on a lighter note...

The New Jersey ones aren't too friendly either. What the lack in puncturing ability, they make up in numbers. At the beach in the summer, between the greenheads, horseflies and mosquitoes, it's best to get a blood transfusion before donning your bathing suit.
The New Jersey ones aren't too friendly either. What the lack in puncturing ability, they make up in numbers. At the beach in the summer, between the greenheads, horseflies and mosquitoes, it's best to get a blood transfusion before donning your bathing suit.
Are green heads deer flies? Those things are as brutal as any Tsetse fly! I. heard they stopped some outside construction projects cold, and I for one believe it.
The New Jersey ones aren't too friendly either. What the lack in puncturing ability, they make up in numbers. At the beach in the summer, between the greenheads, horseflies and mosquitoes, it's best to get a blood transfusion before donning your bathing suit.
Sounds just like Maine in late May and early June. Damned black flies and horseflies will lug you off if you're not hanging onto something.

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