I know Jerry at South Shore Archery makes custom made bolts of heavy weight but they would probably nullify your warranty with Ravin if that is a concern. Which model of Ravin are you going to use? Also what kind of practice target are you using that can handle a 600g broadhead?I’m hunting with Wintershoek/Johnny Vivier Safaris. I’ve hunted with them a few times before and my brother has hunted with them for years-Great outfitters and guides. Johnny was awarded International PH of the year at last year’s SCI annual convention in Reno. I was supposed to hunt with them in Limpopo in August but had to postpone my trip to next summer due to a last minute work issue. Let me know what you think of my crossbow setup. Lots of information on traditional bow hunting set ups but with a 20” Ravin crossbow bolt that must be used to protect your warranty there is only 300 grains of weight. There are very few broadhead options out there above 300 grains and 600 grain total weight is too light according to Ashby and other experts. Thatbis why I jumped to the 600 grain Bishop broadhead for 900 grains of total weight. With the crossbow shooting the heavy arrow at 290 FPS I should have plenty of penetrations and potentially a total pass through. I was worried about accuracy with such a heavy broadhead but the Ravin is shooting extremely tight patterns.