
Last time I checked, Armstrong, British Columbia was in Canada. As such, we Americans really don’t give a shit what you think of Trump. It’s not like Trudeau is some kind of political wunderkind.
I was born in and carry a US passport dick head. But I agree about Trudeau.
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Well said
Last time I checked, Armstrong, British Columbia was in Canada. As such, we Americans really don’t give a shit what you think of Trump. It’s not like Trudeau is some kind of political wunderkind.
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dick head.

A fellow that worked for us had just been released from the navy. He'd talk about some of the unique personalities that he met during the four years that he served but the most memorable one was Richard Head. He was a Chief Petty Officer. He even had an office and a deck. On the desk sat a nameplate advising all that stood before his desk that they were in front of CHIEF DICK HEAD.
I see a lot of people protesting the Stay-at-Home orders. These protests involve violating the 6 foot distance rule. I also note that the protesters that I see are all in the 20s and 30s age range- the ones with the greatest survival rates. So when they go to the protest and stand a foot or two away from an infected person, becoming infected themselves, then they visit their parents and grandparents who become infected and stand a real chance of succumbing to the disease, will these 20 nothings bear any responsibility?
My experience with 20-30 something's is that few take responsibility for anything.
I see a lot of people protesting the Stay-at-Home orders. These protests involve violating the 6 foot distance rule. I also note that the protesters that I see are all in the 20s and 30s age range- the ones with the greatest survival rates. So when they go to the protest and stand a foot or two away from an infected person, becoming infected themselves, then they visit their parents and grandparents who become infected and stand a real chance of succumbing to the disease, will these 20 nothings bear any responsibility?

One of my nephews went to Harrisburg, PA with his buddies in the same car. Said "I don't need no stinkin' mask". He's in his 30s. :eek: Keeping my fingers crossed on that one.
Why would they? Trump takes no responsibility, and is encouraging these protests.

Trump is sending a message to the Democrat governors who have crossed the line with excessive and draconian stay at home orders.

I applaud the protesters for it.
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First, he probably doesn't need a "stinking mask" because he will be asymptomatic or have a bad case of the sniffles. But he may end up killing his grand mother. But rare is the 30 something who gives a SHIT about anything but themselves. Second: Show me the statement by Trump which specifically encourages these protests. Third, last I checked, the right to protest against our government's mandates and dictates is a major component of the Bill of Rights.
The Libtard media is foaming at the mouth, and twisted Trumps statements to fit their narratives. What else is new?

You want to see protests? Just wait and see what happens, when these Democrat Governors drag out the stay at home orders for as long as they possibly can.
Grocery store lines,
Shortages of basic household products,
Restricted/rationed medical care,
Travel restrictions,
Social distancing aka no right to assemble,
Shutting down of businesses that do not have the approval of the State

Welcome to the preview of Socialism.
Open it up, Georgia, South Carolina are starting to, we’ll see how that goes.

And yes trump tweeted out liberate Michigan,virginia

So he’s encouraging protests
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    236.3 KB · Views: 74
Not really that age group on the whole don't need any guidance most are like a ship floating on the ocean with no power have no clue what's up or what's down only in their own little world.and of course everyone blame you trump
Why would they? Trump takes no responsibility, and is encouraging these protests.
Ok don’t accept the impotus has anything to do with this, Ebola killed 2 Americans and the rightwanted Obama to resign,40,000 plus dead in 7 weeks and trump doing a great job
I see a lot of people protesting the Stay-at-Home orders. These protests involve violating the 6 foot distance rule. I also note that the protesters that I see are all in the 20s and 30s age range- the ones with the greatest survival rates. So when they go to the protest and stand a foot or two away from an infected person, becoming infected themselves, then they visit their parents and grandparents who become infected and stand a real chance of succumbing to the disease, will these 20 nothings bear any responsibility?

@Ray B I dont intent this response to be directed at you, seen a lot of your posts and have a lot of respect. This is more of a general rant.

I do find it interesting that many of the boomers who to name a few off the top of my head:
-Brought us woodstock and the whole movement that went with it
-Voted for more and more government programs to protect "us"
-brought us a point system to western states that have robbed generations of hunting opportunities.

And they want to lecture on responsibity, I have seen this going on more and more recently (like the last 2 weeks) Complaining about 20 or 30 something's, jesus you guys are starting to sound like millennials. Dont the parents/ grandparents have some responsibility to tell them to stay away? The kids have the freedom to do what they want even if that includes endangering themselves, the parents/grandparents have the freedom to stay at home, shop during the set aside hours or order in and tell the kids to F off.

IMO there is too much of one type of person telling another type of person how to live their life based on some idea of the greater good or to selfish protect theirselves.

I read the "experts" are afraid the virus might make it to the space station, I cant think of a more isolated place so not sure 6 ft really matters in the end. It will be interesting to see how history looks at all this, as I think the experts dont know shit about this virus.

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