Participating in the uniparty and calling it apple pie is just one of the myriad toxic behaviors of the worst generation yet: boomers. Greed and ennui focused their attention squarely upon themselves, trashing our once great nation along the way. Now their fear and loathing shapes our days, but not necessarily our future. I for one advocate for abandonment of anything that props up the uniparty. And I call out what I notice. I boycott, denounce, and sanction. For the loathing boomers, I have a question: If the rule you have followed has led you to this, of what use was the rule?
Normally I would ignore a post like this, but I take some exception to it and you did ask a question.
First of all the post reads like sloganeering - the sort of broad brush nonsense that makes its way into various movements to be repeated without any real understanding - like a some sort of catechism. History is replete with it from the Hitler Youth to Mao's Little Red Book.
I am uninterested in trading phrases with you, but would be happy to discuss the facts supporting your assertions.
But let me provide a few of my own.
The Baby Boomer generation has presided over the largest economic expansion of any nation on the planet. That innovation and growth has fueled worldwide increases in standards of living.
The same generation presided over the most dramatic period of technological development in the history of the planet. A tiny piece of which you are enjoying as you type your manifesto.
That generation has led transformational cultural changes , the most dramatic of which were the Civil Rights and feminist movements which have enriched our society. Regrettably, Gen X and Z seem determined to undo much of that.
Boomers typically have an extremely strong work ethic. It has actually become a well documented issue in a workplace slowly becoming dominated by Gen Z.
Boomer contributions to the arts, including music and the stage, are profound.
That generation created the focus on personal health and wellness. I suppose that can be considered a form of indulgence as well, but it is a healthy one.
Boomers have been the most entrepreneurial generation in our nation's history. That too was driven by a personal sense of wanting to achieve or of responsibility to family.
No generation has valued education more. Admittedly, the whole university construct is a bit out of hand, but I'll lay some of that blame at the foot of Gen X as well.
Boomers also have been the most generous generation to date. They have provided more charitable monies than any generation before them. Naturally, part of that is because they were generally so successful.
Finally Boomer commitment to family has been far higher than any subsequent generation. Out of wedlock marriages, single parent environments are causing enormous stress and change in our culture. You and your fellow travelers may wish to hold up a mirror about that issue.
Finally, throughout the Boomer era, they served. We have had the most powerful military in the world without the need for a draft because Boomers and many of their children were willing serve their country. They have done it in a host of different ways besides defense.
So if you would like to factually debate the assertions you made, I would be delighted to do so. I would just urge you to be certain about terms like uni-party. Define it for me. Remember every one of those elected representatives you seem to loathe were put there by their constituents. Between us, I believe that the term was created as a bit of election sloganeering by a candidate who needed to leverage his total inexperience at governing, The Swamp, Rinos, etc fall into the same category. People jump on board without really understanding what they mean and how little any candidate can do anything about it. Remember, all those evil Rinos in the uniparty have their own loyal constituents - and most aren't Boomers.
One other thing. How do you apply "sanctions" against something that displeases you.