
I don't have a chota nor bulova but they are cool. I do have quite a few Indo-Persian blades and accouterments. My favorite shield is plain of high quality steel with arrow point catch rim, as most do. It has no engraving nor inlay and not very remarkable except it has a circumferential, hand scribed battle scene showing war elephants with howdahs containing fighters. Impossible to get decent photo of scene though. Another of my favorites is a war axe of quality Wootz type steel. It has worn silver koftgari decoration and thickened, diamond cross section AP point- pic below
View attachment 511787
Even has a beer bottle opener designed into it.
Interesting case that came up recently and hit the news. I will put link below, but local news are full with this. You can google more.
4 married couples arrested in Zambia, under charges for child traficking.
But they were actually adopting children, and came to Zambia collect them.
The children are from Congo, to be collected in Zambia. (?!)
2 couples have adoption papers and 2 dont, as per press. (?!)
Court in Croatia issuing adoption papers, mixed Congo and Democratic republic of Congo. (mixed two countries, which is scandal of its own!!!)
Congo is not signatory state of the international convention of child rights, which makes difficult if not impossible for a westerner to adopt there.
But surprisingly:
What I learned recetnly, Congo was hotspot for children adoption by Westerners. (WTF???)
Case ongoing.

I didn't say you sounded sanctimonious.. I said I believed you were being deliberately sanctimonious. Despite what you say about respecting the commentary by me and some others here who disagree with your opinions, I do believe that you feel your political opinions have more weight because you believe yourself wiser or more experienced than everyone else who opines here. If you truly were, you would take your exceptions by providing facts instead of using nothing more than dismissive, condescending adjectives.

You are not offending me by the way. I laugh it off... Feel free to dish it out as long as you can take it... I only brought it up because you were the one who suggested that we take a time out if our discussions were going to continue as they were..

Serious reply.. Exactly as I said.. Each and every one of these republicans who are "republican" in name only, who do not represent true conservatism need to go or nothing will change. I understand better than anyone that they occupy the office in the first place because they keep getting elected by their constituency which is the root of the problem. Term limits would obviously be part of the solution, but you yourself alluded that is unlikely to happen because wolves tend not to vote to eat themselves.

As far as other solutions, I have argued here many times that at least half of this country's population is comprised of ignorant, low-information voters who have been conditioned over generations to vote against their own best interests on the basis of emotion over fact and circumstance. As long as this remains true, an immediate solution is not realistic. Perhaps, conservatives can attempt their own re-education of the next generations in hopes that they stop re-electing these people.. However, as pragmatic of an approach as that may be, I don't believe we have that kind of time to save this country from itself at this point.

Second serious reply: To expand on the point above, unfortunately, I don't see a truly effective short term solution unless we as a people were willing to either create a true red wave and exponentially elect true America-first conservatives in the next elections. The radical and uncomfortable part would require a reckoning and true commitment on the part of the voters to be brave enough to reject the status quo and send these swamp dwellers packing once and for all.

I also understand that this is not likely to happen given the fact that there are just not enough true conservatives in both prospective candidates or among the electorate willing to make a that kind of stand. That's too bad because I think the 20 in the House were an excellent example of what can be achieved when you are brave enough to risk political complacency to affect needed change. I realize you regarded much of this as narcissism and political grandstanding by some of these members. I disagree, and I think the result speaks for itself.

Compromise was a realistic option when republicans worked with democrats 20+ years ago.. A big part of my opposition to compromise today is that we are no longer dealing with reasonable, moderate democrats with whom we used to share common goals although we disagreed on the methods used to achieve them. The democratic platform of today is nonsensical and not to be taken seriously. Their ideologies and policies are based on destructive, divisive, and unrealistic goals that are 100% based in emotional virtue signaling, and the communistic principles of equity. Compromise under these circumstances is doing a bigger disservice to the American people than doing nothing at all.

You accuse me of false pragmatism because my solutions don't involve compromise which is what you feel is necessary to get anything done.. If compromise includes republicans working with democrats to force through a 1.7 trillion omnibus bill is your definition of getting things done for the American people, I vehemently reject that premise.. My contention is that while the swamp remains in tact on the red side and the democrats hold any power whatsoever, compromise is just more business as usual and the average American continues to suffer for it.

As far as needing the RINOS, let's not forget that Trump's agenda was hamstringed in the first 2 years of his term by these "republicans" you say we need to accomplish anything. This country lost 2 years of what could have produced an America-first agenda that would have lasted a generation. But, these so-called republicans chose self-preservation of their personal agendas over the welfare of the American people. They are the true examples of obstructionists.. It's truly disgusting when you think about the opportunities squandered and the damage done, and yet these are the people you suggest we need work with to get anything done?? No sir.. Not me..

I fear the best we can hope for at this points that McCarthy actually keeps some of his commitments that resulted from "radical and uncomfortable" tactics applied by a small majority of true conservatives, and the the brakes are applied to insanity that has been allowed to run wild in D.C for decades. Gridlock for 2 years would be far better than the passage of any more legislation that resulted out of "compromise" between these parties. Unfortunately, it's only delaying the inevitable downward spiral of this republic if democrats retake power in 2024. :(
Borderline a little too personal? AH trust is important, too, not just issues
Even has a beer bottle opener designed into it.
:):) Multipurpose weapon- eh! The various Indo-Persian war axes with a spike are also commonly called zaghnal. War axe battlefield use across all regions/cultures has been largely and erroneously underreported in history with greater emphasis on the sword.

Most spiked zaghnals, aka crow beak axes, have an incurving point. My example posted is much less common with the recurving point. But, IMO, there is a very good reason for that recurve. Sink an incurving point into an opponent… then try to pull it out with the handle. The geometry is all wrong. The geometry of the recurved point would not hinder retrieval. Same reasoning as why the short shafted thrusting spears, like those of the Zulu, have no barbed or squared off rear profile on the spear head.
Borderline a little too personal? AH trust is important, too, not just issues

You should have read the entirety of the exchanges before commenting. I'm not the one who made it personal to begin with.. What you quoted was my reply to comments that I felt were directed at me in a personal nature. I'm not crying about it, it's actually funny.. But, I will not be lectured in a condescending manner by anyone either.
I don't have a chota nor bulova but they are cool. I do have quite a few Indo-Persian blades and accouterments. My favorite shield is plain of high quality steel with arrow point catch rim, as most do. It has no engraving nor inlay and not very remarkable except it has a circumferential, hand scribed battle scene showing war elephants with howdahs containing fighters. Impossible to get decent photo of scene though. Another of my favorites is a war axe of quality Wootz type steel. It has worn silver koftgari decoration and thickened, diamond cross section AP point- pic below
View attachment 511787
Very nice! I have never seen one quite like that. The rear blade does indeed have the reinforced wedged tip one sees on a Katar and some Khanjalari. One would assume it was for dispatching a downed armored opponent. My zaghnal is the traditional short ax with spike and counter weight.

I have a European with which I need help. Will PM some photos.
You should have read the entirety of the exchanges before commenting. I'm not the one who made it personal to begin with.. What you quoted was my reply to comments that I felt were directed at me in a personal nature. I'm not crying about it, it's actually funny.. But, I will not be lectured in a condescending manner by anyone either.
I can reply for myself Dave. You will have to educate me where I "made it personal." I wrote the entirety of my half of the exchanges, and I do not feel I was being condescending in any form. If I felt the dialogue wasn't worth it, we wouldn't be having it. But I do disagree with you, and I noted that your recent posting of things that had to be done was unachievable. Pursuing unachievable goals strikes me as the definition of unpragmatic. That isn't name calling, it is I think the correct use of the term.

I absolutely get it that you believe they need to happen. My only point - whether it is running off Rhinos, instituting term limits, or creating an educated electorate that agrees with your interpretation of conservatism - is that these things are not going to happen. To ignore that reality in addressing our options as conservatives is, at least in my opinion, the antithesis of pragmatism.

This thread often turns into an echo chamber where we can complain with both soaring and base rhetoric over the demise of the country, the evil of democrats, and pervasive erosion of our culture. I often take part it. But if the solution involves destruction of our own party, or a refusal to work with those of our own party who are not politically pure enough, or embraces political goals that are unachievable then someone probably ought to call attention to it. Otherwise, this thread becomes the self-echoing comments section on a Red State or Breitbart.

Now if you interpret all of that as sanctimony or condensation on my part, then that is unfortunate. I simply call it disagreeing with someone.
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:):) Multipurpose weapon- eh! The various Indo-Persian war axes with a spike are also commonly called zaghnal. War axe battlefield use across all regions/cultures has been largely and erroneously underreported in history with greater emphasis on the sword.

Most spiked zaghnals, aka crow beak axes, have an incurving point. My example posted is much less common with the recurving point. But, IMO, there is a very good reason for that recurve. Sink an incurving point into an opponent… then try to pull it out with the handle. The geometry is all wrong. The geometry of the recurved point would not hinder retrieval. Same reasoning as why the short shafted thrusting spears, like those of the Zulu, have no barbed or squared off rear profile on the spear head.

I’ve always wondered about that, why so many battle axes, hammers, halberds, etc were designed with those points with an inward curve instead of an outward curve. Made no sense to me.

Cannot understand why no old warrior told the smiths that.
The above exchange reminds me of a good friend in Alaska. We have a running disagreement in that he insists on voting for constitutional party candidates. Although I agree with his principles, I vote republican as
it is literally impossible for a constitutional candidate to be elected. He votes on principle, I vote pragmatically, at least that’s what I keep telling myself.
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I’ve always wondered about that, why so many battle axes, hammers, halberds, etc were designed with those points with an inward curve instead of an outward curve. Made no sense to me.

Cannot understand why no old warrior told the smiths that.
They probably didn't care because they had the ability to open their beer bottles with the design of the axe? That's also why hammers have "claws" on them. LOL
I can reply for myself Dave. You will have to educate me where I "made it personal." I wrote the entirety of my half of the exchanges, and I do not feel I was being condescending in any form. If I felt the dialogue wasn't worth it, we wouldn't be having it. But I do disagree with you, and I noted that your recent posting of things that had to be done was unachievable. Pursuing unachievable goals strikes me as the definition of unpragmatic. That isn't name calling, it is I think the correct use of the term.

Forgive me for not going back 50+ pages to cut and paste the exact quotes in context.. We've covered a lot of ground in this thread.. I'm referring specifically to several instances throughout our more recent exchanges where you have remarked both directly and indirectly on comments I have made in support of some of the 20 House members who have either questioned this country's level of involvement in Ukraine, or most recently staged opposition to McCarthy's bid for the Speakership.

In making my case for these individuals by providing actual facts and circumstance as to why I feel their individual and collective actions are necessary and patriotic, you replied with your personal characterizations of these individuals using words like gadflies, grifters, laughable, stupid, moronic, and embarrassing to name a few. It's fair to offer such an opinion if you make these characterizations by themselves or in a different context. It's condescending when you make them to dismiss, or mock someone else's opinions when they are made as a response to someone who offers a characterization different from your own. It's sanctimonious because you often phrase some of your comments as fact when they are indeed just your opinions. Then it's no longer a debate, it's a lecture.. Now, maybe you didn't "feel" as if you were doing it, and perhaps it was not intentional, but that's how it comes off to me at least..

Regardless, like I have said many times here to many folks.. I am unoffendable. I'm not from Generation Snowflake.. Say whatever you like, as long as you are not surprised or offended if I respond in kind. You're a smart guy, but you are not the only smart guy participating in this forum. I'm not one of those lemmings that is going to give you or anyone else a thumb's up to every post you make just because I agree with much of what you say most of the time. I don't need to agree with you 100% of the time to appreciate and respect your perspective. Hopefully, those who reply to me will do the same.

As I final thought getting back to the original debate (if you care to continue to engage?).. I believe that where your definition of pragmatism differs from mine is how we view the actual goals. As you suggested, compromise, both within republican party as well as across the isle is by far a more achievable goal, and therefore "pragmatic" assuming the goal is more of the same swampy crap in DC. that continues to f@#k over the average American citizen working his/her ass off just trying to get by.

You dismiss my desire to purge D.C of the fossils and grifters and therefore fundamentally change the way business is done as unachievable, and therefore unpragmatic. However, the pragmatic solution to the dysfunction of D.C. is to rid the swamp of the corruption, cronyism, partisanship, and the blatant disregard for the citizenry, that plagues it. If your view is that this is purely an idealistic goal that can never happen, then why do we even bother?
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As I suggested, we need to suspend this debate. I respect your opinion and have enjoyed the give and take. But I do not want to offend even the unoffendable. So let's end it. My last points, and I happily give you the last word.

There are indeed any number of our representatives who I think are unworthy of the role they play. For instance, I find little to chose between a Lauren Boebert and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. As you have noted, you can not abide others. I do not dismiss your desire to "purge Washington of fossils and grifters." I simply asked you how you propose to do that in the real world.

You claim that the "pragmatic solution to the dysfunction of D.C. is to rid the swamp of the corruption, cronyism, partisanship, and the blatant disregard for the citizenry, that plagues it." A noble goal but hardly a plan of action. You will forgive me if I find it a bit humorous you have now added partisanship to the list. You may recall, I strongly believe working with rather than against those with whom we agree 80% of time is essential if we wish to make any progress.

I do indeed tend to dismiss the whole ridding the swamp language as political sloganeering. The best any Chief Executive is going to accomplish is to appoint competent department and agency heads and limit bureaucratic budget growth. To do the former he needs the approval of the senate and to do the later approval of both houses of congress. I think wisely, others think unwisely, our founders provided us a constitution and republican form of government to ensure no single political faction can exercise the sort of house cleaning by one political faction you envision.

You state any number of opinions as "facts" which you clearly believe. I do indeed question the factual nature of some of those opinions and suppositions. I do truly believe any number of the Freedom Caucus membership take positions on international issues because they know their colleagues offer them political cover to hold such positions (ok maybe not Boebert) with no actual risk to our national interests. I find that behavior reprehensible. I have tried to offer what I believe is the reasoning for my position on those and other issues.

Fine. Let's not do it any longer. As I said, feel free to have the last word.
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Just saw on the news that left wing anti-gun New Zealand PM, Jacinda Ardern, has announced her resignation. Elections due later this year. Our NZ members (@Von Gruff and others) might like to chip in as to whether any of the alternatives are any better.
I stopped watching NZ policits quite some time back as the uniparty theme of the US politics applies just as fittingly to NZ so no, none of the alternatives are any, or not substantially, better, and while there may be promises on the campaign trail, the performance in parliment tells a different story.
Just saw on the news that left wing anti-gun New Zealand PM, Jacinda Ardern, has announced her resignation. Elections due later this year. Our NZ members (@Von Gruff and others) might like to chip in as to whether any of the alternatives are any better.

Yeah just saw on BBC app...

BBC News - Jacinda Ardern: New Zealand PM to step down next month
Very interesting article on the history of communication between Russia and the US about the Ukraine question, through a recent leak of confidential cables and correspondence from within the US government.

If it talks like a bear, it walks like a bear, poking its behind might get you the reaction of a bear.

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I hope your day is great!
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Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
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I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
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