
I am not sure of the meaning of this, and if you read the article, neither are the various pundits who are commenting within the article.

What is clear to me at least is that Shoigu has been kicked upstairs. What I am still mulling over is why a budget specialist was chosen to replace him. Shoigu oversaw a vast grifting scheme where senior military officials, uniformed and civilian, benefitted personally from the military contracting process. That level of corruption seems to have been pervasive throughout the Russian military. Every intelligence service of which I am familiar agreed that Putin shared in that wealth generation.

But why this man and why now? He will add nothing meaningful to the strategic conduct of the war from a military perspective. I find it hard to believe his marching orders are to prosecute the war but find ways to save money while doing it.

I suspect meaningful Western assessments will begin to emerge over the next couple of weeks.
"This persistent belief that there was never a diplomatic path to peace in Ukraine is inconsistent with the facts and functions as a self-imposed constraint forcing Western governments to double down on unsustainable and counter productive war aims."
The Hill, May 8, 2024
from a decent article, worth reading in entirety, especially if you don't fully understand terms like "full-scale" and "unprovoked".........FWB
"This persistent belief that there was never a diplomatic path to peace in Ukraine is inconsistent with the facts and functions as a self-imposed constraint forcing Western governments to double down on unsustainable and counter productive war aims."
The Hill, May 8, 2024
from a decent article, worth reading in entirety, especially if you don't fully understand terms like "full-scale" and "unprovoked".........FWB
This is an excellent article that you should have actually posted. The Hill is often totally divorced from the reality of human conflict, or they studiously play both sides. This is a perfect case in point. History, not the Hill, instructs us that negotiations do not happen because it seems the reasonable thing to do. Meaningful negotiations only occur when the alternative is worse. The Ukrainians, particularly since US aid has been resumed, have an opportunity to create a far worse alternative than a currently negotiated settlement - from Putin's perspective.

This is an article from the Hill from this year as well. I expect you were uninterested? I recommend you read it along with the one you cited.

I am not much for donating to politicians. I prefer my donations to go to chairities, though I do give to my alma mater. However, its president has so dissapointed me that I am trying to pull every lever at my disposal to see him gone.
I give nothing to no one except my Masonic Lodge. All others waste too much on "administrative costs" which is just another poor excuse for stealing and pocketing the money.
I give nothing to no one except my Masonic Lodge. All others waste too much on "administrative costs" which is just another poor excuse for stealing and pocketing the money.
Charity Watch is a good website to see exactly how a charity spends donations.

I give nothing to no one except my Masonic Lodge. All others waste too much on "administrative costs" which is just another poor excuse for stealing and pocketing the money.
I hear what youre saying.. and I am extremely scrutinizing of any non profit that I consider giving money to.. I not only want to know what % of money goes toward actual projects and programs.. I also want to know specifically what programs are being executed that my money will go toward, etc..

and.. I also get concerned about people/organizations with really good intentions doing things that get in the way of great things being done.. or even worse, those good intentions produce really poor, negative results..

there are certainly a large number of non profits out there that arent worthy of donations (either poorly run.. or the work they do isnt executed properly to achieve the intended mission.. or they are just straight up scams where someone built themselves a tool they can use to employ themselves but really dont do much of anything for the communities they are supposed to support)...

that said.. while not easy to find, there are some really good options out there if you look hard enough.. Off the top of my head I can think of 3 foundations where 100% of donations go to the field (100% of administrative costs are paid for out of pocket by the founders).. theyre not huge organizations.. but they do really good work.. and I can think of 1 fairly large North TX regional organization thats involved in providing support to pregnant women considering abortion (they are the anti-planned parenthood.. they give the women other options that allow them to reconsider and hopefully choose life).. where the overarching amount of work is conducted by volunteers (no cost), and a handful of high net worth families cover a significant amount of their operating costs... so the vast majority of donation dollars go straight to the clinics that help the women in need..
@Red Leg "I assume you are uninterested?".........what a curious and accusatory thing to say. Did you actually read the article I referenced? Learning politics during the unipolar period-1991 to 2017, when the US was the only major power in the World leads some to believe there has been no change. Now that China has emerged as a peer competitor with the US, perhaps driving them closer to Russia isn't the right thing to do. As Prof John Mearsheim says, "This war is our fault, we can't un-ring that bell". But then, we had this discussion a few months ago. Time has not proven you correct. More money and more lives lost. Some consider that a win. I don't. I would like to see peace in Ukraine....you would like the war to continue. We will likely not agree on this topic. And you were incorrect in your flippant comment about what does or does not interest me.....FWB
Bill, I am in my seventy-second year and have spent my professional life serving the whims of political leadership or providing it the means to exercise military power. So do not assume anything about what I know or where and how I may have learned it.

I also have read quite a bit of Mearsheim's work. I thought his early efforts, particularly Conventional Deterrence, was a well thought out examination on the motivations for war, and hence how to deter it. I frankly think Clausewitz said essentially the same thing, but Mearsheim was more complete, or perhaps more readable. I believe he thoroughly lost his way in his critical examination of Lidell Hart. I forget the name of the book, though it is here in my library somewhere. It is a classic example of an academic stepping into the complex world of of operational and tactical warfare. The "indirect approach" to the operational art of war remains the gold standard of professional expertise. It is why we see exercised all too rarely. The Lee of Chancellorsville, Grant of Vicksburg, or Rommel of Gazala would have been amused by Mearsheim's thesis.

His notions of "offensive realism" which he seems to return to time and again, explain, but also excuse, the notion of regional hegemons and buffer zones. With respect to the Soviet Union and its rump successor, what I think he fails to take into account is the organization of the state itself. Where does the buffer zone begin of a "nation" composed of a polyglot of historical cultures and peoples. From my perspective, If anyone seems stuck in the past, in his case a bipolar world, it is Mearsheim.

For instance, this notion of his that any nation has the right to dictate the actions of its neighbors is built upon an inherent fallacy. That "right" only exists if that nation has the power to do so. When Russia had its jack boots on the collective neck of Eastern Europe, it had the power to exercise such a right. As the Ukrainian people, not the US or Western Europe or the CIA, stopped its brutal invasion of their country and rolled the Russian Army back from Kyiv, they demonstrated that Russia no longer had that power to exercise that right. The Finns and Swedes underscored exactly the same thing when they joined the Atlantic alliance.

I have said any number of times that this war will end in negotiations. Negotiations will end it because neither power is capable of dictating the terms of peace in either respective capital. But negotiated settlements come in all forms and can have the effect of victory or defeat or stalemate. Both sides, and from the West's perspective, particularly Russia must conclude that the prosecution of the war is no longer worth the expense of lives, treasure, and political capital. For the moment Ukraine believes it must continue to battle for its right of self-determination and Putin believes he can break the West's and Ukrainian will to brutally snuff out those aspirations.

Like you, I am beyond frustrated with this administration, but for different reasons. As I have also said here many times, the lack of will in the administration is appalling. We have a President who is a tottering figurehead and a weak and subservient SECDEF. This critical confrontation between the West and the dictator in the Kremlin is thus being managed by an election strategist.

Hopefully, the current plight of Ukraine after the cut-off of US materiel will awaken the administration to be far more aggressive and generous in those supplies.

Finally, I think you have it exactly backwards with respect to China. It was Xi who was attempting to form an alliance with Putin before Feb of 2022. It was Xi who saw the value of an economically weak but militarily strong and newly aggressive Russia on Western Europe's doorstep. Nothing could be more effective in dividing US focus, strategy, and military potential. Defeating Russia's new imperial ambitions is the surest way to counter that strategy.

Ukraine, not the US, has the right to determine the appropriate time to begin negotiations. If I had to hazard a guess, those negotiations will begin late this year or next. But whenever they are, the calendar will have nothing to do with it. Putin will await the effect and measure the success or failure of this renewed spring offensive. Ukraine will assess their capability to seize additional terrain and regain the initiative.

Several wild cards are also in play that could change the face of the conflict dramatically. First, is what I believe is the fundamental fragility of the Russian state. The impact of casualties, massive materiel losses, and growing damage to the economy could manifest itself at any moment. The parallels with 1917 are far from exact, but they are there. Likewise, war weariness could lead to the downfall of the Zelensky government. That too, would instantly change the trajectory of a negotiated peace.

But for the moment, the Ukrainian people continue their brave resistance against a brutal invader. Putin, not the US, initiated this war. Nothing proves that more surely than the undeniable fact that Putin is the only one who could end it tomorrow. I pray that we will finally provide Ukraine the means adequate to convince him it is time to do so.
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@Red Leg I don't believe Russia has imperial aspirations.....that is another propaganda message from "The Blob" as Pres Obama called it. I don't think they even want all of Ukraine. And yes, Ukraine alone has the right to decide what they will do. As did Cuba in 1962. But we intervened. We had fabricated "The Monroe Doctrine" as was our "right" as a hegemon. The situation in Ukraine is EXACTLY the same. Yet we expect a different outcome based upon "the arrogance of power". In a tri-polar World, it is time to become a nation among nations, not a nation above nations. (DK) And the West has already sabotaged two potential peace negotiations, that Ukraine may have been in agreement with. One of them in which Russia threw out the olive branch of helping Ukraine into the UK. A big concession. The West torpedoed that. So much for "only Ukraine can decide....." We decide for them.....as you'd expect from someone holding the checkbook. This war is a disaster for Ukraine, and for Europe for decades to come. The longer it goes, the more likely a new Cold War will start, and it won't be bipolar this time. The World needs to prosper together, the US opposes that. The only one that can stop this war with a phone call is Tony Blinken. The Hand of the King. The Apr 2008 NATO Summit in Bucharest laid the ground work for this war....Sec of Defense Perry offered to resign over this stupid decision. The list of people opposed included also the CIA director, Ambassador to Russia, and even Hussein Obama who refused to arm Ukraine. Anyway....the bell is rung....you have your war. Where it will lead from here we don't really know. Leveling of infrastructure, loss of a generation of young men, millions of refugees and a cold war.......all because WE wanted to flex and show Russia.....after they had asked more than 20 separate times to be included in "The World". And the news media loves it..............FWB
@Red Leg I don't believe Russia has imperial aspirations.....that is another propaganda message from "The Blob" as Pres Obama called it. I don't think they even want all of Ukraine. And yes, Ukraine alone has the right to decide what they will do. As did Cuba in 1962. But we intervened. We had fabricated "The Monroe Doctrine" as was our "right" as a hegemon. The situation in Ukraine is EXACTLY the same. Yet we expect a different outcome based upon "the arrogance of power". In a tri-polar World, it is time to become a nation among nations, not a nation above nations. (DK) And the West has already sabotaged two potential peace negotiations, that Ukraine may have been in agreement with. One of them in which Russia threw out the olive branch of helping Ukraine into the UK. A big concession. The West torpedoed that. So much for "only Ukraine can decide....." We decide for them.....as you'd expect from someone holding the checkbook. This war is a disaster for Ukraine, and for Europe for decades to come. The longer it goes, the more likely a new Cold War will start, and it won't be bipolar this time. The World needs to prosper together, the US opposes that. The only one that can stop this war with a phone call is Tony Blinken. The Hand of the King. The Apr 2008 NATO Summit in Bucharest laid the ground work for this war....Sec of Defense Perry offered to resign over this stupid decision. The list of people opposed included also the CIA director, Ambassador to Russia, and even Hussein Obama who refused to arm Ukraine. Anyway....the bell is rung....you have your war. Where it will lead from here we don't really know. Leveling of infrastructure, loss of a generation of young men, millions of refugees and a cold war.......all because WE wanted to flex and show Russia.....after they had asked more than 20 separate times to be included in "The World". And the news media loves it..............FWB
With all due respect, I feel that your analysis is compromised by taking what Russia says at face value. They are a terrorist state that has demonstrated time and again that they will ignore every treaty, undercut every deal, and murder as many people as they want with seeming impunity. Russia is not a rational or trustworthy actor.
@Red Leg I don't believe Russia has imperial aspirations.....that is another propaganda message from "The Blob" as Pres Obama called it. I don't think they even want all of Ukraine. And yes, Ukraine alone has the right to decide what they will do. As did Cuba in 1962. But we intervened. We had fabricated "The Monroe Doctrine" as was our "right" as a hegemon. The situation in Ukraine is EXACTLY the same. Yet we expect a different outcome based upon "the arrogance of power". In a tri-polar World, it is time to become a nation among nations, not a nation above nations. (DK) And the West has already sabotaged two potential peace negotiations, that Ukraine may have been in agreement with. One of them in which Russia threw out the olive branch of helping Ukraine into the UK. A big concession. The West torpedoed that. So much for "only Ukraine can decide....." We decide for them.....as you'd expect from someone holding the checkbook. This war is a disaster for Ukraine, and for Europe for decades to come. The longer it goes, the more likely a new Cold War will start, and it won't be bipolar this time. The World needs to prosper together, the US opposes that. The only one that can stop this war with a phone call is Tony Blinken. The Hand of the King. The Apr 2008 NATO Summit in Bucharest laid the ground work for this war....Sec of Defense Perry offered to resign over this stupid decision. The list of people opposed included also the CIA director, Ambassador to Russia, and even Hussein Obama who refused to arm Ukraine. Anyway....the bell is rung....you have your war. Where it will lead from here we don't really know. Leveling of infrastructure, loss of a generation of young men, millions of refugees and a cold war.......all because WE wanted to flex and show Russia.....after they had asked more than 20 separate times to be included in "The World". And the news media loves it..............FWB
I think that is about as preposterous a reading of history as I have seen anywhere but perhaps in an opinion piece emerging from a RT network propagandist/journalist.
I don't think they even want all of Ukraine. A
What a considerate conqueror. So he sends his legions in a brutal invasion with a primary target of seizing Kyiv, and he didn't want all of Ukraine? He invaded a nation state that had been independent for thirty years and he is not at fault?

He and the Russian army did it. Blinken did not do it, the CIA did not do it, Obama did not do it. Putin, the former KGB thug, initiated this invasion. He rang the bell of war - no one else.

Ukraine is not leveling Ukrainian cities or destroying its infrastructure, Russia is doing it on the orders of Vladimir Putin. Civilians and soldiers have been systematically killed, brutalized and tortured by the thugs who command his formations and the soldiers who man them. This is an observation that precedes Ukraine by decades, or do you simply also rationalize the brutality of Wagner throughout the Levant and Central Africa.

I despise everything about the current Russian construct. Russia, as it currently exists, is a blight upon the civilized world. It is indeed a terrorist regime. It's representatives have taken actions in Ukraine that would have seen Nazis hung in 1947. Sadly, its people, cowed of any sort of independent political thought through generations of despotism are unable or unwilling to change it. Therefore, its depredations have to be contained.

I will note again that one person can end this war tomorrow. He is the same person who bears sole responsibility for initiating the invasion of Ukraine. His name is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
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I would be interested to hear our members analyses on this.

In the article, especially towards the end, it is written, in my opinion, correctly. The indiscriminate shelling of the big city of Belgorod with unguided shells caused the need for a "buffer zone". There are many forests in the area of Volchansk, convenient for masking rocket launchers. But it's all close to the border and so far it doesn't look like some kind of large-scale operation.
And the author looks like a pretty girl, and it is unlikely that she should be expected to think too deeply about the art of war.
FOREIGN AFFAIRS ran a hit piece on President Trump today, entitled "NATO cannot exist without America". The scare tactic hate rant told us what Trump thinks, how he thinks and even his "instincts". Another add on to the Stormy Daniels persecution. Anyway, it could have more correctly been entitled "NATO cannot exist without Russia" but that is another story. Now I have been vocal about election fraud, or the lack thereof. But I have steadfastly maintained that I believe Pres Trump was treated unfairly. Even though he was not my first choice as a candidate. And to that end, I watched a number of YT videos that included Bozo Joe's antics. I have always tried to be objective about politics and keep personalities out of the equation, but Joe's behavior with adolescent girls caught on camera, should be enough....should be...to land an adult male in jail. Stormy, I believe, was an adult. And I don't really care if Trump nailed the entire Swedish volleyball team.....as long as they were not kids. So today, I did something I had never planned on doing.......I sent $47 to the Pres Trump campaign. 30 years ago, when my boys were still home, they watched a cartoon. I think I am reliving it. Here's a reminder.............stay safe, hunt often, think for yourself.............................FWB


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FOREIGN AFFAIRS ran a hit piece on President Trump today, entitled "NATO cannot exist without America". The scare tactic hate rant told us what Trump thinks, how he thinks and even his "instincts". Another add on to the Stormy Daniels persecution. Anyway, it could have more correctly been entitled "NATO cannot exist without Russia" but that is another story. Now I have been vocal about election fraud, or the lack thereof. But I have steadfastly maintained that I believe Pres Trump was treated unfairly. Even though he was not my first choice as a candidate. And to that end, I watched a number of YT videos that included Bozo Joe's antics. I have always tried to be objective about politics and keep personalities out of the equation, but Joe's behavior with adolescent girls caught on camera, should be enough....should be...to land an adult male in jail. Stormy, I believe, was an adult. And I don't really care if Trump nailed the entire Swedish volleyball team.....as long as they were not kids. So today, I did something I had never planned on doing.......I sent $47 to the Pres Trump campaign. 30 years ago, when my boys were still home, they watched a cartoon. I think I am reliving it. Here's a reminder.............stay safe, hunt often, think for yourself.............................FWB
Why $47? Kind of an odd number don't you think? Anyway, Beavis and Butthead are just two of the MANY incompetent buffoons in Brandon's Whitehouse and inner circle.
FOREIGN AFFAIRS ran a hit piece on President Trump today, entitled "NATO cannot exist without America". The scare tactic hate rant told us what Trump thinks, how he thinks and even his "instincts". Another add on to the Stormy Daniels persecution. Anyway, it could have more correctly been entitled "NATO cannot exist without Russia" but that is another story. Now I have been vocal about election fraud, or the lack thereof. But I have steadfastly maintained that I believe Pres Trump was treated unfairly. Even though he was not my first choice as a candidate. And to that end, I watched a number of YT videos that included Bozo Joe's antics. I have always tried to be objective about politics and keep personalities out of the equation, but Joe's behavior with adolescent girls caught on camera, should be enough....should be...to land an adult male in jail. Stormy, I believe, was an adult. And I don't really care if Trump nailed the entire Swedish volleyball team.....as long as they were not kids. So today, I did something I had never planned on doing.......I sent $47 to the Pres Trump campaign. 30 years ago, when my boys were still home, they watched a cartoon. I think I am reliving it. Here's a reminder.............stay safe, hunt often, think for yourself.............................FWB

I stopped reading Foreign Affairs years ago.

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Come from cz like that.
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