
For those of you who haven't looked for it, there WAS a sandbag that Bidet tripped over. I don't care for the guy at all, but let's not ignore facts like the left.

Bottom left of picture.
And now we have the woketard military renaming military bases, and the pentagon ordering the cancellation of drag shows.

This country has really gone to shit in a hurry.

I am old, and I don’t care what they rename Fort Hood, I am still going to call it Fort Hood. Just like I call Town Lake in Austin, Town Lake and not Lady Bird Lake. This renaming BS needs to stop.
I guess the sandbag was small and damn near invisible too! During the campaign and occassionally still, the guy is shown trotting up long, backstage runways with prearranged camera angles to exaggerate the absolute false crap image of the senile idiot's "youthfulness". The same for wearing aviator Ray Bans. Good grief, is it not obvious? The MSM plays along right on the cue of his handlers. How about the stilted walk and ape hung wrists or taking circle pivoting baby steps to make a turn?- when the camera shot can't be arranged or the obvious hidden. Not to mention the continuous slurred speech or habit of sniffing little girls' hair. But fear not! AI may be able to edit out such video and audio reality in real time before the end of his term, just in time for the next campaign. I remember the MSM kept playing the video, over and over, of Trump walking very carefully down a rain wet stage ramp, IIRC at Westpoint or similar venue. The clapping seal's narrative was. "look at Trump, can't even walk down a gentle ramp, must be something wrong with him." Never mind the fact the ramp actually was slick along with the distinct possibility he was wearing leather soled dress shoes. What's the saying? something about those living in glass houses... No I'm not a MAGA Republican Right Wing Conspiracy Theorist coming up with this. The absolutely corrupt MSDNC hacks create this show and those with more than a couple of brain cells to rub together should be able to see it and recognizes it for what it really is. The saddest part most don't see it or are unwilling to recognize it. TDS is truly blinding. The brainwashed shall be so with facts making no difference.
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That woman couldn't even run Chicago. Teaching a class of health & leadership, just drips with irony.
It is the progressive career/reward path, even Mayor Blasio had the same fellowship. To be honest it is not that much different than conservative ex-government officials joining think tanks etc. for $$$$ .
Being a stammering, stumbling, bumbling idiot is the least of how dangerous he is to the country. I wish it were only that!

I just noticed that Fact Check my ass yadayhadayda dot com something or other reported that Trump had to recant his statement reference this incident about the then VP Biden blackmailing a Ukrainian official for a billion dollars about firing an investigator who was looking into the Biden family syndicate operations in Ukraine! Say What!! Recant what! Here is the un-doctored video with audio of Biden doing exactly that and bragging about it. What did I miss? And Trump was impeached by the House with Schiff in the lead over a PROVEN discredited and fabricated allegation of Russian election interference and collusion paid for by Hillary during that campaign. With Trump being impeached over that hoax!! Then how about Schiff again et al impeaching Trump over a nothing burger phone call Trump made to Ukraine and of which Trump provided the entire certified transcript when questioned about the call? What have I missed? Is is not also a fact with proof and records of Biden plagiarizing and lying about various topics dating back to when he was in college? What am I missing here? How about Hunter's laptop that, just prior to the election, was deemed by a corrupt FBI/DOJ backed by a proclamation of 51 expert signatories prompted by the future Sec of State Blinken that the laptop was likely planted Russian disinformation? Corruption? What corruption? What am I missing here? There's more, much more. This is the tip of the iceberg off the top of my head. And say again Trump is the problem? With a corrupt DOJ - top to bottom along with many at all levels of the deep state equally corrupt. With the Sec of Homeland Security seemingly being the low IQ'd low hanging fruit prime for removal and prosecution. Unfortunately the House alone has little power beyond withholding bits of money or processing endless investigations.
Lot’s of things to keep up with. Interesting.

We clearly disagree.

I realize this... That's why I responded to your comment in the first place... We see many subjects from different perspectives... ;)

I think the Speaker had almost no leverage, and I find the Freedom Caucus totally disingenuous.

Firstly, if the republicans had no leverage, Brandon and the dems would have continued to refuse any attempt at negotiation whatsoever. Brandon is the one that blinked after 100 days in this standoff. With that, the republicans could have applied much more pressure than they did and achieved a better overall deal. The fact that the dems agreed to terms in a week of negotiations is a clear sign that they feel they got the better end of the stick.. This compromised deal gives the Brandon Administration and the dems a far greater victory than the republicans, and demonstrates no victory whatsoever for any meaningful step toward fiscal conservatism..

You can claim disingenuity on the part of Freedom caucus members all you like, but there are many among them including my Congressman Byron Donalds who was elected in large part on the promise that he would not bow down to the "business as usual" mentality in D.C. and take a serious stand on restoring meaningful fiscal conservancy in the Federal government. He did what we (his constituents) elected him to do..

The Speaker could have bet at the pot to see a few more cards before capitulating so easily. Bluffing at default and actually allowing default are two completely different strategies, but unfortunately, we will never know how the former would have worked out..

Is 1.5 trillion over a decade a staggering claw back against our debt? Of course not - but unless the party with the votes wants to deal with the 86% of spending that isn't discretionary, then what he was able to get is pretty remarkable

Please educate me on what exactly in this bill was remarkable?
Pay attention to the arrogance of Leslie Stahl in this Trump interview. All of Trump's allegations were PROVEN TRUE but didn't see the light of day in MSM followed-up coverage! Yet millions may have watched this, swilled it down with the rest of their koolaid and even view Stahl as an iconic source of real news- right there with mom, apple pie and Walter Cronkite- gag me with a fork! Brainwashing or just as bad... gospel of low info voters..... Yet Trump is the dangerous one? What have I missed?
scroll down and watch the interview on twitter video
Like most of you on here, I’ve been on this planet a good while

During that time I (think) I’ve seen a decline in democratic accountability

I say ‘think’ - as age and experience bring perhaps a better understanding which perhaps skews my observations


I’m not convinced that the leaders we elect actually run the show

I fear we are all participating in an elaborate political slight of hand - a conjuring trick where we all get bent out of shape about the puppets we elect

Perhaps it has always been thus

Even so - I’m questioning the democratic system we all buy into

From climate crap to covid, immigration and digital currency (and I pull these as purely examples) - the real target is individual freedom

This I believe- but what can I do about it??
What is down is up and what is up is down. The military has gone WOKE as per the Milley speech to Congress. The Navy is trying to recruit using Pride crap. Big business falling inline for ESG scores and DEI just like our population of sheeple accepting men who claim to be pregnant. Men competing in women's sports in spite of a law that was supposed to set aside women's rights to separate sports competition and opportunity. Yet not a peep from the Admin nor our POS potus. Just the opposite. The VP was on video praising defund police and fomenting more riots. The border is overrun while the laughing jackal VP says it is closed. The joke Mayorkas says the border is secure while over 6 million stream across. And potus blames Trump for the border invasion- what? There are 100X more but I'm tired of trying to sway the brainwashed who obviously are unable or unwilling to wake up and realize it. What am I missing? Violent serious crime is on the rise in all big cities, especially Big D cities! Major felony level shoplifting is now acceptable and below many local prosecutor's threshold of concern. J6 political prisoners are still behind bars for misdemeanor trespassing or fined for displaying banners. Am I missing something?
Like most of you on here, I’ve been on this planet a good while

During that time I (think) I’ve seen a decline in democratic accountability

I say ‘think’ - as age and experience bring perhaps a better understanding which perhaps skews my observations


I’m not convinced that the leaders we elect actually run the show

I fear we are all participating in an elaborate political slight of hand - a conjuring trick where we all get bent out of shape about the puppets we elect

Perhaps it has always been thus

Even so - I’m questioning the democratic system we all buy into

From climate crap to covid, immigration and digital currency (and I pull these as purely examples) - the real target is individual freedom

This I believe- but what can I do about it??
What is down is up and what is up is down. The military has gone WOKE as per the Milley speech to Congress. The Navy is trying to recruit using Pride crap. Big business falling inline for ESG scores and DEI just like our population of sheeple accepting men who claim to be pregnant. Men competing in women's sports in spite of a law that was supposed to set aside women's rights to separate sports competition and opportunity. Yet not a peep from the Admin nor our POS potus. Just the opposite. The VP was on video praising defund police and fomenting more riots. The border is overrun while the laughing jackal VP says it is closed. The joke Mayorkas says the border is secure while over 6 million stream across. And potus blames Trump for the border invasion- what? There are 100X more but I'm tired of trying to sway the brainwashed who obviously are unable or unwilling to wake up and realize it. What am I missing? Violent serious crime is on the rise in all big cities, especially Big D cities! Major felony level shoplifting is now acceptable and below many local prosecutor's threshold of concern. J6 political prisoners are still behind bars for misdemeanor trespassing or fined for displaying banners. Am I missing something?
If we think it’s bad, I wonder what the thoughts of the people were on Dec. 20, 1860 when South Carolina seceded from the union? Let’s keep talking.

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID