@Just Gina. I hope you like this story. I was born in Nicaragua, and my grandpa had 3 farms, one of the farms had a huge volcano on the back side that had erupted (more like blew up) in the late 1800s. There was actually about 1/3 of the volcano left, and the farmers planted some coffee shrubs on the skirts of this volcano in the shades of these gigantic trees called Guanacaste trees. I remember as a kid helping out the farmers by picking up the red berries. One in the sack, and one in my mouth, was my way of working. LOL!!!!
The head farmer's wife would dry the beans in the sun, then she would roast the coffee beans over an open fire, and then grind them by hand. Once the coffee was ready, she had this old metal can that she used to boil water. When the water was boiling, she would use her hand and pour coffee into this can and watch the color of the coffee. Once she was satisfied, she would let it boil and then serve it. She used a cheese cloth to filter the coffee grains. No sugar, no milk, nothing, straight black coffee. In my humble opinion, this was the best tasting coffee I've tried in my life, just amazing! Oh, and I was not even a teenager. LOL!!!!
After almost 30 years from not setting foot there, I finally went back, and the funny thing happened when I stepped off the airplane. The first thing that came into my mind was the aroma of that coffee. It was funny and laughed about it. I told my mom what had happened and couldn't believe how your mind played tricks like that. No, I did not have a great cup of coffee like that when I was there.