Friends, pursuant to the emails above about the spirit of the "Pay it forward free" threads, I'd like to recommend we create another thread. I'd call it "Covid rationing".
I don't want to give up anything I have in the rationing world of today where things are selling for 10x retail, but I would certainly swap to help out a friend. Example: Need 470 solids but you have 470 softs? Maybe somebody would swap. Have powder, need primers? Maybe I'd swap. The proposed thread isn't for any party to get ahead, but only to ensure that people get what they need at the expense of giving up some of what they have.
From what I gather, most everyone is like me at present. We are buying whatever we see whenever we see it. I was at Walmart last night and they had ONE box of .22lr ammo in the store and ONE box of 20 gauge shotgun shells. That was their entire assortment. I bought the box of .22lr just because, since I don't think I have any and yet I own 5-6 .22 rifles. At any rate, if someone desperately needed .22lr, I'd swap for something else, but I can't give away that which I just bought.
Does this sort of theme make sense? Is there interest in doing such a separate thread that isn't free, but just cooperative "war rationing" amongst neighbors?