
There is support for all sorts of bad things within every party, but that does not make it a majority or even a sizable number. Unfortunately, social media and modern news operates on an outrage model that magnifies the most outrageous fringes. That does not make it acceptable, but it also does not reflect reality.
Okay well more than one person in the US with joint custody has had their child get put on puberty blockers against their will because a judge allowed it.
This isn't a debate about a tax rate. Or whether the age of Social Security should change. This is stuff you don't get second chances with.
People pretending like it isn't happening is what got us to this point.
Okay well more than one person in the US with joint custody has had their child get put on puberty blockers against their will because a judge allowed it.
This isn't a debate about a tax rate. Or whether the age of Social Security should change. This is stuff you don't get second chances with.
People pretending like it isn't happening is what got us to this point.
No one here is disputing that these things happen, and I think we are probably all pretty much in agreement about whether these things are bad. At the same time, it is still a fringe issue in the grand scheme of things, and we would be better off not catastrophizing.
No one here is disputing that these things happen, and I think we are probably all pretty much in agreement about whether these things are bad. At the same time, it is still a fringe issue in the grand scheme of things, and we would be better off not catastrophizing.
Tell that to a man who just had to hear from a judge that their child will be put on these meds.

This is an inexcusable evil that is completely avoidable.
Tell that to a man who just had to hear from a judge that their child will be put on these meds.

This is an inexcusable evil that is completely avoidable.
I am failing to understand your point here. Are you suggesting that we prioritize this over every other issue or that it somehow signifies that this current moment in history is uniquely terrible?
I am failing to understand your point here. Are you suggesting that we prioritize this over every other issue or that it somehow signifies that this current moment in history is uniquely terrible?

Yes I think think the normalization and even encouraging of castrating children is uniquely terrible. It's also not a hard problem to solve, you pass a law banning it, there should be no debate.
Yes I think think the normalization and even encouraging of castrating children is uniquely terrible. It's also not a hard problem to solve, you pass a law banning it, there should be no debate.
I am with you on banning it, my disagreement is with the notion that it is normalized and encouraged. The vast majority of Americans agree with us on this.
I am with you on banning it, my disagreement is with the notion that it is normalized and encouraged. The vast majority of Americans agree with us on this.
It is in fact being normalized. How often was it happening even 10 years ago compared to now? It is also being encouraged, drag queen story hour doesn't help with this, neither does pretending like it isn't happening.
Our government found time to ban TikTok.
Catastrophizing is my new favorite word. But @Corey0372 is right. Regardless of what you and I think, if the dems are elected, they will force this upon us like they did masks, vax, confinement at home, the Wuhan Lab and transgender military generals. They don't care what I think, and probably not what their constituents think either. See my previous post on how well they honor their own pledges and fulfill their own mission statement regarding free speech...............FWB
I did wonder how that worked when Turdeau said it!
Tell that to a man who just had to hear from a judge that their child will be put on these meds.

This is an inexcusable evil that is completely avoidable.

Or ask to change their genetic marker on their birth certificate/vital certificate record with the state.
I am with you on banning it, my disagreement is with the notion that it is normalized and encouraged.

A side issue and just as important from my perspective is the rights of the parents. One step at a time until it becomes normalized that the gov't has more control over parenting than the parents.
The majority of the country may not support it, but there is absolutely support for it within the Democrat Party, and the popularity and scope of this stuff at least makes it seem like it's got more support than we want to think.
Also, it might be an unpopular opinion, but I think the normalization of castrating children is more evil (even if it is more banal) than Jim Crow laws or internment camps, just my opinion though.
You kidding me right?
Show me one government action advocating gender change unlike Jim Crow and interment camps which is a shame in our history.
I’m glad people like you in minority otherwise this country would still be segregated.
I'm willing to bet nothing good is happening in Ukraine..... Or we would be hearing about it after sending $60Bil more into the conflict.

If so, it is only because Trump by his silence, the Freedom Caucus by its direct action (or inaction), and the national interest naivety of far too many of the supporters of both who have concluded being an ally of Russia and supporting Putin's strategic goals are somehow in the interests of their country. I obviously believe that is a truly reprehensible position to take.

Denying Ukraine US armaments for half a year was a military blow to their defense that Putin could not have achieved in a couple of years or more of combat. He ought to offer Hero of the Russian Federation medals to every single member of the House who supported his strategic objectives. And make no mistake, every single person who supported that ban is at best an appeaser and at worst as close an ally to Russia as Iran or North Korea.

And no, I am not interested in hearing about the false choice between border security and Ukraine. In a country where the government spent over SIX TRILLION dollars, creating an either/or fallacy over the border and Ukraine is Sophism at its worst. Both parties tried to take political advantage of the border crisis by using the legislation supporting Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan as a pawn. That political maneuvering took place over the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians.

Ukrainian defensive lines have held remarkably well considering US indecisiveness and Russia's all out effort to try and take advantage of it. It would appear Putin desperately wanted a recognizable battlefield victory in time for the May 9th Victory Day parade in Moscow. The Ukrainians, despite the Republican House's best efforts to support him, are not cooperating.
I could not disagree with the above more strongly. And I have some skin in this game. Families I know, and my own kin in Ukraine, want the war to end. So do I. Their only hope was that the US funding would stop, Ukraine would lay down their (US) arms, and the fighting would stop. My own family member cried when I told her that the US had funded another year of war to rage around her. The first, and only, Ukraine born member of Congress, Victoria Spartz, voted against giving the $61 billion. I thanked her. I salute her.............The arrogance of Power.......we've got to stop it..........FWB
I could not disagree with the above more strongly. And I have some skin in this game. Families I know, and my own kin in Ukraine, want the war to end. So do I. Their only hope was that the US funding would stop, Ukraine would lay down their (US) arms, and the fighting would stop. My own family member cried when I told her that the US had funded another year of war to rage around her. The first, and only, Ukraine born member of Congress, Victoria Spartz, voted against giving the $61 billion. I thanked her. I salute her.............The arrogance of Power.......we've got to stop it..........FWB
Your opinion and that of the individuals whom you know is still quite different than that of most Ukrainians. Your words - "lay down their arms" - means surrender to Russia and Vladimir Putin. There is no other interpretation of that expression or sentiment. That would indeed end the war, but with that capitulation so also would end the Ukrainian dream of true independence and a European future - hardly what I would describe as the arrogance of power. I suspect any relief over the end of the conflict would last only so long until the first knocks on the door by a newly Russian controlled SBU.

I have no doubt war fatigue is increasing. It would be improbable if it wasn't. But to date, the Ukrainian people as a whole, unlike your friends and relatives, continue to prove the opposite of a willingness to embrace defeat by their sacrifices on the battlefield.

The attached is a fairly balanced assessment of the Ukrainian view of the conflict and how it has evolved over time. It is worth reading because I think it offers insight into some of the concerns you have expressed. I should note that "The Conversation" has a least biased rating by most news monitors.

As I have noted numerous times, this war will indeed in negotiations. I am confident that it will not end in the Ukrainian surrender you seem to advocate. One side or the other - or even both - will determine it is no longer worth the cost to continue the fight and real negotiations will begin. As long as US aid was cut off, there was zero chance Putin would make any of those concessions. That calculation at least has decidedly changed.
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If so, it is only because Trump by his silence, the Freedom Caucus by its direct action (or inaction), and the national interest naivety of far too many of the supporters of both who have concluded being an ally of Russia and supporting Putin's strategic goals are somehow in the interests of their country. I obviously believe that is a truly reprehensible position to take.

Denying Ukraine US armaments for half a year was a military blow to their defense that Putin could not have achieved in a couple of years or more of combat. He ought to offer Hero of the Russian Federation medals to every single member of the House who supported his strategic objectives. And make no mistake, every single person who supported that ban is at best an appeaser and at worst as close an ally to Russia as Iran or North Korea.

And no, I am not interested in hearing about the false choice between border security and Ukraine. In a country where the government spent over SIX TRILLION dollars, creating an either/or fallacy over the border and Ukraine is Sophism at its worst. Both parties tried to take political advantage of the border crisis by using the legislation supporting Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan as a pawn. That political maneuvering took place over the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians.

Ukrainian defensive lines have held remarkably well considering US indecisiveness and Russia's all out effort to try and take advantage of it. It would appear Putin desperately wanted a recognizable battlefield victory in time for the May 9th Victory Day parade in Moscow. The Ukrainians, despite the Republican House's best efforts to support him, are not cooperating.
Wow! What a monumental load of neocon BS! Next time you go golfing with Lindsey Graham, be sure to tell him how handsome he is and that all of the boys he buggars are sooooooo LUCKY!!!
If so, it is only because Trump by his silence, the Freedom Caucus by its direct action (or inaction), and the national interest naivety of far too many of the supporters of both who have concluded being an ally of Russia and supporting Putin's strategic goals are somehow in the interests of their country
Here is also a list of US Foreign aid I oppose:
Countries That Received the Most Foreign Aid From the U.S. in 2022:

  • Israel ($3.3B)
  • Ethiopia ($2.2B)
  • Afghanistan ($1.39B)
  • Yemen ($1.38B)
  • Egypt ($1.37B)
  • Jordan ($1.19B)
  • Nigeria ($1.15B)
I didn't realize that NOT paying these people makes me guilty of supporting their enemies. I didn't give to BLM, so I guess I belong to the Klan now. I don't support the ADL, so I guess I'm an honorary HAMAS member (Yay!). I oppose support to Afghanistan, which, I guess made me anti-American for a couple of decades. I oppose support for Yemen, you know, those little scamps who have closed one of the most important shipping lanes in the world, guess this makes me a Saudi, whew! Looking forward to those oil royalties!!$$!! I opposed Biden draining our strategic oil reserve for votes and to decrease the price of oil to hurt Putin. Sure, cut into our defensive capabilities as a protest against Vladimir Putin.

Denying Ukraine US armaments for half a year was a military blow to their defense that Putin could not have achieved in a couple of years or more of combat. He ought to offer Hero of the Russian Federation medals to every single member of the House who supported his strategic objectives. And make no mistake, every single person who supported that ban is at best an appeaser and at worst as close an ally to Russia as Iran or North Korea
Nice jab! Failing to send arms to Putin's enemies makes us part of The Axis of Evil ! We also didn't sent $160B to the Tutsi's so I guess the Rwandan genocide is on us too.

"And no, I am not interested in hearing about the false choice between border security and Ukraine. In a country where the government spent over SIX TRILLION dollars, creating an either/or fallacy over the border and Ukraine is Sophism at its worst. Both parties tried to take political advantage of the border crisis by using the legislation supporting Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan as a pawn. That political maneuvering took place over the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians."

You're right about US border security and Ukraine border security being a false choice. We don't have secure borders because the US policy class enjoys the payoffs, bribes, kickbacks, and total societal disruption caused by the ENTIRELY OPEN US border (I would say Southern border but with the Biden Administration paying the airfare and dropping ALL of the international travel restrictions to fly 335,000 illegal immigrants directly into the United States, the excuse of "not paying attention" is gone when absolute treason (by BOTH PARTIES) is obvious.

"Ukrainian defensive lines have held remarkably well considering US indecisiveness and Russia's all out effort to try and take advantage of it. It would appear Putin desperately wanted a recognizable battlefield victory in time for the May 9th Victory Day parade in Moscow. The Ukrainians, despite the Republican House's best efforts to support him, are not cooperating."

Again, with the false equivalents of "You better support Ukraine or Putin is you boyfriend!" is horseshit.

Answer me this, oh great and valiant protector of Truth, Justice and the American Way, when the Ukrainians run out of men, boys, and senior citizens, how much money should we send then? $1T? $2T, $100T? Are we going to send nukes? Are we going to send our military men and women into the fight?

You know our military might is greatly diminished right now, correct? In addition to be exhausted by 2 decades of constant war, those in charge are carrying out the agendas of DEI, BLM, and the LGBT organizations, which makes the military unbelievably unattractive for straight young men (thanks Joe Biden, Gen Miley, Lloyd Austin, and George Soros!) So young men aren't joining. So, there is considerable discussion about re-implementing the Draft. I have 2 boys that are drafting age and the thought that they might be drafted into the US military to be sent to Ukraine makes me sick. But I guess I HAVE TO otherwise Putin is my boyfriend. I'm going to miss them. Luckily, Russians are at least white so if my boys kill some, they won't be called racists and convicted of a hate crime by their own militaries.

Hopefully, Putin doesn't send in Iranians, who are brown and my boys might have to fight them. Because our military leaders are completely brainwashed retarded fools who will have to have meetings with Ibram X. Kendi or Patrisse Cullors on "What weapons can be used against people of color in foreign wars" where it will be decided that for reasons of "equity" white solders should only be armed with suggestive perfumes and sex toys when fighting people of color. It is their duty to "understand" their white privileged or male privilege and seek to love people of color even if it means that their going to be tortured or killed...

Blah blah blah.

The current government of the US, both parties, don't give two shits about the American people or the Ukrainians and neither do you.

Say hi to Victoria Nuland and Klaus Schwab for me.
You kidding me right?
Show me one government action advocating gender change unlike Jim Crow and interment camps which is a shame in our history.
I’m glad people like you in minority otherwise this country would still be segregated.
I'm a pro-segregation racist because I want to see legislation passed that bans puberty blockers for children and I don't want tax dollars to pay for sex change operations for adults?

That doesn't seem to track.

You asked for examples of government action...

Here's a ruling for taxpayer funded sex change operations for adults...

Here's one of the examples of a parent losing a court decision to stop hormone treatment for his child...
Wow! What a monumental load of neocon BS! Next time you go golfing with Lindsey Graham, be sure to tell him how handsome he is and that all of the boys he buggars are sooooooo LUCKY!!!

Here is also a list of US Foreign aid I oppose:
Countries That Received the Most Foreign Aid From the U.S. in 2022:

  • Israel ($3.3B)
  • Ethiopia ($2.2B)
  • Afghanistan ($1.39B)
  • Yemen ($1.38B)
  • Egypt ($1.37B)
  • Jordan ($1.19B)
  • Nigeria ($1.15B)
I didn't realize that NOT paying these people makes me guilty of supporting their enemies. I didn't give to BLM, so I guess I belong to the Klan now. I don't support the ADL, so I guess I'm an honorary HAMAS member (Yay!). I oppose support to Afghanistan, which, I guess made me anti-American for a couple of decades. I oppose support for Yemen, you know, those little scamps who have closed one of the most important shipping lanes in the world, guess this makes me a Saudi, whew! Looking forward to those oil royalties!!$$!! I opposed Biden draining our strategic oil reserve for votes and to decrease the price of oil to hurt Putin. Sure, cut into our defensive capabilities as a protest against Vladimir Putin.

Nice jab! Failing to send arms to Putin's enemies makes us part of The Axis of Evil ! We also didn't sent $160B to the Tutsi's so I guess the Rwandan genocide is on us too.

"And no, I am not interested in hearing about the false choice between border security and Ukraine. In a country where the government spent over SIX TRILLION dollars, creating an either/or fallacy over the border and Ukraine is Sophism at its worst. Both parties tried to take political advantage of the border crisis by using the legislation supporting Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan as a pawn. That political maneuvering took place over the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians."

You're right about US border security and Ukraine border security being a false choice. We don't have secure borders because the US policy class enjoys the payoffs, bribes, kickbacks, and total societal disruption caused by the ENTIRELY OPEN US border (I would say Southern border but with the Biden Administration paying the airfare and dropping ALL of the international travel restrictions to fly 335,000 illegal immigrants directly into the United States, the excuse of "not paying attention" is gone when absolute treason (by BOTH PARTIES) is obvious.

"Ukrainian defensive lines have held remarkably well considering US indecisiveness and Russia's all out effort to try and take advantage of it. It would appear Putin desperately wanted a recognizable battlefield victory in time for the May 9th Victory Day parade in Moscow. The Ukrainians, despite the Republican House's best efforts to support him, are not cooperating."

Again, with the false equivalents of "You better support Ukraine or Putin is you boyfriend!" is horseshit.

Answer me this, oh great and valiant protector of Truth, Justice and the American Way, when the Ukrainians run out of men, boys, and senior citizens, how much money should we send then? $1T? $2T, $100T? Are we going to send nukes? Are we going to send our military men and women into the fight?

You know our military might is greatly diminished right now, correct? In addition to be exhausted by 2 decades of constant war, those in charge are carrying out the agendas of DEI, BLM, and the LGBT organizations, which makes the military unbelievably unattractive for straight young men (thanks Joe Biden, Gen Miley, Lloyd Austin, and George Soros!) So young men aren't joining. So, there is considerable discussion about re-implementing the Draft. I have 2 boys that are drafting age and the thought that they might be drafted into the US military to be sent to Ukraine makes me sick. But I guess I HAVE TO otherwise Putin is my boyfriend. I'm going to miss them. Luckily, Russians are at least white so if my boys kill some, they won't be called racists and convicted of a hate crime by their own militaries.

Hopefully, Putin doesn't send in Iranians, who are brown and my boys might have to fight them. Because our military leaders are completely brainwashed retarded fools who will have to have meetings with Ibram X. Kendi or Patrisse Cullors on "What weapons can be used against people of color in foreign wars" where it will be decided that for reasons of "equity" white solders should only be armed with suggestive perfumes and sex toys when fighting people of color. It is their duty to "understand" their white privileged or male privilege and seek to love people of color even if it means that their going to be tortured or killed...

Blah blah blah.

The current government of the US, both parties, don't give two shits about the American people or the Ukrainians and neither do you.

Say hi to Victoria Nuland and Klaus Schwab for me.
Thank you. I think your response represents exactly the point I was trying to make.
I could not disagree with the above more strongly. And I have some skin in this game. Families I know, and my own kin in Ukraine, want the war to end. So do I. Their only hope was that the US funding would stop, Ukraine would lay down their (US) arms, and the fighting would stop. My own family member cried when I told her that the US had funded another year of war to rage around her. The first, and only, Ukraine born member of Congress, Victoria Spartz, voted against giving the $61 billion. I thanked her. I salute her.............The arrogance of Power.......we've got to stop it..........FWB

I also have skin in this game and I disagree with you completely, as do my Ukrainian friends and family. Putin has already proven that surrender will be uglier than any conflict could be. I will never advocate for surrender after the atrocities we’ve seen. These people are fighting for their survival and right to self governance.
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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?