AH ambassador
Do you find something wrong with the diversity? I didn't get the point of this post.
DEI is not simply "diversity" DEI is a policy of "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion".. which sounds on the surface like it would be something positive/good..
The problem is when you start looking at how DEI has been applied and even demanded to be executed.. there is little about it that is equitable or inclusive.. it intentionally gives "extra" consideration to some people, and less consideration to others..
Where DEI goes wrong is when it is used to force "diversity" as a priority over competence and experience...
DEI is a proven flawed/failed strategy.. large, liberal investment firms like Blackrock have driven more companies off a cliff than can be counted by demanding DEI commitments that are simply ridiculous and nonsensical.. but meet your numbers and obtain the proper rating.. OR ELSE!
I knew the business world was headed for a shit storm far worse than its been through previously when I attended a program at Univ of Penn's Wharton School a few years back.. titled "Boards that Lead"...
The purpose of the course was to provide information to board members of large scale companies, as well as would be board members hoping to transition from executive roles into board positions about critical decisions boards should be making, where boards should be focusing their strategic efforts for next several years, etc..
I can summarize the entirety of the curriculum, taught by what many consider to be the best business school on the planet, in a single paragraph..
If you want to be successful as a board, you must hire more LBGTQ+, and you must hire more minorities, and you must hire more women, even if they lack experience, lack knowledge, and lack skills. These people will bring diverse thinking to the table. Which is more valuable to you than knowledge, skills, and experience.
A complete load of horseshit..
So much a load of horseshit, the COO of Grindr, the LBGTQ+ online dating app/website who was among the student group even got frustrated with the team of lecturers and started calling them out for their absolutely ridiculous statements..
If all things are otherwise equal.. youve got 2x Harvard MBA's sitting in front of you, both with 10 years of industry experience, both with proven track records of success... would hiring the guy/gal that is a hindu rather than a baptist be the better call? or would hiring the openly gay guy/gal be the better call?
perhaps? MAYBE there is an argument for diversity in that case.. certainly having a diverse group of people that look at a complex problem differently and potentially come up with new/different solutions is a good thing...
But does that demanded diversity meet your corporate culture requirements? Is this person actually going to benefit your business? Or are they going to be a detriment?
Who here thinks hiring Dylan Mulvaney to be the face of an advertising campaign for Bud Light was a smart business decision?
When youve got a Harvard MBA with 10 years experience and a proven track record of success who happens to be a 35 year old white male Christian... and a HS educated, 2 years of experience, only moderately successful person who happens to be a black female lesbian atheist to chose from..
the choice is clear...
yet.. much of society.. to include the military on many accounts... is making the exact opposite choice.. because Blackrock, George Soros, MSNBC, and the Wharton School (among others) have told them thats the right thing to do..
You'd hope senior executives in major corporations, flag officers in the military, and SES employees in government would have enough balls to stand up and demand that their organizations do the right thing as opposed to allowing their organizations fall victim to yet another social experiment.. that they would want the highest possible performance from their people, and be completely blind to what color, sex, age, race, religion, etc.. anyone is... the only question that really needs to be asked is.. "is this person the best person available for the mission at hand?"...
but clearly in many cases they do not..