A thought for 2023.
More than ever before the world needs sensible, intelligent, rational leadership. That leader needs wisdom to guide decisions. Good and bad are absolutes, they will always be present, they will always be in conflict, there is no average between them that is acceptable. Good needs to be fought for, it is not automatic, and it isn't easily secured.
That leader needs to have effect, not necessarily from the USA, but that is the easiest route to effect because of it's power.
The most important leadership positions seem to be president and speaker, and if those two were the 'right stuff' simultaneously that would be huge. The USA has an amazing opportunity right now to bring that about, firstly with the speaker. What a pity Tulsi Gabbard is not a possibility for speaker, or is she?
Then follow that up with DeSantis in 2024 as president and you probably have the best shot at the goal.