
That is a fair point. I do a lot of business in the UK. In fact I am there almost monthly. Their VAT is the most confusing consumptive tax system I have ever encountered. It seems to have created an entire business sector focused on managing it.

Have to read the US Tax Code? Not actually straight forward. Designed as the full employment act for lawyers and CPA’s.
The democrat agenda is to have only a lower class and an upper ruler class. Nothing in between… you either have nothing, or you have everything.
Yes! And that is likely the reason so many otherwise outwardly intelligent and successful people with lots of money continue to deeply, blindly hate Trump and his supporters while overtly supporting Brandon and the ever growing commie-fascist government. There is a mini-fascist class who has learned to live in that system and glean great profit from it. I call them mini-oligarchs. If one pays attention, they are easy to spot. ;)
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Personally I would like to see low corporate rates, a flat tax on income, and a use tax on goods and services.

Low corporate taxes encourage reinvestment in country. Many don’t understand that corporate tax differentials cause money to move globally, to the detriment of countries with high corporate taxes.

Flat tax on income eliminates perverse incentives on greater earnings.

Use taxes tax actual consumption, ensuring those who consume pay, regardless of residency or citizenship.

I nominate @WAB for POTUS! Do I have a second?
There’s resistance and then there is unadulterated hate and that is what Trump faced. In my lifetime I’ve never seen such vitriolic hate and being undermined at every turn.
One could say Trump got "Borked"?
Do you agree with all the opinions and statements of your country’s elitists? I highly doubt all Americans would say
what the military commander said. Besides, that clown is a puppet fulfilling an agenda. lol. Also, we really don’t need for any of you to buy our products if you don’t want to. We’ll survive it. LMAO
How many years ago was the post that you referred to--I believe it was the first one on this thread 1814 pages ago?....
Have to read the US Tax Code? Not actually straight forward. Designed as the full employment act for lawyers and CPA’s.

LOL, I don’t disagree, but come to the UK with me and execute a transaction. If you can figure out the VAT, you’re a better man than me!
Yes! And that is likely the reason so many otherwise outwardly intelligent and successful people with lots of money continue to deeply, blindly hate Trump and his supporters while overtly supporting Brandon and the ever growing commie-fascist government. There is a mini-fascist class who has learned to live in that system and glean great profit from it. I call them mini-oligarchs. If one pays attention, they are easy to spot. ;)

You sir would benefit greatly from an improved understanding of global trade and macro economics. The gentlemen you denigrate, myself included, are not as you suspect, villains intent on subverting and raping our nation. We are actually hell bent on creating wealth that will benefit all who are willing to work for it. Do we expect to be rewarded for creating wealth? Absolutely and unapologetically! If you truly understand capitalism and macroeconomics, you want us to be!
You sir would benefit greatly from an improved understanding of global trade and macro economics. The gentlemen you denigrate, myself included, are not as you suspect, villains intent on subverting and raping our nation. We are actually hell bent on creating wealth that will benefit all who are willing to work for it. Do we expect to be rewarded for creating wealth? Absolutely and unapologetically! If you truly understand capitalism and macroeconomics, you want us to be!
Beat me to it. Well said.
Does anyone else have a problem with the fact that, Trump was impeached for threatening to withhold military aid to Ukraine until they investigated Bidens involvement in
Burisma. Election interference.

A solid argument could be made that at least Trump‘s call to Ukraine did have a benefit to our country

Now Biden does withhold aid to our ally in Israel for a clear straight line benefit to his reelection.

Because he was underwater with Dearborn Michigan. with the threat to lose Michigan. And also the young vote on college campuses.

So Biden withholds promised aid to Israel because he knows he’s gonna lose Michigan if he doesn’t.

clear election interference for his own benefit with zero benefit to our country. And I would argue harms our country because it prolongs the war between Hamas and Israel
I would expand on your assessment to include freedom caucus folks. Both parties are increasingly recalcitrant. When discussing why Trump failed to unify the country, there is plenty of blame to go around, but as President, Trump has to own it. I think the same thing applies to President Biden and his failure to be a unifier.

I literally laugh out loud every time I hear a liberal pull the "whataboutism" card in regard to extremism within the parties and calls for political violence as if it was the same on both sides... There is NOT plenty of blame to go around..! It's not even close!

Liberal extremism, and particularly violent extremism, is 1,000 times more prevalent withing the democratic party... At the risk of sounding like a broken record, please show me, beyond a couple of likes posted on social media by MTG 8 years ago before she was a politician, where anyone in the Freedom Caucus, or the entire conservative media for that matter, has called for or condoned violence against their political adversaries... Or for that matter, please list some examples of conservatives fabricating evidence, or weaponizing federal agencies to target conservatives... It happens every day with democrats and their MSM puppets... Just watch any random episode of the View, if you can stomach that crap for more that 30 seconds without projectile vomiting...

In regard to what Trump and Brandon must own, let's be clear that Brandon absolutely ran on unifying the country. Remember Brandon's promises to "return to normalcy" and to "bring the adults back into the room"? LOL...! The really sad part is that Brandon would have been a terrible POTUS even if he had all of his marbles... The fact that he has deteriorated so drastically almost exonerates him from responsibility. That responsibility of tearing this nation farther apart each day lies squarely with the liberal cult in this country that continues to prop him up with the lies propaganda and pretend all is well.... How these ass-clowns can go on TV and tout Brandon's "accomplishments" with a straight face is truly beyond me...
For those in the know, any truth to this? Could Putin be that stupid or bold? From the Front-Page Directives.

The head of Poland's counterintelligence service has raised concerns about Russian President Vladimir Putin's alleged contemplation of a "mini-invasion" of a NATO country, aiming to test the resolve of Western leaders.

According to Jarosław Stróżyk, Putin is reportedly considering the invasion of parts of Estonia and Sweden, possibly targeting the city of Narva in Estonia or landing on one of Sweden's islands, as part of a broader strategy to exert control over the Baltic states.
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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?