A few data points...
Just a few considerations,
poor English man.
1) Magnification
There is no point whatsoever in putting 8x magnification on a .416 (or any DG rifle for that matter). You will use 3x or 4x in an initial shot, and 1x in a follow up.
What is important here is to have a scope that goes down to 1x, so that you can shoot quickly with both eyes open in a follow up. The upper end used to be 4x, and this was plenty enough, until the recent inflationary trend on magnification. It seems difficult to find a 1x to 4x nowadays, so 1x to 6x is probably the most useful range. Additional money on 1x to 8x is objectively wasted money.
Besides, since DG straight tube scopes generally have a 24 mm objective, using 8x on these only produces a 3 mm light beam to the eye, which at dawn and dusk dilated up to 7 mm. Ideal light transmission in these conditions dictates cranking down magnification to 3x...
A lighted reticle can be useful, although you are unlikely to use a .416 in a leopard blind...
My best recommendation would be a used Zeiss V4 1-4x24 illuminated. They are floating around, generally for less than $1,000...
View attachment 664478
If possible, get one without the "tacti-cool" reticle and external ballistic turret meants for 5.56 AR 15. The plain hunting reticle and protected elevation turret is much more adapted to DG...
2) Mounting scopes on the CZ 550
If you opt for a scope with an objective bell, I would suggest you take a pick at this post regarding the scope length limitations...
Copy/paste from another thread:
The topic has been beaten to death, many times over I would add, but repetition is in the nature of the blogging beast, and you deserve just as much a quality answer as the legions of first-time safari goers who have asked the same question before you...
Also, a few one-sentence bullets could capture it all, and these would be enough for those who know both sides of the various arguments inside and out, but people who actually ask for insights generally tend to want...
3) Talley vs. Warnes on the CZ 550
Also look in the above link at the section re. Talley vs. Warnes, the Warnes has the inconvenient of overhanging slightly over the action and can be in the way when reloading quickly...
4) Quick detach levers position
To each their own, but I had initially installed the levers on the left side of my CZ550s so that they would not be over the loading port, by I ended changing them because I carry the rifle on the left shoulder, under the arm, and they were definitely digging in my side. I have found no issue having them on the right side.