
I think the reason some Republicans are against supporting Ukraine is because it is Biden's War.
Well, I can see that somewhat, but Brandon is only requesting/providing arms and armament to Ukraine? If it had actually been "Biden's War", it would have been lost to the Russian's months ago and Brandon would have retired to his basement wearing his Covid mask. LOL
It is Biden's War because Russia is unable to financially support starting and continuing the war without support of the price of oil by the US. In addition to policies that enabled Russia there are several comments made by Biden that provided a green light to Russia's attack. A negotiated peace and complete withdrawal of troops could be accomplished if Biden were to reimplement the Trump policies.
Think they have some more serious stuff than phantoms and f14s stashed in there....

Well, this is pretty stupid. I’m fairly certain they have to bring the jets out to a runway to fly them! Lol. I’m sure our military knows where every runway in Iran is located. Look for a runway next to a mountain. Drop a MOAB there. Problem solved.
Fact or fiction, it’s a great read regardless!
He has knitted an interesting, and for all I know true, set of suppositions together. But it is very, very lean on sources. I think I count one unidentified.
Another of these instructive videos. It shows a Russian mechanized company team attempting an attack yesterday near Bakhmut. The lack of training is so apparent when they hit a minefield. "Comrade. hold my vodka while I pass the disabled IFV."

Another of these instructive videos. It shows a Russian mechanized company team attempting an attack yesterday near Bakhmut. The lack of training is so apparent when they hit a minefield. "Comrade. hold my vodka while I pass the disabled IFV."

I wonder if Putin ever sees these. Foreheads in the Kremlin must be just raw from all the slapping.
there are special officers whose arrogance outweighs any concern for the men they direct. None of their decisions have ever gotten "them" killed and those they direct are expendable in the pursuit of the mission, so their actions are completely logical- attack.
Interesting how they can shoot this one down over land, but not the first one.

White House says a second 'high altitude object' shot down over Alaska​

WASHINGTON -- White House spokesman John Kirby said Friday that the Department of Defense shot down a “high altitude object” that was in Alaska’s airspace in the last 24 hours.

Kirby said the object was flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet and “posed a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight.” Out of an abundance of caution and at the recommendation of the Pentagon, President Joe Biden ordered the military to down the object, Kirby said.

Kirby said U.S. officials still don't know much about the object, including where it's from.

"What we know is that the flight path it executed took it over sensitive military sites. What we also know is that it could maneuver, that it had propulsion capability and steerage capability and could slow down speed up and that it, it was on a path to transit over sensitive military sites," Kirby told reporters.

"I want to stress again, we don't know what entity owns this object," Kirby said. "There's no indication that it's from a nation or an institution or an individual. We just don't know. We don't know who owns this object."

One reason it was shot down, Kirby said, was because "at its altitude, (it) represented a potential threat to the safety of flying customers. You know civil air traffic."

Interesting how they can shoot this one down over land, but not the first one.

White House says a second 'high altitude object' shot down over Alaska​

WASHINGTON -- White House spokesman John Kirby said Friday that the Department of Defense shot down a “high altitude object” that was in Alaska’s airspace in the last 24 hours.

Kirby said the object was flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet and “posed a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight.” Out of an abundance of caution and at the recommendation of the Pentagon, President Joe Biden ordered the military to down the object, Kirby said.

Kirby said U.S. officials still don't know much about the object, including where it's from.

"What we know is that the flight path it executed took it over sensitive military sites. What we also know is that it could maneuver, that it had propulsion capability and steerage capability and could slow down speed up and that it, it was on a path to transit over sensitive military sites," Kirby told reporters.

"I want to stress again, we don't know what entity owns this object," Kirby said. "There's no indication that it's from a nation or an institution or an individual. We just don't know. We don't know who owns this object."

One reason it was shot down, Kirby said, was because "at its altitude, (it) represented a potential threat to the safety of flying customers. You know civil air traffic."

Why am I somewhat skeptical about the part that says, "we don't know what entity owns this object"? We have some of the most sophisticated radar and sensory equipment on the planet and yet we don't know who or what? Or perhaps we just would rather not name names.
40,000 ft northeast of Point Barrow. Name one civilian aircraft that has flown in that location at that altitude in the last 20 years.
40,000 ft northeast of Point Barrow. Name one civilian aircraft that has flown in that location at that altitude in the last 20 years.

LOL, it may have been approaching the flight path of the route from Fairbanks to Germany, but admittedly that’s a stretch.
The report is wrong. I saw the press conference live. When talking about the maneuverability, he was referring to the earlier ballon that crossed the continental US. Freaking media can’t even get their story straight!
That video highlights a very special kind of stupid or maybe they were drunk. o_O
No I think it has to do more with their command structure than anything else. Their superiors tell them you must take route X to get to objective Y. If you deviate from the plan you are in a big trouble. Even if route X is mined. Its quite shocking how in the Russian army the generals are involved in strategic, tactical and operational planning. That probably explains why so many Russian generals have been killed. They are right there behind the front lines directing their troops and micromanaging everything. Its pretty surprising tbh... You would think the people in charge of operational planning would be NCOs and the people actually in the field but no everything comes from higher up and the soldiers in the field are pawns who cannot deviate from the plan...
"I told Corn Pop not to send another balloon!" "We took it down, search for Pooh continues"...

I'm still mystified about the first one. Steerable/maneuverable balloons? This must be some new secret technology! Hah :) Did I miss something? What a load of crap. Then they put spokes(persons) up to spread it, the MSM eats it and passes it along to a willing gullible public. Every time I listen to Kirby, I think of a metro-boy who's in over his head or the one star following orders parroting a script like an robot. And the final justification for the complete ineptness, "Well, well, There were three of them when Trump was president".

To my knowledge, a balloon has the potential for only one vector of control- up/down.... if so equipped. If it has ballast it can dump ballast to go up. If it has a valve to release gas, it can release gas to decrease volume and go down. The numbers of repetition or cycling of those controls are very limited with any gas balloon- duh. There is at the mercy of air currents. In a very crude way a balloon may be able to find an air current going in some direction but in no way can it go against any air current. The jet stream at higher altitude is variable but averages about 110 MPH ground speed. Stupid to think "it" the "controlled" balloon has a landmark picked out 1000 miles distant and has any reliable way to predetermine a fight path to get to that objective with any accuracy or reliability. Just study the flight tracks of the competitors in a gas balloon race. :)

I even noticed google search algorithm results for "radar detection of balloons" are running cover for the dopes in charge. Don't tell me a 200 foot plus diameter gas balloon hauling a ton of hard, flat surface solar panels plus metal superstructure plus electronics units is difficult for NORAD radar to detect! Then they think we must really be stupid by saying, I (we) made the determination the thing posed no immediate threat before it reached US airspace, diagonally crossed the entire US mainland but was enough of a threat to shoot down when it was about to leave US airspace! What in the Hell!

Who knows what this second one was. Maybe just an escaped, hapless 10-20 foot diameter weather balloon with a little instrument/telemetry package dangling underneath it. I'd like to see the "kill" image tally mark painted on the nose of the F22 after the "take down".

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