
I'm an American living in Canada. Born in SLC. Parents Mormon. I hold a US passport. Anyone using this forum I expect is a) intelligent and b) successful. I mostly respect your views. You are worldly and articulate but in my opinion you occasionally veer away from 'a higher road'.
I expected to raise ire using that phrase but when someone has ( mistakenly) inferred on this thread that I am a 'commie libtard snowflake' and suggests that I am a liar' I loose a little sensitivity for their delicate feelings. Honestly I'm sick and tired of the name calling, the sexual memes and jokes directed at anyone who doesn't hold the party line of about six people on this forum.
It is impossible to have a meaningful discussion regards politics unless you are singing with the choir.
At any rate, nice to chat. I don't know Saul, but thanks for acknowledging his contribution.
Well, we typically aren't much enamoured with Yankees calling us "good 'ol boys" either. And yes, from our perspective, SLC and Utah count. :Finger: But, fair enough Rick.

I hold a lot of my opinions strongly, and am happy to defend them. I like to believe that I do that with logic, data, and common sense - perhaps that appears "low road" to some? I also don't suffer the uninformed easily. Perhaps, that is to what you refer. That said, I, like many others here, have taken positions that are not, shall we say, in harmony with the general consensus. My feelings about captive bred lion hunting and the pursuit of artificially colored species come immediately to mind. Fixation on heavier than necessary calibers is another. But if I voice those opinions, you can believe that I am prepared to fully articulate and justify why I take the position that I do.

Politics, like religion (let's agree to leave the LDS and Presbyterianism out of this?) is a subject bound to generate strong feelings. That is particularly true now, when many of my generation in this country feel the very foundations of our culture are under assault and that assault is fully abetted by an opposition party willing to exploit any means available to achieve power. We are battered hourly by a pervasive propaganda campaign led by our "free" press, and listen daily to East and West Coast urbanites denigrate our core beliefs.

Not surprisingly, many of that same generation feel enormous frustration when someone here decides to seemingly join that chorus. I have three of our fellow correspondents on my ignore list because I simply don't want to deal with it just now.

I actually went through your previous posts to try and understand what exchange so angered you. I assume it was the Covid discussion in April? If you read your assertions again, they were rather pointed. So were the responses from those who disagreed. No one says you can't have those opinions or voice them. But don't be surprised if you are challenged.

If someone responds with name calling, it simply means you are winning the argument - or at least not losing. :giggle:
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I just want to applaud your taking the high road in your submissions to this forum. You haven't tried to insult anyone, haven't resorted to name calling, or thinly veiled disparaging comments. You've presented your views in a logical and consise manner. I tried to do the same but after getting beat down by the Good 'ol Boys, called a liar etc, I decided it wasn't worth my time to attempt to offer a different view.
It's a comment of our times that patriots of the same country can't have a discussion if they don't share exactly the same views or opinions.

You are certainly welcome to agree and applaud any comments you like. Just know you are applauding a talented troll. I think you are confusing a sincere, informed exchange of opposing views with somebody who likes to rattle cages for the sake of provoking reactions from the majority here who, for the most part, hold a pro-Trump view, or at least an anti-liberal one.

Honestly I'm sick and tired of the name calling, the sexual memes and jokes directed at anyone who doesn't hold the party line of about six people on this forum.

You state you are tired of the name calling and then you take a page from Identity Politics 101 by using a derogatory generalization like "Good 'ol Boys" to describe some here who I assume hold conservative or pro-Trump views that do not agree with your own? LOL ...! For the record, calling someone's opinions or assertions idiotic, or asinine is not the same as calling the individual a specific derogatory name, although I have previously pointed out that they are not mutually exclusive. As others have alluded to here, there is no requirement for us to ensure bipartisan views are represented equally on any issue. If the liberal point of view is a minority opinion on a hunting forum, it really shouldn't be a big surprise to anyone. Regardless, when you wade into a subject that is as volatile as American politics, you had better come well-informed because you can bet your ass that there will be many educated and informed folks who will challenge you at every opportunity.

Compared to almost any other public forum or social media platform that I have ever seen, this site is by far the most civil by comparison. The members are generally very well-behaved and the moderators are usually quick to address anything inappropriate. If someone can find a way to be offended here, maybe it is as simple as them being a snowflake?
These days, social media requires a thick skin. This place is pretty tame, compared to the political platforms I am involved with. I have been called all sorts of vile names, and have had people wish death upon me and my family. I even had a Liberal here in Tucson state that he was going to find me, and kick my ass. I offered to meet him at specific place and time. Never heard from him again. It doesn't bother me, and I consider it a badge of honor when I get under the Liberal skin enough where they resort to threats and name calling. I am an ultra conservative, and damn proud of it.

I question the Patriotism of anyone that would support the Democrat party in it's current form. The Democrat party has been taken over by far left radicals, and the blue dog's of old are pretty much non existent. That in itself should scare you.

Kamala Harris is a radical. A woman with no moral compass, and a notorious abuser of power. Regardless of what the media tells you, Harris is no moderate. Joe Biden choosing Harris for V.P, is something that I find highly dubious. At least it is for those of us that pay attention....

The thing about us conservatives, at least myself, is that we just want to be left alone.
We don't want anyone telling us, what to believe, what to think, what to feel, what we can't own or do, what to eat, what to drink, or what to support. That is the Liberal way. People who can't help but stick their grubby fingers in other people's pie. People that demonize you for not following along with the Leftist herd. We are forced to be on the offensive

Despite Donald Trump's faults, he is the only thing standing in the way of a hostile takeover of this country, and my(our) way of life.
I didn't vote for someone who is squeaky clean. I voted for someone who campaigned an agenda that I believe in. Trump is doing what he can to fulfill that agenda. I will vote for him again, with no regrets.

I would rather die like a dog in the dirt, then support the Marxist Democrat party controlled by Satan and his minions.

IMO, Africanhunting.com, is not the place for hardcore politics, or name calling. There is nothing wrong with differences in opinion, or spirited debate.

As far as anti Trump meme posting trolls from S.A, they get what they deserve
I say that if the US election is stolen by fake mail in ballots, then we should pay our taxes with fake Monopoly money. And don't get me started on how the military mail in ballots are lost/too late most years!!!!!
I question the Patriotism of anyone that would support the Democrat party in it's current form. The Democrat party has been taken over by far left radicals, and the blue dog's of old are pretty much non existent. That in itself should scare you.

I feel this particular sentence above is of extreme relevance given today's political climate in the USA.

In regard to the differences between the political parties, I was once told this by one of my middle school teachers: As Americans, we all share the same morals, ethics, goals, and basic human rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution. The main difference between the political parties is just that we have different ideas about how to achieve and maintain those shared goals. Unfortunately, I do not believe this to be true today. The democratic party has indeed been hijacked by the radical left. If there are any so-called blue dog moderates left, they have become feckless and castrated out of fear generated from the mob that has overtaken them. In my view, you are either part of the solution, or part of the problem. Therefore, anyone who does not openly denounce and distance themselves from what the democratic party has become is no different than the lunatics they have allowed to run the asylum.

As an American, I share no common principles, goals, or aspirations with anyone who would attempt to condone, justify, or legitimize the violence, destruction, and blatant lawlessness we are seeing across this country. I share no common purpose with anyone who would embrace racism as a political weapon to divide the people. And, I certainly do not share any sense of patriotism with those who would shit on our history along with the memories of those who sacrificed their lives for our freedoms. This is no longer a party that I simply disagree with in policy. It has gone far beyond that point. This is a party that has declared war on the Constitution, the rule of law, our founding principles, and the way of life for so many of us. Anyone who thinks I am going to remain civil about it and take the high road, is sadly mistaken.
I feel this particular sentence above is of extreme relevance given today's political climate in the USA.

In regard to the differences between the political parties, I was once told this by one of my middle school teachers: As Americans, we all share the same morals, ethics, goals, and basic human rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution. The main difference between the political parties is just that we have different ideas about how to achieve and maintain those shared goals. Unfortunately, I do not believe this to be true today. The democratic party has indeed been hijacked by the radical left. If there are any so-called blue dog moderates left, they have become feckless and castrated out of fear generated from the mob that has overtaken them. In my view, you are either part of the solution, or part of the problem. Therefore, anyone who does not openly denounce and distance themselves from what the democratic party has become is no different than the lunatics they have allowed to run the asylum.

As an American, I share no common principles, goals, or aspirations with anyone who would attempt to condone, justify, or legitimize the violence, destruction, and blatant lawlessness we are seeing across this country. I share no common purpose with anyone who would embrace racism as a political weapon to divide the people. And, I certainly do not share any sense of patriotism with those who would shit on our history along with the memories of those who sacrificed their lives for our freedoms. This is no longer a party that I simply disagree with in policy. It has gone far beyond that point. This is a party that has declared war on the Constitution, the rule of law, our founding principles, and the way of life for so many of us. Anyone who thinks I am going to remain civil about it and take the high road, is sadly mistaken.

Amen Brother!

LMFAO...! This is such garbage propaganda that even the most radically outspoken race-baiting politicians and pundits have stayed away from it. You posting it is a direct reflection on your character or lack thereof. What I find disappointing is that you are not brave enough to respond directly to anyone here. Granted, it's typical behavior of a coward, but disappointing nonetheless. I would really enjoy exposing your ignorance.
I have no doubts that the DemonRats will distort the election results to favor a win for them. If they are successful I have a question for them: After all of their goals have been achieved, what will America look like?
I have no doubts that the DemonRats will distort the election results to favor a win for them. If they are successful I have a question for them: After all of their goals have been achieved, what will America look like?

The only way the Dems can win this election is by cheating, and fraud. That is why they are laser focused on the cheat-by-mail scheme.

What will a radical Dem America look like?

Venezuela comes to mind.
But Venezuela is still transforming. I'm wondering what the radicals consider their end goal. Is it that all consumption of any natural resource is banned? That all land has been deeded back to the immigrants who still have living descendants? That all animals and plants are given equal status and rights of humans? That a caste system is implemented where a persons options in life are designated as those of his/her parents with no mobility?

I would like to see a list of just what they have in mind as the goal to which they are striving.
n fact, if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws - he would make a Trump. And a remorseful Doctor Frankenstein would clutch out big clumpfuls of hair and scream in anguish: 'My God… what… have… I… created? If being a twat was a TV show, Trump would be the boxed set."

i could not disagree more, donald trump is saying what i am thinking mostly. so, i suspect you are a bit of a snow flake. i hope your feelings don't get hurt too much with this small, simple rebuttal.
Both Trump and Biden are clearly too old to be running, they have each demonstrated a noticeable level of cognitive decline. I understand not voting for Biden because you do not want a Democrat, but I do not understand supporting Trump at this point. Biden is running to unseat Trump, with the understanding that his VP will be the nominee in 2024. I am very interested to see who he will pick. My money was on Harris, but is sounds like it could end up being Rice or Bass. We should know within the next week or two.

saul, what i don't understand is how a guy that is a safari, hunting guy can support a democrat that has stated he will make his 2 amendment guy the gay guy that ran (can't remember his name)

how do you vote for a guy that barely knows what country he is in? and better yet, he will be a sock puppet for...kamala harris? what an evil, ambitious self serving.....woman.

if america sucks so bad, you should move somewhere else, just my thoughts if the current president has been so bad, you should send back your tax refund, cover money, etc.
The guy you are discussing is Robert Francis O'Rourk, who identifies as a Mexican and prefers the name Beto.

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Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.