Hello Mr. Ling ,
I'd like to set the record straight here once and for all. My hound teams successfully hunted 19 leopard in 2009 in Namibia. I was a South African service provider working for Namibian based outfitters under valid work visa. I was never directly employed to conduct any hunts exclusively for a South African based and licensed outfitter. Some of these outfitters may well have dual SA and Namibian outfitters licences however that is none of my business , and presuming that it may well be totally legal and that the business they conduct is legal - it should be no business of anyone else speculating and harassing them.
The figure of 19 leopard was my contribution to trade and industry / tourism in Namibia and my contribution to conservation in Namibia as most of those leopard my hounds hunted would have ended up costing the '' LAND OWNERS " a great amount of money in stock losses and in all likelihood without my personal influence would have been wasted ultimately by trapping or poisoning. Instead a Namibian outfitter ( in fact there were a number ) boosted with the absolute confidence in my service , could successfully book a foreign client to spend money in Namibia ( taxable ) , a landowner got paid to get rid of his problem ( actually ironic ) - normally if they have problems with anything else they pay dearly for a remedy.
What the Namibian outfitters who hired me did with their earnings derived from these hunts is none of my business. All I know is I was paid a small portion in comparison to the total and of that small portion I did earn, more than half was spent in Namibia on costs derived from working up there - and I was subject to taxation every time I paid for anything.
Who was this South African Outfitter for whom I worked that plundered YOUR / Namibian natural reserves to the tune of N$ 2, 28 million ?
Hell I deserve a complimentary citizenship for contributing to an income worth that annually with my hound teams !!
Why should I have to buy a farm in Namibia to be able to make a positive contribution to anything of value in commerce or conservation ?
Mr. Ling as I recall you were highly embarrassed when I graced you with my presence at the NAPHA offices in Namibia for the purposes of an enquiry into a supposed transgression. You made one telephone call and I was absolved of any guilt. The second allegation met with the same outcome. This to the unending frustration of many antagonists who still to this day can not deal with the fact that they were up against the best of the best.
When they failed to destroy me by concocting legal based allegations they chose to play foul.
The special general meeting held in 2009 to cast a vote on use of dogs for leopard hunting was very far from democratic as it never even closely represented all the stake holders in respect of Namibian stock farmers. Only NAPHA members were allowed to vote to decide the outcome. Of the total amount of private land owners / stock farmers in Namibia ( custodians to the leopard ) , how many are NAPHA members eligible to vote ? No this meeting was not democratic in the least as it was hardly representative of the entire spectrum of stakeholders - where were all the Namibian farmers accommodated in this decision making. It was nothing but an old boys club meeting casting a vote.
Mr. Ling if Namibian landowners were not trapping and offering the leopard for sale , no canned hunts could have taken place. That's simple enough to understand.
I bare no shame for my actions , in fact I am damn proud of what I achieved. I'm sorry it could not be controlled then. Seemingly without us SA cans up there causing you irritation , you are still struggling with your own countrymen.
I believe you may be suffering from a lack of control on a departmental level , but fear not we face similar concerns South of you.
And that's all I'm offering on what happened - its history. As long as it remains illegal it will be done illegally , same as gun ownership. And I do not by any means support those actions , that's why I have not set foot in Namibia since the end of the 2009 hunting season.
Kindest regards ,
Roy Sparks.