
I generally don't like to comment on political stuff, because many on one side or the other are pretty well entrenched and i am unlikely to be able to change minds no matter how good the facts, but, here goes.

trump as a human is just like many of us; plenty of problems and sins to make him a less than perfect man and makes others suspect of his principles or reasons for doing things.

here are some thoughts/facts to ponder on tho regarding the upcoming election.

the current administrations first act was to cancel pipeline and start a war on fossil fuel that our country runs on, from trains, ships, 18 wheelers, tractors, delivery vehicles etc. fuel prices have spiked and that increased costs of everything, crops, goods and services.

the media has consistently stated that there is no proof that biden has taken any money from china, or russia, or ukraine, and yet, slowly but surely the proof that joe is corrupt as is his family (you know, the ones that got money from shell corporations for doing nothing) is coming out. oh, and "son of a bitch" joe got a ukrainian investigator fired for looking into his son, hmmm.

the current Administration has done everything it can to keep the border open to illegal aliens (millions of them) and actively worked AGAINST the states (TX,AZ etc) and instead of putting UP a border wall, they have actually, quietly, SOLD OFF the fence that trump had bought but was not yet installed. and while doing so, put "children in cages", "separated families" and enabled cartels to flood america with fentanyl, which i heard kills 100,000 americans per year (i used to work in ems, and watched people die from overdoses, and of course sex trafficking, rapes, etc.

i am still waiting for the terrorists in Gaza, to release american hostages, and waiting to hear from our current admin to explain the status of their release.

on the domestic front, this administration has used the FBI in conjunction with big tech to monitor social media and block or disable anyone that wanted to counter a narrative they dis agreed with. the DOJ is helping too, going after any of the biden political adversaries with law fare. remember with that matt taiebe guy was testifying (not a conservative guy, then) in court and the IRS just happened to make a house call on him the next day?

this administration made sure to shut the country down during covid, FORCED military and government workers to get a untested vaccine, upon the threat of job loss.

and, maybe the most important thing. joe biden is in serious cognitive decline. almost anyone (even a democrat) would agree that he is not the man he was 4 years ago. so, my question is...who has been running the government the last 3 years? certainly not joe, he can barely get on and off stage for a speech. So, who is ACTUALLY running things? certainly not someone who was voted into office. does anyone think that joe is going to get better in a 2nd term?

i read earlier that someone thought that it really didn't matter who was the president. hmmm, well, i would disagree. it would appear that joe has actively done just about everything that could be done to ruin his country. if he missed something, to make things worse, i don't know what it was.

you might not LIKE trump (i had money managers i didn't think much of, but they made me money) but of the two, one has actually built things, the other was a politician for his whole life. trump is a very flawed man, biden is an actual criminal, and i suspect we will find out later that he is a treasonous man as well.

as far as both men go, we have seen them both operate, in my humble opinion, its not even a close choice. it is easy to get hung up on the man and behaviors, but trumps policies were MOSTLY, pretty good.
On the Domestic front you forgot using the banks you identify Conservatives by keying in on words like Cabela's, Bas Pro, and Dick's. As well as MAGA, etc.

Internationally you forgot the hand wringing approach to the Houthi's.

I'm sure there are more but you summed up the brunt of it very well.

Biden made it clear what we are in for in the next year and beyond if he's re-elected. Continue to Spend recklessly, raise taxes and lot, more regulations, more woke ideals. Supreme Court going back Liberal. In fact did you see him lying at the Justices? He obviously has zero respect for the Constitution and Separation of Powers this Country is built upon. This last one is probably the biggest and longest lasting.

How do the Never Trump Guys on here feel about the Supreme Court and Trump Appointments?
On the Domestic front you forgot using the banks you identify Conservatives by keying in on words like Cabela's, Bas Pro, and Dick's. As well as MAGA, etc.

Internationally you forgot the hand wringing approach to the Houthi's.

I'm sure there are more but you summed up the brunt of it very well.

Biden made it clear what we are in for in the next year and beyond if he's re-elected. Continue to Spend recklessly, raise taxes and lot, more regulations, more woke ideals. Supreme Court going back Liberal. In fact did you see him lying at the Justices? He obviously has zero respect for the Constitution and Separation of Powers this Country is built upon. This last one is probably the biggest and longest lasting.

How do the Never Trump Guys on here feel about the Supreme Court and Trump Appointments?
With respect to the Supreme Court, I am not sure about “never Trumpers,” but I thank God for Mitch McConnell regularly. At the same time I pray Trump’s candidacy doesn’t ruin my party’s chances to reclaim the Senate - again.

To remind, the only reason the Biden Agenda passed during the first two years of his presidency is because Donald Trump and the legal incompetents who served him managed to convince over 300 thousand largely rural white Georgians who voted for Trump in the general that their votes would not count in the runoff for Georgia’s two Senate seats. The two democrats won by barely a combined 100 thousand votes flipping the Senate blue and paving the legislative road for the Biden agenda.

Of course, like our national response to COVID or those hundreds of good but foolish people who followed Trump‘s call to Washington on Jan 6 and who are languishing in jail, Trump gets a total pass.

The senate is the key to withstanding either another Biden presidency or Trump’s vision of our national interests on the international stage. I’ll vote every republican down ticket.

I absolutely get the argument you are making. What few here acknowledge is that it is possible to believe that someone can conclude that Trump is as dangerous to this country’s national interests on the international stage as the Democrat agenda is to the future domestic prosperity of this country. No amount of name calling, digital shouting, or memes are going to affect what I believe is a pretty well informed opinion - one which I truly have become weary of sharing.

I had decided to withdraw from this discussion because it had ceased to be one. But, it is difficult to stand by and watch a member get personally attacked, not debated, for simply having a different but reasoned point of view. I think his latest unpardonable sin was to point out that the economic argument was slipping away from republicans this cycle. I believe, and I am hardly alone, that is the reason Trump so desperately wanted to insure there was no bipartisan effort to address the border issue prior to the election. Of course, that too is an intolerable conclusion.

Look, I think it is pretty clear that most here would prefer this thread be an echo chamber about the demise of the republic. I promise I’ll try much harder to stay out of it.
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Apparently, Liz Cheney is a bigger problem for Trump than Putin.​

Trump doubles down on call for Liz Cheney to be prosecuted​

(The Hill) – Former President Trump on Sunday doubled down on his push for former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) to be prosecuted over allegations she and the other Jan. 6 committee members purposely withheld testimony and details from their investigation into the former president’s actions during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection.

Trump, on Truth Social on Sunday, posted a piece from former Trump administration aide Kash Patel published in The Federalist last week, in which Patel claimed Cheney and the House Jan. 6 committee “suppressed evidence” about the former president’s authorization of National Guard troops during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection.

I've been thinking about all the illegal immigrants (or whatever the term is) that have entered the US during the Biden administration. I'm guessing many or most are here to stay. Many global demographic patterns suggest that many countries are or will suffer from declining population in the next 20-40 years.

Given that, the Federal Government should create a policy and programs to:

0. Close the border and get this mess under control.
1. Get all the illegals accounted for. Require all to voluntarily get registered and some sort of ID card.
2. After a deadline, if they haven't registered, deport them.
3. Get them off the street. Use Federal properties to temporarily house them. The liberal media will refer to them as "Internment Camps", but so what!
4. Allow them to legally work and pay taxes. Lot's of entry level jobs need workers.
5. Allow those that can qualify, to enter military service and qualify for US citizenship.

I would add number 6

Anyone promoting the open border has to house at least two in their house. Or let them sleep on their property. And pay for their healthcare, education Etc.
And if they refused, they get more busloads of illegal immigrants into the sanctuary cities where they live and they can pay more in taxes to support them.
This open border, free hand out, free rent, free credit card with $1000.00, free medical, etc, etc. Is a slap on the face for those of us who came in legally, and paid thousands of $$$ to become legal residents. It's a slap on the face for all those elderly who worked all their adult life, paid taxes, and rely on their Social Security check to barely make a leaving.
I think where we are differing is that one thinks the sky is falling and the other does not.

Yeah, okay...(y)

Putting the current economic damage aside, pay no attention to the 20+million immigrants that have crossed the border that are here to stay... Actually, putting a number to it doesn't even begin to quantify the magnitude of the crisis because we really have no idea how many are actually here, although the VAST majority are illegal... The dems can't stack the courts yet, but they can certainly stack the votes, and they are happy to do it at the expense of the taxpayer in the cost of tax dollars and crime... This strategy will be effective and devastating in the years to come...

Then there is the violent crime wave sweeping every major city in America which will only increase with the continued open border... Don't live in the city? Who cares not my problem right? It will be soon enough... Has everyone forgotten the summer of 2020 when the politicians and governors in every major city in the country were not only condoning but promoting riots, and publicly advocating for the abolishment of police? Cities burned for 3 months with thousands injured, dozens killed, and billions in damage, but Jan 6th was the "insurrection"? Anyone who doesn't think it can happen again is delusional...

That brings us to the cultural erosion of our societies from both within and externally... Children are being indoctrinated in schools on a massive scale from pre-K all the way to the universities where the minorities are taught to be victims and whites are taught self-loathing.... Children under the age of 8 are being taught that they can be a boy or girl, and that any type of sexual perversion is completely normal... The judicial system is now being blatantly abused to persecute people with conservative political views, and our own FBI, CIA and DOJ have been weaponized to go after political rivals. And, if that wasn't enough, we actually now have a sitting Supreme Court Justice who has refused to differentiate the biological difference between a man and a woman.

Normal, hardworking people who want to preserve this country are being labeled extremists, not by the lunatics on the left, but by the MSM and our current POTUS. I could go on for about 20 more paragraphs, listing all the things that are dividing and destroying us, but I think the picture is clear for most of us... You might not think the sky is falling from where you sit, but some huge chunks have already hit the ground all around this country... Yep... Nothing to see here...

Like a said, before.... Parallel universe...
Below are charts and graphs related to the US hiring practices since COVID-19.

One theory is that the racism in the US runs so deep, greedy capitalists were willing to forego profits and purposely leap over well-qualiifed minorities for the past many decades. This would explain why 94% of hires in the S&P 100 since Covid were non-white.

Another theory is that its based on in-group preferences, fears of being racist that creates ally-ship towards minority workers, CEOs desire to impress their diverse boards, Sales to impress potential diversity-requiring prospects, and HR seeking to reduce EEOC lawsuits for alleged racism

These two competing theories seem to pan out in favor of the latter theory, rather than the former. The consequence appears to be a competency crisis that effects everything from power utilities, military readiness, and corporate efficacy. This article sums up so many things that have been discussed on this thread over the past 200 pages: https://www.palladiummag.com/2023/06/01/complex-systems-wont-survive-the-competence-crisis/

I must disclose, I am all in favor of meritocracy and equal access to opportunity for all people. My concern as a believer in efficient markets, is that we as a society would not ignore highly qualified people based upon their race only to have a pivotal "eureka" moment in 2023. Such a pivotal hiring shift all-at-once suggests we may not be hiring the most talented people for the job as it runs contrary to population statistics, college graduation rates, and other bellwethers.

Here's the charts and graphs of who was hired since Covid-19 began in the US:
Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 9.04.47 AM.png

Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 9.05.22 AM.png

Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 9.06.11 AM.png
Thankfully, Congress will save us from China. Banning TikTok should do it. I mean, they have been gathering data on us for years. The Chinese, I mean.....not Congress. Congress doesn't give a hang what we want. Face The Nation today said that both Google and Apple would be ready to buy Tiktok, and they criticized Elon Musk because he pointed out that Google and Apple would then get to own a competitor at fire sale prices. But I couldn't help but wonder, if the Govt is so concerned about protecting us from China, why they chose a video app. I mean, Biden had no problem with the 37,000 Chinese that entered the Country illegally at our southern border last year. (Mostly military age men, although only women and children shown on the State News Media) Or the 100's of thousands of acres of farmland that China bought. (up 500% in the last few years) Or the $870 billion of US National Debt that they own. Or the Chicago Stock Exchange, or AMC Movie Theaters, or General Electric or the huge chunk of General Motors. Those apparently don't matter. But we must get that damned TikTok sold to a US tech giant. ...FWB

The timing of the TikTok divestiture/banning bill is interesting. The way it is written, don't be surprised if the administration uses this legislation to come after Musk and X leading up to November as election interference.
The timing of the TikTok divestiture/banning bill is interesting. The way it is written, don't be surprised if the administration uses this legislation to come after Musk and X leading up to November as election interference.

The TikTok (Bytedance) State surveillance issue is actually the second most disturbing aspect of the situation. Sure, its the one that gets all the headlines, but espionage is a trivial concern compared to the bigger issue.

TikTok's content engine also exists in China for use in their domestic market of 1 billion citizens. The only difference is what content is uplifted versus suppressed. In China, the platform identifies young people doing extraordinary things: volunteering, caring for the elderly, winning gold medals, manifesting talents, supporting PRC political goals, etc. China is grooming their society to revere and emulate the best and brightest young people in their society.

TikTok's content engine is completely different in the West. It prioritizes the moronic such as eating tide pods; it prioritizes suspicion and distrust of neighbors and government such as Jan 6/George Floyd/Kenosha Riots; it prioritizes degeneracy and suggests it is normalcy; it heightens reach of losers such as "lazy girls", "quiet quitters", "NEETs", and other groups that undermine society.

Its not about eavesdropping, its about destroying our country from within.
Rook, exactly. I have read that Tik tok in China only spreads positive content. Math and engineering courses Etc. No garbage.

Unfortunately many small businesses rely on the platform for very cheap marketing videos.

Hopefully a it could be voluntarily sold and be less destructive.

The issue is. We have strong language in the Constitution forbidding the government from forcing companies to sell out.

Also what about the other US based destructive platforms, Facebook, instagram, Snapchat. Heck, you could buy Fentanyl on Snapchat.

Politicians in bed with Facebook to hide Covid data, Hunter Bidens laptop and 50 top intelligence officers at Blikens direction. All on corrupt US owned social media

and then, what of the college professors teaching their biased courses.

We have enemies inside the wire
Question for the US Army people on the thread. What do y’all think about West Point moving on from “Duty Honor Country” to ”Army Values” ? Under the guise of being more inclusive.
Rook, exactly. I have read that Tik tok in China only spreads positive content. Math and engineering courses Etc. No garbage.

Unfortunately many small businesses rely on the platform for very cheap marketing videos.

Hopefully a it could be voluntarily sold and be less destructive.

The issue is. We have strong language in the Constitution forbidding the government from forcing companies to sell out.

Also what about the other US based destructive platforms, Facebook, instagram, Snapchat. Heck, you could buy Fentanyl on Snapchat.

Politicians in bed with Facebook to hide Covid data, Hunter Bidens laptop and 50 top intelligence officers at Blikens direction. All on corrupt US owned social media

and then, what of the college professors teaching their biased courses.

We have enemies inside the wire

We have idleness and debauchery throughout society. We tolerate the existence of esoteric ideas, superfluous academics, nonsensical medical interventions, and ridiculous exercise of free speech.

There is only one thing that will turn this country around, and that is the accelerator pedal. People surrender the luxury of their leftist beliefs when they get mugged in their neighborhoods, raped in their homes, taxed to death for State funded universities DEI classes, and excluded from opportunity due to their lack of DEI attributes.

Society at-large needs to feel the pain of their views in order to reverse their behaviors.

The problem is that hard times have a 50/50 chance of causing reformation of our national values, and a 50/50 chance of a civil war that leaves us as a third-world nation in perpetuity. I don't like the uncertainty of those odds, so rather than accelerate towards "consequenceville" I'm a big proponent of throwing wrenches and wooden shoes into the machine. Stop all forward "progress" via politicians that cannot accomplish much of anything, support gridlock, and cling for dear life onto the semi-functioning society we have knowing it has to get much worse to have a 50/50 shot of rising from the ashes like a phoenix.

Question for the US Army people on the thread. What do y’all think about West Point moving on from “Duty Honor Country” to ”Army Values” ? Under the guise of being more inclusive.
This is typical of the internet BS that materializes on both sides of the aisle and that enraged readers accept without critical investigation. The West Point mission statement has changed nine times in the history of the academy and Duty, Honor, Country - the West Point motto, which MacArthur evoked in his speech of 1962, was added to the mission statement in 1998. That mission statement read -

"To educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the nation as an officer in the United States Army"

The new one reads -

"To build, educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets to be commissioned leaders of character committed to the Army Values and ready for a lifetime of service to the Army and Nation."

I am not sure I can read any wokeness into that change. The vast majority of those I know see it as a distinction without much of a difference. The Army values list can be read as broader than simply Duty, Honor, Country. I am not sure I agree, but the new one does simplify it so someone might actually remember it.

What the outraged right wing news sites don't bother to mention is that the West Point motto - Duty, Honor, Country, which was adopted in 1898, has not changed at all.

For those interested in what those horrible "inclusive" values might entail.

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I would agree that most people look for confirmation of their beliefs. The pasted articles above confirm that. But MNM, which is essentially State Run Media, bombards everyone with the same message, night after night, on the so called "news". Seeking and actually hearing different perspectives is the exception not the rule......it requires listening to independent media.......which is under fierce attack, and hearing people that you know live on another planet. You will rarely hear a retraction or an apology.......( I have hear only one journalist do that in the past two years). Still, there is hope....FWB

Mmm....that sounds like you talking about Russia....
Thanks @Red Leg , both of my brothers in laws are retired Army officers, one a two star doctor and the other a colonel helicopter pilot and both feel pretty much the same. I was just curious about what others thought.
I know it can seem to get quite cliquey around here.
I consider @Scott CWO and @Red Leg and several others that I know personally a friend even though i do not always agree with their perspectives on politics. Even @ActionBob and I differ greatly on perspectives.
The unfortunate part is when it gets out of hand.

Yeah you and me will never agree on coffee...... ;) :A Stirring::E Rofl::A Outta:
This is typical of the internet BS that materializes on both sides of the aisle and that enraged readers accept without critical investigation. The West Point mission statement has changed nine times in the history of the academy and Duty, Honor, Country - the West Point motto, which MacArthur evoked in his speech of 1962, was added to the mission statement in 1998. That mission statement read -

"To educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the nation as an officer in the United States Army"

The new one reads -

"To build, educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets to be commissioned leaders of character committed to the Army Values and ready for a lifetime of service to the Army and Nation."

I am not sure I can read any wokeness into that change. The vast majority of those I know see it as a distinction without much of a difference. The Army values list can be read as broader than simply Duty, Honor, Country. I am not sure I agree, but the new one does simplify it so someone might actually remember it.

What the outraged right wing news sites don't bother to mention is that the West Point motto - Duty, Honor, Country, which was adopted in 1898, has not changed at all.

For those interested in what those horrible "inclusive" values might entail.

I always thought the US Army's motto was great and to the point: "This we'll defend"
Yeah you and me will never agree on coffee...... ;) :A Stirring::E Rofl::A Outta:
:A Stirring: That is correct. And we do not argue about it because I cannot force you to be right! ;) :E Lol::A Popcorn:

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