
The optics aren't great but at this point I am not overly concerned about the vote.

IMO, The Republican's haven't had a Speaker or minority leader that was proactive with a plan since 1999. McCarthy falls into the same category. The fact that McCarthy came into this Congress without the votes to become speaker shows how inept he will be as speaker. How much worse will he perform against the Democrats if he can't even figure a way to keep the Republican's together.

The fact that McCarthy moved into the Speakers office before becoming speaker shows an un leaderlike level of hubris and obtuseness.

I am not a fan of Scalise. Jordan would be fine but probably won't get it. I don't know enough about Stefanik or others.

If McCarthy becomes speaker, he will have earned it. At this point it is obvious he hasn't earned it yet. We will see what today holds.
Is there any chance that a Dem could sneak in while the Republicans are dilly dallying?
Is there any chance that a Dem could sneak in while the Republicans are dilly dallying?
Only if some Republicans vote for their guy. Otherwise, they don’t have enough votes either.
I suspect you are all looking for an ‘institutional solution’ for a non institutional problem

The passengers of the titanic looked for a solution

we looked for a solution in Rhodie

none was forthcoming

I suspect none is coming in the next few years

look to your own ?
So, in your opinion, every one of these House Republicans that has gone against the grain of the Republican establishment, questioned the U.S.'s unlimited support for the Ukraine war, or is now voting against McCarthy is either stupid, a grifter, or has a selfish agenda? There is no chance that any of these 20 House members are not acting in self-interest but actually representing the constituency that elected them to oppose the status quo in D.C...? And, Isn't that, by definition, the practice of real democracy?

I found it particularly interesting that Byron Donalds, my Congressman for the 19th District here in SW Florida, voted for McCarthy in the first two rounds then changed his vote to oppose McCarthy in the 3rd round. I cannot speak for the other 19, but I do have some personal insight into Representative Donalds who I can tell you first-hand is neither stupid, nor a grifter. This is an extremely intelligent, very sincere, very well-spoken individual who also happens to be a black man who was elected from a primary field of 9 in an overwhelmingly white district with a black population of only 7%. I have campaigned for Donalds and had the privilege to speak with him personally on many occasions. The last time we spoke it was in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian where I ran into Donalds with a chainsaw in hand clearing roads and handing out ice, food, & water to hurricane victims. And not for a 10 minute photo op, but for 8-10 hours a day for several days.. You know, doing the the typical stupid grifter/obstructionist/self-serving political agenda kind of stuff that establishment politicians do.. If he's a grifter with a self-serving agenda, I'll take 400 more of him in Congress.

These 20 hold-outs are not obstructionists. They are patriots that are sending a message to the establishment that the status quo of false conservatism and capitulation to the left is no longer acceptable (at least to their constituents). Of course it's a stunt, but a necessary one in my view. Hopefully the message will be heard by McCarthy and the rest of the soft republicans and not fall on the deaf ears of all the real idiots, grifters, and obstructionists who have the gall to call themselves conservatives.
I am genuinely happy that you like your representative. I appreciate your testimonial. I have seen him interviewed a couple of times and found him impressive. He should learn to make up his mind.

But yes, this absolutely fits the definition of obstructionism. Who knows, it may even a result in a different speaker. But it is equally an effort by Gaetz to raise his personal profile. He may indeed be a patriot as well as a grifter, but Kevin McCarthy is a patriot as well. The fact that he apparently doesn't agree with each of your political sentiments doesn't make him less of one.

The contrast with the relative discipline of our actual opponents is striking.

Jordan doesn't want it because he will be chair of the most critical committee leading to '24. He could potentially win (and I would be supportive of him), but he also could be a problematic vote for some of the moderates in our party. Scalise would do a fine job and is likely someone the majority of the party could rally around if they had to. But to date he has supported McCarthy.

Look I don't even particularly dislike Gaetz. He has been an effective thorn in the side of democrats. But playing that same role in his own party by attempting to thwart the will of 98% of his colleagues is a stunt that damages the party in the eyes of many whose votes we will need in '24.

That said, Lauren Boebert does indeed strike me as having the intellectual capacity of a cucumber. Purely my personal belief - I have not seen her SAT scores - though I do not believe they likely exist.

I know it is popular here and elsewhere in the farther right regions of the Republican party to despise Rhinos, moderates, or anyone perceived not to agree with whatever constitutes the latest meaning of the America First movement. The problem with that sort of purity is that it will create a national constituency of perhaps 35% of the electorate and maybe 40% of the electoral college. If we are to remain a national party, then for every Tom Cotten or Josh Hawley we need a John Cornyn or Ron Johnson. Reagan singlehandedly drove a successful national conservative movement and agenda because of his large republican tent. Today, we are so caught up in our own sloganeering we seem far happier denouncing someone who agrees with us 80% of the time rather than those who disagree with us 100% of the time.

The chaos in the House is part of the political system the founders gave us. As @Wheels so aptly put it, we can now watch the democratic process of sausage being ground.
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Is there any chance that a Dem could sneak in while the Republicans are dilly dallying?

I seriously doubt that could happen. That would probably be a death warrant in the 2024 election if Republicans crossed over to elect Jeffries. Any media that pushes that as an outcome is trying to strike fear in the congressmen and electorate imo.

From the soundbite I caught yesterday, there may be a handful of Republican's who just want to get their face on the camera or get a prime committee slot. ie: Gaetz and Boebert come to mind. The other 15 or so seem to be making a stand on principle. Many said they wouldn't vote for McCarthy as part of their campaign and they are holding to that promise for their constituents.

We will see who has staying power. The 20, or apx. 100+ who are hard core McCarthy. At some point, the third group of apx. 100 will be the ones that make the decision to give up on McCarthy and push the core toward another candidate unless a compromise is reached.

In the mean time, enjoy watching sausage get made in a Republic. ;)
I seriously doubt that could happen. That would probably be a death warrant in the 2024 election if Republicans crossed over to elect Jeffries. Any media that pushes that as an outcome is trying to strike fear in the congressmen and electorate imo.

From the soundbite I caught yesterday, there may be a handful of Republican's who just want to get their face on the camera or get a prime committee slot. ie: Gaetz and Boebert come to mind. The other 15 or so seem to be making a stand on principle. Many said they wouldn't vote for McCarthy as part of their campaign and they are holding to that promise for their constituents.

We will see who has staying power. The 20, or apx. 100+ who are hard core McCarthy. At some point, the third group of apx. 100 will be the ones that make the decision to give up on McCarthy and push the core toward another candidate unless a compromise is reached.

In the mean time, enjoy watching sausage get made in a Republic. ;)
I think that is an accurate assessment. In 1923 it took nine votes for the presumptive speaker to eventually win. Interestingly another instance where a moderate (a Massachusetts patrician to be precise) was challenged by a small agenda driven group of then progressive Republicans
That said, Lauren Boebert does indeed strike me as having the intellectual capacity of a cucumber. Purely my personal belief - I have not seen her SAT scores - though I do not believe they likely exist.

^^This is the funniest quote I will read all day. ^^ :ROFLMAO:

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Looking on the good side of the House Speaker fiasco. If a leader is never elected until January 2025, then no legislation can be passed. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Yesterday, Trump blamed pro-lifers for the Republican‘s poor midterm election outcome. He claims that having won, they either leveraged their win too much, by passing abortion restrictions that went too far, or simply dropped out of politics having achieved their objective.

This group, as much as any other, put their faith in the man in 2016. To his everlasting credit, he promised to nominate constructionist jurists to fill Court openings….and then did just that. He will rightly be remembered as the most consequential pro-life President since Roe v Wade was (wrongly) decided. This is quite something from a man who once described himself as “seriously pro-choice.” As you might guess, I’m one of the pro-lifers who voted twice for Trump.

That’s why I hope people finally get the message. Trump has no firm convictions. He is willing to throw his supporters, his most loyal voters, under the bus to deflect blame.
Another gaffe by Trump.

It doesn't seem that Trump reached out to the group of 20 to get their input. Evidently Trump thought he could change their minds by saying vote for McCarthy.

After the Mar a lago raid, Trump was riding a tidal wave to reelection. Virtually everything he has said or done since then has been self sabotage.

Former president warns Republicans to avoid 'EMBARASSING DEFEAT' and urged them to support GOP leader Kevin McCarthy for House speaker​

Your right I see more negative outcome than most. When I was in college 40 years ago, get some weed and rolling paper and smoke you were hungry and and sleepy. Today, weed with high THC level it's a bowl of buds folks are becoming psychotic. You are right with other drugs, especially synthetic weed and Meth, they go crazy. I have seen and sentenced DWI cases both Felony and thousands of misdemeanor. Booze is a problem, however the vast majority of first time DWI don't reoffend or least don't get caught. Those that do, continue on to felony level DWI. Generally when you get to the "Second" or "Third or More (a felony)" or you have a high number (.15 or higher), some require folks to attend a 12 step program and require a sponsor. I've been to several open AA meetings, and the majority of those there have mental heath problems, and booze/drugs is simply the means to mask the problem. We have a real mental health crisis in the USA that does not get addressed and folks just end up self-medicating with booze or drugs or both. Just look at the majority of the homeless on the streets.
Well said
Looking on the good side of the House Speaker fiasco. If a leader is never elected until January 2025, then no legislation can be passed. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
That would make it the best congress since 1995/96! Too good to be true. When the flow of money is at risk, most republicans and democrats will join together. They love their slush funds.
I am genuinely happy that you like your representative. I appreciate your testimonial. I have seen him interviewed a couple of times and found him impressive. He should learn to make up his mind.

You have made lots of interesting statements in your reply to me. Lot's to unpack... I honestly don't see much of it as you do but as always, I respect your opinions.

Since the last round of voting, Donalds has received all 20 of the dissenting votes. He has also accepted the nomination. I would say his mind is made... LOL..!

His decision (even though it may be a strategy more than a goal) only makes my respect and admiration for him increase exponentially.

He may indeed be a patriot as well as a grifter, but Kevin McCarthy is a patriot as well. The fact that he apparently doesn't agree with each of your political sentiments doesn't make him less of one.

Please explain this one to me.. I honestly fail to see how McCarthy qualifies to be deemed a conservative let alone a patriot? A "patriot" does not capitulate to the enemy. And make no mistake, the democratic party is the enemy of the republic. He, Mitch McConnell, and their likes are not true conservatives and they absolutely do not represent my interests. They and their kind are the epitome if everything that is wrong with this government and why I left the republican party not long after Reagan's last term. Anyone who thinks these men have the best interests of the American people in mind, or conservatives in particular, are quite frankly naive, delusional or both. The majority of the republican party today is comprised of two camps:

1) The true swamp dwelling grifters with real self-serving agendas who secretly (and sometimes openly) mock the America First agenda and those who support it.

2) Weak and feckless bandwagon jumping representatives with a (R) next to their names who do not possess a patriotic or self-sacrificing bone in their bodies and have no idea of the true definition of conservatism.

They ALL have to go or the swamp, and all of the bullshit that comes with it continues to thrive.

I know it is popular here and elsewhere in the farther right regions of the Republican party to despise Rhinos, moderates, or anyone perceived not to agree with whatever constitutes the latest meaning of the America First movement.

It's popular for a reason..

The problem with defining the "America First" movement its that the definition varies greatly depending on who is charged with defining it. The definition only varies because weak, fearful people allow it to be so.. The democrats choose to define it as a bunch of radical, white, low IQ, redneck racists, fascists, and extremists who are the enemy of democracy. Sadly, many of the republicans in D.C. including one of whom is being nominated for SOH would agree.

My definiton of "America First" is pretty standard and simple: I am in favor of any policy that puts the prosperity and welfare of American citizens before all others. I believe in the literal interpretation of the Constitution and the support of the rule of law that it was written to uphold without exception. I believe in a capitalist free market economy and a meritocracy based system for success over the socialist concept of equity. I believe in sovereignty, borders, and the requirement to earn citizenship, and residency for that matter, through service to this country.

These are not radical concepts by any measure.. Just a few decades ago, they were actually the basic principles of patriotism and the pathway to the American dream. But, disgustingly, they have since been perverted by the left and sadly, by some on the right and middle out of fear of the mob and lack of conviction to principle.

Today, we are so caught up in our own sloganeering we seem far happier denouncing someone who agrees with us 80% of the time rather than those who disagree with us 100% of the time.

I think you borrowed all or part of that from Reagan? I believe this was his actual quote: “The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally – not a 20 percent traitor.”

Regardless, it's a great quote even if I don't necessarily agree with it.. I truly believe the difference between being regarded as a friend over a traitor depends on the nature and significance of the disagreement. The way I see it, the future of conservatism in America and who is the best person to take us forward is a pretty significant decision that is worthy of dissent and even revolution... In any event, McCarty is not that person..

I have watched most of nominating speeches given by McCarthy supporters in the last couple of days.. It's has been laugh-out-loud funny to listen to them claim to support and admire the right of their colleagues to have dissenting views and the right to debate, and in the next sentence to say now shut up and vote like we want you to or you are an enemy of democracy. You can't make this shit up! And yet these are the people that you want to put back in charge of the conservative agenda? No thanks..!
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Representative Norman says that McCarthy hasn't reached out to any of the 20 since the first vote.

McCarthy just continues to hold votes.

Representative Norman says that McCarthy hasn't reached out to any of the 20 since the first vote.

McCarthy just continues to hold votes.

View attachment 509300
I see no leadership qualities in McCarthy. Republican investors see a safe speaker who will follow marching orders. He offers nothing for the people however. With McCarthy it will be a lot of the same old same old 'gee whiz can't get anything done' until an omnibus fulfills every leftist agenda item and probably a trillion in republican pork as well. Our country deserves better.
Understand where you are coming from.

McCarthy was the #2 for both Boehner and Ryan. Many see him as part of the Republican/Washington DC establishment and more of the same.

I wasn't a fan of McCarthy before this vote but he was acceptable. He is probably more conservative than many other potential candidates for the position. The fact that he didn't get his votes lined up prior to the break was a massive failure.

IMO, McCarthy thought he could pick off a handful of votes with committee assignments or agreements, like releasing all the January 6 testimony and videos. Now he has no clue what to do but call another vote and see who can out stare each other.
We have a ways to go to break a record for the number of votes for Speaker of the House.


1. We MUST elect House leadership who will challenge the swamp

Rep. Roy told Glenn that "Americans are tired of D.C. elites undermining their freedom, spending money we don’t have, and continuing to violate every promise they made in the campaign." Does that sound like Kevin McCarthy?

McCarthy's track record speaks for itself: he is a swamp elite who benefits from the status quo and won't enable other Republicans to deliver on their campaign promises of leading desperately needed reform in D.C.

During his tenure as the House Minority Leader under the first half of the Biden administration, McCarthy voted with Democrats to pass the multi-trillion-dollar omnibus bills, even though Republicans were in the minority and had nothing to lose by voting against the omnibus bills. Since McCarthy has been in House leadership, the federal deficit almost tripled from $11 trillion to $32 trillion.

It's important to note the House Speaker is in charge of committee appointments and delegating positions to GOP leadership. Whether or not McCarthy appoints swamp Republicans to key leadership positions will largely determine how Congress functions for the next term. Anti-McCarthy Republicans have little faith that McCarthy will appoint Republicans who will actually drain the swamp. This is deeply troubling, especially regarding the anti-McCarthy Republicans' other two goals.

2. We MUST amend the House Rules Committee

Did you know there's a small committee that determines which bills reach the House floor? This is the House Rules Committee, and they are one of the main reasons why Dems and the D.C. establishment have been able to push through multi-trillion-dollar legislation, like last month's $1.7 trillion omnibus bill. If the Rules Committee is filled with career swamp politicians, regardless of whether or not they are Republican or Democrat, we can expect the status quo—unfulfilled campaign promises, reckless omnibus bills, open borders, and unaccountability over government corruption.

As Rep. Roy says, "We have to have people on the rules committee who reflect the conservatives who elected Republicans to change the town.” The anti-McCarthy Republicans have little faith that McCarthy will appoint Reps to the Rules Committee who will prevent omnibus bills and trillion-dollar legislation from reaching the floor.

3. We MUST change the rules for bringing legislation to the floor

In addition to changing the Representatives on the House Rules Committee, the GOP challenging McCarthy want to change the rules for bringing legislation to the floor. Currently, the Rules Committee can push multi-thousand-page legislation to the floor and require an immediate "yes or no" vote without giving the representatives the opportunity to actuallyread the entirety of the bill let alone debate the bill itself and potential amendments. This, in addition to swamp Republicans who side with Democrat legislation (like McCarthy), is the reason why Congress has been able to push multi-trillion-dollar spending bills without giving dissenting Representatives the opportunity to read and debate the thousands of pages of legislation.

The anti-McCarthy GOP wants to change that. They want to revise the rules to require debate over legislation and amendments and discourage thousand-page bills that make it effectively impossible for dissenters to challenge. This would better ensure Congress is passing meaningful legislation that better reflects the will of the American people.

However, McCarthy has shown he is unwilling to budge on this potential concession. Why? Because he has benefited from the omnibus bills, hiding his pet projects alongside the other pet projects of other swamp politicians into the omnibus bills. These rules would make it very difficult for swamp politicians to push their agenda through omnibus bills—a concession McCarthy won't so easily give.

If Republicans don't deliver on their promises, why elect them in the first place?

Glenn asked Rep. Choy the question at the heart of the McCarthy debate: "If you guys don't have the freedom to investigate and teeth and the backbone to actually do things in the interest of all Americans, why did we vote for any Republicans?

This is what the anti-McCarthy Republicans are fighting for—the freedom and ability to do things in the interest of all Americans. If McCarthy is elected as House Speaker, it is very likely things will remain the status quo—and the American people demand better.


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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!