health. I think she made 1 B at Emory. Without her hard work and dedication in high school and at UAB she never would have achieved what she has.

As a side note, she is working at the CDC and with her speaking Spanish pretty well you would think they would assign her to Spanish speaking countries but in typical government logic she was assigned Cambodia, India and Bangladesh.
Sounds a lot like my upbringing. Living on a farm we started driving by 5 or 6 years old peeking out through the spokes in the steering wheel. All stick shifts back then and no synchro gearbox so we had to learn double clutching. That was our driver's ed. Still do it today.
When I took my driving test for my license on my 16th birthday I had to borrow my aunt's car as it was a stick. Mandatory at that time. Our family car was auto and not allowed.
I really get a kick out of kids nowadays that think they are so hot but don't know how to drive sticks or double clutch. Best anti theft thing ever invented.
I wish they would have kept the stick shift requirement for the test because getting a drivers license nowadays is a joke.
We definitely have the worst traffic and drivers among the developed World.
Try sitting through a graduation ceremony that has a lot of foreign graduates. My daughter graduated from a well known and respected school in Atlanta. She graduated in international public health, all of the speakers were foreign and each and every one talked about how oppressive and unfair the United States are. They took full advantage of what this country offers and trashed it as much as they could probably on scholarship paid by the school (my daughters tuition money) or by their government. It was infuriating. I told my wife I was done with it and leaving, she said she wanted to as well but we stayed to support our daughter. This was in May of 2022.
How did you know they were foreign and what was the reason they were allowed to speak?
Even if they were, most foreign students pay full tuition(regardless how it's being paid) and can't qualify for most of the scholarships and state tuitions offered to citizens unless they got an athletic scholarship.
If they weren't here college tuition for your daughter would have been doubled.
On a side note Elon Musk spoke at my nephews graduation from USC engineering school and he wasn't a citizen till 2002 and went to college in US a foreigner.
Now he's the biggest supporter of Trump!
Still living this. Gotta love the compliance department, the yearly trainings and examples of all the ways I could get fired, go to jail, and pay personally hefty fines.

As Front Officer you are actually personally liable, for actions you take before, during and after negotiations. Especially in regulated entities (banks for example) it is often draconian.

The thing is, during those yearly training sessions, going through "use cases". They are not invented, but come from our peers, and ourselves... Sometimes the line is so fine, that it is difficult to see when you are in danger zone and when not.

Totally agree. There are things I miss about my career, but that is not one of
How did you know they were foreign and what was the reason they were allowed to speak?
Even if they were, most foreign students pay full tuition(regardless how it's being paid) and can't qualify for most of the scholarships and state tuitions offered to citizens unless they got an athletic scholarship.
If they weren't here college tuition for your daughter would have been doubled.
On a side note Elon Musk spoke at my nephews graduation from USC engineering school and he wasn't a citizen till 2002 and went to college in US a foreigner.
Now he's the biggest supporter of Trump!
They were graduating that day and said the country they were from, no clue why they were allowed to speak maybe high rankings in their prospective fields. 60,000$ a year is enough. My main point is in the program for the graduation it listed where the students were from, I don’t remember the exact number but it was 60+% out of country. I don’t begrudge them coming here for an education but don’t trash the country that allows you to do it. Many of the countries that the students came from the average income is less than the tuition, Emory does provide financial aid to foreign students,

60 grand may not be a lot in tuition for some schools and people but it’s more than enough for this farmer.
I agree, my daughter graduated high school with an I.B. Degree then went on to UAB and graduated in 3 years with a double major in public health and Spanish never making anything but A’s. She then went on to Emory and received her masters in International Public Health. I think she made 1 B at Emory. Without her hard work and dedication in high school and at UAB she never would have achieved what she has.

As a side note, she is working at the CDC and with her speaking Spanish pretty well you would think they would assign her to Spanish speaking countries but in typical government logic she was assigned Cambodia, India and Bangladesh.
Made me think of Charlie Wilson's War and the CIA guy who learned Finnish and then was NOT sent to Helsinki.

You should give your daughter a hammer so she can break her bosses window,)
Former pence COS refutes John Kelly’s words about Trump as “patently False”……. Go figure…..
So who does one believe? John Kelley is a retired Marine Corps General who along with a career of selfless service to the country in uniform. also served longest as Trump's Chief of Staff during his first term. Or is it Marc Short, a career professional political staffer who would have personally interacted with Trump far less.

I do not presume to know the answer, but would suggest that it isn't particularly obvious and sometimes the truth is something we would prefer to dismiss.
So who does one believe? John Kelley is a retired Marine Corps General who along with a career of selfless service to the country in uniform. also served longest as Trump's Chief of Staff during his first term. Or is it Marc Short, a career professional political staffer who would have personally interacted with Trump far less.

I do not presume to know the answer, but would suggest that it isn't particularly obvious and sometimes the truth is something we would prefer to dismiss.

I'm going to push back on your assertion a bit only because there is a very long list of politicians, bureaucrats, and ex-military officials with distinguished resumes and pedigrees who have ultimately turned out to be very short on character... The 70 individuals who signed the "threat to national security" letter in 2020 regarding Trump comes to mind... Much of what was alleged against Trump by these individuals has been proven to be completely unfounded if not total BS...

I do not dismiss these types of accusations because I don't want to hear the truth... I dismiss them because every single one of these individuals has an agenda. The all made the same critical mistake of wrapping themselves in the flag when their motivation was obviously very personal... This behavior undermines the welfare and stability of our republic, not to mention that it is borderline treasonous in some instances.... That's where their credibility ends as far as I am concerned...
Back to Ukraine, what are y’all’s thoughts of the reports of North Korea sending 3,000 troops to help fight for Russia? My thought is that will be about 2,000 bodies or pieces of bodies that will be sent back to North Korea in bags.
Back to Ukraine, what are y’all’s thoughts of the reports of North Korea sending 3,000 troops to help fight for Russia? My thought is that will be about 2,000 bodies or pieces of bodies that will be sent back to North Korea in bags.
It should be that every one of them gets thumped and shipped home, but if this administration has anything to do with it they won’t. If this administration wanted this war over they’d let Ukraine fight it how Ukraine wants to fight it.
I’m going to judge what Trump actually did or more importantly did not do while in office.

After the 2016 election he stated to his AG and DOJ they were not going to prosecute Hillary Clinton for obstructing the investigators. (Bleachbit, smashing Blackberry phones, destroying documents, lying under oath. He did not weaponize the justice system. He stated publicly that it would be too harmful to the country.

In complete opposition to what the left has done under Barrack Obama and Biden.

Barrack loosed the IRS on Christian’s, The FBI has been spying on the opposition for decades Etc, Etc

So as usual. What ever the left is accusing the Right of doing. Is exactly what they are doing at that very moment.

I think the answer on if Kelly is telling the truth is obviously who has actually done Facist deeds. The Obama, Biden regimes or Trump ?

Then if it’s Biden and Obama why is Kelly focused on Trump being a Facist ? Why would he want Harris in office ? Why wouldn’t he call out Tim Walz for the Facist tactics actually used during Covid ?

For some reason Kelly is more concerned with what Trump “may” do instead of what his party has done.

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