Very good points about bullet technology/makeup being improved upon over time. I hear about this combined with better powders are making the old ‘06 better than ever.
In the US, a common theme I hear on calibers for the big brown bears on Kodiak is that you need to bring at least a .338 win mag…preferably a .375. However, Phil Shoemaker who has been guiding brown bear hunts for 30+ years is completely fine with and almost encourages his hunters bring an ‘06 with a good bullet. Not the same league as Ele or Cape Buffalo I know.
The magnum craze in the US is/was probably a real thing, especially before the advent of consumer grade laser range finders. God bless as everyone should be shooting what they want to shoot.
Do you think it’s possibly a magnum craze that took hold in Africa by the European colonies? Calibers like the .303 or 7x57 kill the animals dead but the big magnums kill them deader?