Texans, Please allow me, to assist your efforts in translating your directions to Californians, New Yorkers, and other snowflakes of other American states:
For all those on the sunrise side of the Rockie Mountains, those are the great big hilly things you must go over, preferably during the extreme cold and snowy months of winter.
Should you survive, and cross these big hilly things, look for the sign that reads Welcome To California, or just ask someone if you are now in California. For those whom actually mistakenly arrive in the states of Oregon or Washington you can take the short cut to Texas.
Regardless whether you ended up in California or Oregon or Washington State, proceed to the Pacific Coast line, that is the beach area of a great big lake and get directions to the nearest international port, marina for very big boats, great big yachts.
Upon arrival at the nearest international port/very big marina look for big, very big boats, flying a solid red flag, kinda looks like the American flag but solid red, with two goldish/yellowish emblems on it. These emblems are referred to as a cycle and hammer or a curving thingy and funny looking "T" thingy.
You may or may not be openly welcomed aboard, that is allow on the very big boat. Dont fret/worry, just go ahead and insist your will and get on the very big boat.
After several days and nights crossing this very big lake you will arrive in a Texas port.
Since Texans have somewhat of a language all their own, you may not readily understand them. Just proceed onto land and continue your trip further inland. You are sure to find a piece of land you like where you can build your new home.
Of course there are the odd chances your very big boat could arrive in North(ern)(Okla)Korea or (Arkan)China. These two places also have great opportunities for those of the snowflake mind set from: California, New York, and other snowflake states.
Texans, please rate my translation, so I may better my translation skills to provide better and more precise directions to Texas to those of the snowflake mentality wishing to transgress themselves upon the people of Texas.