Pay It Forward-Free

I would like to offer up 4 boxes of 404J bullets in return for the boots from Nathan.
2 boxes of TSX and 2 boxes of woodleigh. All are new unopened but I may open the boxes of woodleigh to pack with foam as they rattle around quite a bit.
I'm not asking for anything, just want to help out on here. I have access to some GREAT discounts through a government website. I can get up to 30% off different manufacturers.. Vortex, Leopold, and a variety of other manufacturers. The website doesn't have ALL products by all the manufacturers, but let me know what you're looking for and I'll see if it's on the site. Shoot me a PM and we can work out the details.
I'm not asking for anything, just want to help out on here. I have access to some GREAT discounts through a government website. I can get up to 30% off different manufacturers.. Vortex, Leopold, and a variety of other manufacturers. The website doesn't have ALL products by all the manufacturers, but let me know what you're looking for and I'll see if it's on the site. Shoot me a PM and we can work out the details.

That's a generous offer, @Ryeboy86 . Just an opinion, but most products sold at MSRP -30% are a terrible deal, more expensive than you can get them locally or on Amazon. The gems, the real steals out there for the 30% off discount are two brands: Swarovski and Leica. Those two brands have UMRP pricing everywhere and they pull your dealership if you discount. You're unlikely to ever find a "Deal" on them. So in short, a discount on Leica and Swaro is truly a real discount above and beyond what Joe sixpack can find on the net or use a coupon for further discounts.
Echoing a similar offer to @Ryeboy86 , if any of you reading this want 30% off Leica or hundreds of other brands (not all are a good value at 30% off) I'm a member of Guidefitter and Expert Voice.

To join, you need to meet the following qualifications, any of them:

-You're a licensed guide and can prove it.
-You own a sporting goods business.
-You work for a sporting goods large retailer or manufacturer
-You are a hunter safety educator in a State or Provence.
-You are an NRA instructor.

The process if that applies to you. Send me a PM of your name and email. I upload your info to those platforms to create a referral. You create your account, you upload proof of one of the categories above, you gain access to most major brands. (and again, most of it is a terrible deal, only buy the products that are price fixed luxury goods with your discounts...Jeff Bezos sells most of the stuff for less)
While we are talking about discounts, several outdoor equipment manufacturers support the hunting/fishing sports (although some are very quiet about so as to not make waves with the animal rights groups). these groups see the value in supporting the future of hunting to the extent tht they give discounts of 50-55% off of MSRP for sales to Active State Certified Hunter Education Instructors. There are limits to what an instructor may purchase at discount- the idea is tht it is for personal use and not a means of obtaining for resale. For example Leupold gives a 50% discount on all optics, one purchase per year and not to be resold. through the program an instructor can purchase a scope that retails for $1400 for $700, which is better than any of the prices I've seen by discounters. So become a hunter education instructor- the discount is only a small part of the rewards you will enjoy- other than the pushy parents- but that's another story.
Here's an example of what I can get off the website. They could be horrible deals.. LOL..

Yeah, that's the for example of how you have to be careful. MSRPs are not real. Real MSRP for say a vortex viper HD 10x50 is $549 at all the usual stores. (the 33% off on GovX is based on fantasy MSRP, real GovX price is $499 plus shipping). So apart from any special sales, you could go to never-known-to-be-great-prices optics planet and buy it for $549, using a 10% off coupon that is always active, plus free shipping, and be a few bucks under GovX with no special effort. On sale days, you might beat GovX by 20% or more on those types of product lines.

But GovX can be amazing with price-fixed goods. Leica, Swarovski, S&B, Zeiss, Nightforce, there are many optics firms that give no mercy, no quarter, no discounts. Saving $1500 on a Leica $4800 spotting scope that you cannot buy anywhere retail for a penny less than $4800 is a helluva deal.
Yeah, that's the for example of how you have to be careful. MSRPs are not real. Real MSRP for say a vortex viper HD 10x50 is $549 at all the usual stores. (the 33% off on GovX is based on fantasy MSRP, real GovX price is $499 plus shipping). So apart from any special sales, you could go to never-known-to-be-great-prices optics planet and buy it for $549, using a 10% off coupon that is always active, plus free shipping, and be a few bucks under GovX with no special effort. On sale days, you might beat GovX by 20% or more on those types of product lines.

But GovX can be amazing with price-fixed goods. Leica, Swarovski, S&B, Zeiss, Nightforce, there are many optics firms that give no mercy, no quarter, no discounts. Saving $1500 on a Leica $4800 spotting scope that you cannot buy anywhere retail for a penny less than $4800 is a helluva deal.
I haven't seen them carry those high end optics.. But yeah, I feel like the guy's who decide the MSRP and discount rate must be smoking the good stuff.. LOL
Hmmm…everyone sees me walk in the door and the prices all go up! They tell me it’s just inflation. I must be doing something wrong?:cry::LOL:
Back to Pay it Forward Free, I'm offering two boxes 50 each of .375" bullets. Nosler 300 gr Accubond boat tails and Hornady DGS Solids. they are factory seconds due to missing the weight. I weighed them, the Noslers were 299.0 to 299.9 gr, most about .5 gr short of the 300 while the Hornadys were heavier, all being 300.5 to 301.0 gr. I have used Nosler factory seconds for years and see no difference in their performance. If interested, respond and I'll pay the postage, though not sure what it would be to cross an ocean- may have to negotiate that.
I’ll take those .375 bullets @Ray B if they’re still available.

Give me until this evening and I’ll dig through the safe and the bench and see what I’ve got to put up for PIF-F
:cry: As usual, late.

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