
From the moderate Republicans...

Back in the day- when Americans were Americans, the main difference between the two political parties was that the Democrats favored Fiscal policy (the govt spending money to direct the economy) while the Republicans used Monetary policy (money supply and interest rates).The Democrats preferred to give money and services to the lowest incomes while the Republicans generated economic growth to provide employment and higher wages for all levels of income. But then, that was before the Democrats changed their identity and have become the DemonRats.
Back in the day- when Americans were Americans, the main difference between the two political parties was that the Democrats favored Fiscal policy (the govt spending money to direct the economy) while the Republicans used Monetary policy (money supply and interest rates).The Democrats preferred to give money and services to the lowest incomes while the Republicans generated economic growth to provide employment and higher wages for all levels of income. But then, that was before the Democrats changed their identity and have become the DemonRats *.

I might add * "...and before the Republicans became Democrats".

From the moderate Republicans...

What a bunch of crap. Strange how the Democrats have the same message, same marketing firm? The fact is Trump, is upsetting the apple cart, and no one on the government tit likes that, Republican or Democrat.
What a bunch of crap. Strange how the Democrats have the same message, same marketing firm? The fact is Trump, is upsetting the apple cart, and no one on the government tit likes that, Republican or Democrat.
Or maybe he is just a despicable person who does not deserve to hold the highest office.
Or maybe he is just a despicable person who does not deserve to hold the highest office.

I agree that he rude, crude and socially unacceptable. But he not running for Pope either. The more he can clean out DC from all sides the better.
Little to no main stream media coverage...........no outrage from Al Sharpton...........nothing from BLM.

Republicans say Milwaukee murder may be linked to support for Trump
  • Party says killing of Bernell Trammell may have been political
  • 60-year-old supported Trump and Black Lives Matter, locals say
The Wisconsin Republican party has called for a federal investigation of a fatal shooting, to ascertain whether it was motivated by animosity towards Donald Trump.

Bernell Trammell, a 60-year-old African American man who was a well-known figure in Milwaukee’s Riverwest neighborhood, was shot and killed at around 12.30pm on Thursday. Police did not immediately provide any details on possible suspects or motives.

However, the Republican party of Wisconsin said the “senseless” murder may have been politically motivated and called upon federal investigators to become involved.

Trammell, who ran a business called eXpressions Journal in Riverwest, regularly displayed signs on political and religious matters, including support for Trump as well as the Black Lives Matter movement, according to those who knew him.

Trammell was pictured holding a sign calling for a Trump victory in the November election. But community members have said he supported politicians from both sides of the divide, including Lena Taylor, a Democrat who ran for mayor of Milwaukee this year.

“He believed in democracy. He believed in his right to free speech,” local resident John Self told TV station CBS58.

“I don’t think he ever once tried to convert you or change you. He would just tell you what he thought, he would listen to what you had to think, and then he would respect that.”
Political but on a lighter note:

Billy was having trouble in school. His teacher constantly yelled at him; "You're driving me crazy, Billy! Can't you learn anything?”
Billy's mother met with his teacher at the Fall conferences. The teacher told her Billy was a disaster, getting the lowest marks of any of her students and that she had never had such an unmotivated and ignorant little boy in all of her teaching career.

Billy's mom, shocked at this feedback, withdrew her son immediately and moved from Detroit to Cleveland.

It was 25 years later that the teacher was diagnosed with a severe cardiac disease. Her doctors advised open heart surgery and that only one surgeon in the Cleveland Clinic could perform the procedure. The teacher decided to have the procedure, which turned out to be remarkably successful at the Cleveland Clinic.

In the recovery room, she saw the young doctor who headed her surgical team, smiling down at her.
She wanted to thank him. Instead, her face suddenly turned blue as she tried to speak and then she quickly died.

The doctor was shocked, wondering what went suddenly wrong.

When the doctor turned to leave the room, he saw that Billy, the janitor at the Cleveland Clinic, had unplugged the life-support equipment in order to plug in his vacuum cleaner.

Statistics indicate that if you thought that Billy had become a heart-surgeon, there is a good chance you'll vote for Joe Biden!

Have a great day!
Political but on a lighter note:

Billy was having trouble in school. His teacher constantly yelled at him; "You're driving me crazy, Billy! Can't you learn anything?”

Statistics indicate that if you thought that Billy had become a heart-surgeon, there is a good chance you'll vote for Joe Biden!

Have a great day!

I hate to say this but Billy being the heart-sergeon was just what I was thinking.

But the only way that you could get me to vote for Biden or any other liberal wacko would be by stealing my mail in ballot, voting for them and then forging my name.

But it still was a good story
Can't wait to see the sort of memes you're all going to be posting in this thread with the new addon I installed called GIPHY.

The GIPHY button is right there next to the left of the Smilies button, surprised no-one used it yet!

Screen Shot 2020-07-28 at 7.36.52 PM.png

Can we first confirm the proper way to pronounce gif? Apparently pronouncing it as "jiff" makes me old in the eyes of my niece.
GIF Challenge accepted......

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Africa's biggest organized crime dictatorship?
ALL the borrowed R500 BILJON [not million!] covid-19 relieve funds are 'lost ' in only 3 months! [March-May 2020]
The scale of corruption in the high government and their families 'tenders' is staggering as NONE of that money even reached the 'lower' levels of government to be distributed for medical relieve aid or even to be looted by the 'small fish'!
NONE of the intended serious medical need patients or hospitals saw a single cent of it!
It took only 3 short months to loot ALL of that medical corona money 'without a trace’!
You can NOT explain it away, no matter what stupid political rhetoric [racism, apartheid, blm, closed schools, socialism, weak economy etc] you try to use on tv ,as we, like the world, are NOT stupid and can see clearly through all your fat smoke and mirrors.....
Overladen taxis are ok but small businesses, hunting, wine and other industries, surfing in the sea/beach or restaurants etc are not?
How on earth do you logically explain THAT unintelligent line of thoughts?
[And the 'investors' whose money it is smile, as they now got an even better grip on the country for their own evil agendas!]
You know, our grandchildren or even their children are still going to pay dearly for all of this countries money stolen in only 20 years by the biggest crime organization in the whole of Africa masquerading as a [dysfunctional] 'political' party/government!
But then you can track somebody without a medically unsafe 'mask', or selling cigarettes etc but you are not able [capable?] to follow all of this mountains of stolen money???
[Maybe it's because those living in glass houses cannot afford to throw rocks?]
You and your unholy cronies will burn one day for letting your very own people suffer and die without the needed [available!] medical help just to satisfy your own criminal greed!
R 500 BILJON in only ONE short looting spree!
PROOF me wrong and I will maybe apologize if you will.....

In SA the terrible scope of corruption ,looting, crime , political intolerance and government mismanagement is mind boggling and seems like a mad feeding frenzy.
People murder, steal and plunder at a rate not comprehensible , and law and order is only a pretence on tv and a wishful dream for the majority affected.
Known thieves sit in parliament and make laws so that they can steal more.
It really is the biggest organized [proven] crime organisation pretending to be a [failed] political government in power now!
It seems unstoppable at this stage!?

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?