Anyone, aaahh, better refer this to or former military personnel ever get oil inside the speedometer of an M151A1 Jeep?
It's mind boggling impossible, Yet I can say I have! 3x.
For those unfamiliar with military regulations and/or the M151A1 "Jeep", it's not really a Jeep "jeep" it's a parts are parts AMC "jeep".
And for those unfamiliar with mechanics out there....There Ain't No Way In He'll possible to get oil into a speedometer. Yet I again, I accomplished the Impossible by doing this 3x. I got chewed out by the Motor Sargeant the first time, the second and third time he learnt, to always keep at least one spare speedometer on hand just for me.
"We had, "UnAuthorized", "Authorized, UnAuthorized", "Special Privileges", So the Motor Sargeant, was relatively and ultimately prepared for whenever we withdrew and returned a tactical vehicle.
FYI M151's, By U.S.Army Regulations, "...Are not to Exceed 35mph..." !!!
The Whole Speedometer, ......and maybe or maybe not,...I can neither Confirm nor Deny....,that perhaps the speedometer on the M151 goes beyond 45 almost to all the way back around to zero, with the pedal to the floor.