
I'm not sure which will bring a larger amount of scorn and ridicule upon thee from the AH community: Speaking poorly about Trump or well of Hornady bullets. (n)
REALLY????? :A Bang Head::A Bang Head::A Bang Head::A Bang Head:

"St Floyd"

In the most powerful country on the planet its people say goodbye to one of its best sons Even presidents are not buried like this.

A golden coffin, hundreds of thousands of mourners and sobbing, thousands of kneeling apologize to the black population of some states.

The Mayor of Minneapolis is clutching the coffin with the body of the most worthy of the worthy citizens of America.

His sobs are interrupted by cries of "SOO...OORY” again continue on the rise.

Choking on saliva, the ex-wife of the murdered weeps, though the last time she saw him was 6 years ago. That's when he left her with her three-month-old daughter.

He hadn't sent alimony to his daughter over the years. However, the unhappy widow has been crying for a week that she was left without a breadwinner.

Therefore, compassionate Americans collected oodles of money for her. She’s received a lot of money from the world and money continues to flow in.

The University of Massachusetts has established a George Floyd scholarship.

The great Floyd's rap sheet listed robberies, for drug trafficking, for armed robberies (last time, holding a pregnant woman by the throat and putting a gun barrel to her belly while demanding money). Then he worked a deal with the investigators. Floyd handed over all his accomplices, so they reduced his sentence by several years.

Floyd's autopsy revealed drugs in his blood. This is the national hero of America of the 21st century.

But there were followers. The Floyd love affair lives and grows.

Mass robberies and violence, as a sign of respect and grief for George, swept the US and now grow into a worldwide event.

Some beautiful areas of our cities, including New York and Los Angeles, plus many others have now been destroyed. Probably never to return to their former elegance.

Several policemen were killed.

A 17-year-old girl was terribly raped, hundreds of police offices were burned, and cars, streets, squares, parks were burned as well.

US presidential candidate Joe Biden also fell to his knees.

This didn’t bother hundreds of thousands of admirers of “St. Floyd”. On their knees?! I just watched the Democratic leaders of Congress kneel in the halls of Congress for about 9 minutes for the death of a black man named George Floyd.

I have never seen them kneel for a fallen POLICE OFFICER. I have never seen them kneel for a fallen SOLDIER.

I have never seen them kneel for the thousands of ABORTED babies.

I have never seen them kneel for a MURDERED white man or woman.

I have never seen them kneel for the THOUSANDS of black on black murder victims.

I have never seen them kneel for the OVER 50,000 elderly people, (as of 6/16/20), that died in our nursing homes due to the Coronavirus.

I have to ask WHY are our Democrat leaders acknowledging the life of George Floyd, as being MORE valuable than the lives of everyone else?

In fact, Democrats have put so much value on the life of George Floyd, that they have allowed rioting, looting, arson, murder and mayhem in communities NATIONWIDE.

Stand down orders were given in all liberal cities by liberal mayors and governors. I spoke to a state trooper, this morning. It’s true. Let them loot, burn and kill.....

What are the thoughts on here about the commutation of Roger Stone? Seems to me like Trump thinks he is going to lose the election.
I'm not sure which will bring a larger amount of scorn and ridicule upon thee from the AH community: Speaking poorly about Trump or well of Hornady bullets. (n)

At least the whole rest of the world is talking badly about "Hornady"

I am in terms of content completely with you what you write, but be honest, kneeling the others ?
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@Foxi, not my writing, I guess I should have said that at the beginning. The kneeling is to show the hypocrisy of the left. I only kneel to my God, and no one else.


  • Ec5H56LXoAEoaOW.jpg
    62.5 KB · Views: 74
You have one group who want to take down a statue fighting with another group who want to preserve that statue, and neither group seems to have any idea about the person in question. We Americans are pretty uninformed when it comes to history and that problem seems to get worse with each new generation.
What are the thoughts on here about the commutation of Roger Stone? Seems to me like Trump thinks he is going to lose the election.

Stone is obviously a big mouthed, blow hard, egotistical jerk. Not sure if he deserves being sent to prison for 40 months when Comey, Brennan, Clapper, et al have lied to LE or Congress and there been no prosecution or indictments or 5am raids by SWAT teams of 30 officers with the media called to watch.

Don't think Trump would have done this until after the election if there was any chance of his loosing the election. From my point of view, Trump is feeling pretty good about the election to take this action now and not four months from now.

We obviously view this from opposite sides of the same prism.

And you make it up to suit your needs,wants and desires at any given to to suit the horse apple policies to enrich the very few.

If you want to stand with and incite the lawless and riotous negros then stand out in front when they attempt to burn real american neighborhoods.

Goodbye Saul.
You have one group who want to take down a statue fighting with another group who want to preserve that statue, and neither group seems to have any idea about the person in question. We Americans are pretty uninformed when it comes to history and that problem seems to get worse with each new generation.

Agree that many American's are clueless. Especially the younger ones doing the tearing down. How else can it be explained that statues of abolitionists, Fredrick Douglas, Cervantes (a slave) are torn down or defaced.

What seems funny is that the left, BLM, ANTIFA, Democrats are tearing down and defacing statues of Democrats for the most part.

Also odd was about four years ago when Democrats wanted to remove Andrew Jackson, the founder of the Democratic party from the $20 bill and replace it with Harriet Tubman, a Bible and gun toting Republican.

Doctors say a good laugh a day extends your life. The irony/humor of 2020 will see me living to 100!:ROFLMAO:

And you make it up to suit your needs,wants and desires at any given to to suit the horse apple policies to enrich the very few.

If you want to stand with and incite the lawless and riotous negros then stand out in front when they attempt to burn real american neighborhoods.

Goodbye Saul.
Excuse me? I am not sure I understand to what you are referring or even follow what you are saying here.

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